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bemani 2006-01-21 12:23 AM

My PS2 is Japanese, so I have to buy JDM games.

M3n2c3 2006-01-21 12:40 AM

It's funny to see people refer to Japanese software as "JDM." :lol:

doubleurx 2006-01-21 08:22 PM

I stil haven't tried yet. Maybe tomorrow.

sperry 2006-01-22 04:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, new low time! :)

1'13.802... it's actually a pretty messy lap, as I miss nearly all the apexes, but that car is so damn twitchy that it's tough to really use all the track... if you hit the curb wrong, or touch the grass, it's spin-cycle time! :eek: I think there's at least two more seconds in the car, but I'm so inconsistant, I don't think I'll be able to go much faster than this unless I get plain old lucky.

Here's the in-car from my lap:

bemani 2006-01-22 05:57 PM

I can squeeze another tenth or so ... don't think I can get much more than that.

sp00ln 2006-01-22 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by bemani
My PS2 is Japanese, so I have to buy JDM games.

How do you get all the setups right? Can you read/speak Japanese?

bemani 2006-01-22 10:25 PM

Of course, it wouldn't make sense to be illiterate in Japanese and buy a Japanese PS2 :D

cody 2006-01-23 12:25 AM

Finally got a chance to try this tonight. I'm liking this car.

sp00ln 2006-01-23 12:27 AM

Sugoi ne...

sperry 2006-01-23 01:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
bemani... you're gonna hate me.

...if I could just string together all my best splits, I'd have a 1'12 easy... that car is just so inconsistant at the limit! :mad:

bemani 2006-01-23 01:54 AM

Doh now I got to find time during the week to play again.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-23 10:06 AM

I just get frustrated and give up. I think I start pushing the car too hard and I end up having lap destroying screw ups. My lowest is like a 1 14.2xx.

cody 2006-01-23 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
I just get frustrated and give up. I think I start pushing the car too hard and I end up having lap destroying screw ups. My lowest is like a 1 14.2xx.

Don't get too frustrated. I finally got around to running 20 or so laps last night and didn't see anything better than 1:20. I love the car's not completely unmanagable.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-23 10:16 AM

I can't get certain corners down consistently. If I don't hit the first couple chicanes/s-turns whatever perfect, my whole lap is slower. So that is frustrating, getting the first 5 or 6 turns down is a bitch. The other place I have problems is the left and right hand sweeper combo before the 2nd to last hairpin. I always just seem to give the car too much power and go into the grass when I exit the corner. The car holds it fine until the very end it seems like, then it just drifts to the outside and I slide away. Has it been 7 days yet?

sperry 2006-01-23 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
I just get frustrated and give up. I think I start pushing the car too hard and I end up having lap destroying screw ups. My lowest is like a 1 14.2xx.

I know the feeling. I can run consistent 1'14.5's all day long, but eeking out that extra second takes plain old luck. At the limit, that car is *very* unconsistant. Probably has to do with the MR layout and short wheelbase... which is why it's a rally car, and not a road racer. In fact, my fastest lap required me to drift the second of the left-right sweepers. :lol:

Anyone that's into the 1'15's consistantly is doing pretty good IMO, this is a very difficult car.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-23 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by sperry
I know the feeling. I can run consistent 1'14.5's all day long, but eeking out that extra second takes plain old luck. At the limit, that car is *very* inconsistant. Probably has to do with the MR layout and short wheelbase... which is why it's a rally car, and not a road racer. In fact, my fastest lap required me to drift the second of the left-right sweepers. :lol:

Anyone that's into the 1'15's consistantly is doing pretty good IMO, this is a very difficult car.

*fixed it for you. I like the fact that it is difficult sometimes because I like learning how different cars drive, but at the limit the car is super inconsistent, I thought it was just me. Scott how big of a difference do you notice between a controller and a wheel?

sperry 2006-01-23 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
*fixed it for you. I like the fact that it is difficult sometimes because I like learning how different cars drive, but at the limit the car is super inconsistent, I thought it was just me. Scott how big of a difference do you notice between a controller and a wheel?

Oops... how about nonconsistant? Naryconsistant? :lol:

I haven't used a controller for GT in years... I just can't do it because I'm a huge left foot braker, and I need an analog throttle/brake control... two things that are mutually exclusive on the dualshock. :( If the PS2 had analog triggers like the XBox controller, I'd probably give it a shot, but as it's designed now, I feel like I'm just wasting my time playing with the controller.

Back to the inconsistancy of the car. My big problem is the cars unpredictable reaction to the curbs and grass. Sometimes you can easily cut over the curbs in the esses and get a great run down the straight, other times the car snap-spins into the wall... it's really frustrating. Also, sometimes the car will drift smoothly and explode out of a corner, and other times it boggs when you countersteer totally owning your straightaway speed after the drift. :(

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-23 10:48 AM

Well the Dualshocks are analog, but only to a certain extent. I can control the gas with the amount of pressure I apply to the buttons, but I can only be so accurate. But for $30 it does pretty good. All those reasons you listed for why the car is inconsistent apply for me too, but I just thought I was retarded because I couldn't learn how to drive. Glad to know I'm not (well with this at least).

Double Phister 2006-01-23 11:32 AM

It takes a bit to get the feel of using teh analog portions of the DS2 buttons. But it is doable. R3,L3, START, and SELECT are the only buttons that aren't analog.

sperry 2006-01-23 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by R4ND0M_AX3
It takes a bit to get the feel of using teh analog portions of the DS2 buttons. But it is doable. R3,L3, START, and SELECT are the only buttons that aren't analog.

There is no way the 6 or so steps on the "analog" buttons can match the 1000 or so steps on my pedals. Just for example, can you hold say 3400 rpm at the start of a race w/ the analog buttons? How about rev the car between 3000 and 4000 smoothly?

Sure those buttons are pressure sensative, but they're nowhere close enough to what I'm used to with the pedals to allow my driving style to come over to the dual shock.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-23 12:34 PM

Hence your faster lap times!

bemani 2006-01-23 12:49 PM

The whole point of the dual shock is so you can use the stick for accel and brake. The only advantage I see with the DFP is the LFB, but you don't absolutely need that to drive fast.

Double Phister 2006-01-23 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
There is no way the 6 or so steps on the "analog" buttons can match the 1000 or so steps on my pedals. Just for example, can you hold say 3400 rpm at the start of a race w/ the analog buttons? How about rev the car between 3000 and 4000 smoothly?

Will I get mad props y0! if I do it? (not the airplane on treadmill type of props)


Originally Posted by sperry
Sure those buttons are pressure sensative, but they're nowhere close enough to what I'm used to with the pedals to allow my driving style to come over to the dual shock.

My biggest gripe about the wheel is the pedals. I like your PC setup with the pedals hanging down.

sperry 2006-01-23 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by R4ND0M_AX3
Will I get mad props y0! if I do it? (not the airplane on treadmill type of props)

My biggest gripe about the wheel is the pedals. I like your PC setup with the pedals hanging down.

Some people are okay with the analog buttons on the DS. I'm not one of 'em. I've been driving with a wheel for so long (like 9 years now), everything else feels foreign.

Logitech's newer wheels come with pretty decent pedals. Their older hardware came with what was basically a box with a gas button and brake button on it for your feet. I actually rewired a set of thrustmaster pedals to work with my 1st logitech wheel on the PC. But the driving force series of wheels for the PS2 are good, you just have to make sure they're up against something solid so they don't slide away from you while driving.

bxracer69 2006-01-23 02:52 PM

i gotta get a wheel

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