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MikeK 2010-05-06 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by A1337STI (Post 148788)
Makes me think of going back to smoking after 10 years.

They're talking about tobacco.

sperry 2010-05-06 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK (Post 148791)
They're talking about tobacco.

So is Alex... he said "going back to smoking". :lol:

A1337STI 2010-05-06 01:40 PM

erf. ya!

Nick Koan 2010-05-09 06:34 AM

Peter Windsor > Will Buxton

sperry 2010-05-09 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 148857)
Peter Windsor > Will Buxton

Actually, I was just thinking during qualifying coverage how much Buxton doesn't suck. Windsor's shoes are impossible to fill, but the new guy isn't horrible. Much better than the Gillet guy they had for the first 2 rounds.

MattR 2010-05-09 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 148875)
Actually, I was just thinking during qualifying coverage how much Buxton doesn't suck. Windsor's shoes are impossible to fill, but the new guy isn't horrible. Much better than the Gillet guy they had for the first 2 rounds.

Yeah, that Westbury Gillett guy was the worst...I think I can get used to Will Buxton. I think he used to do BTCC stuff, I don't know for sure. Anyway, I miss Peter W, but he won't be back.

also, Buxton has a nice haircut.

Nick Koan 2010-05-09 09:14 PM

Oh, Westbury Gillet is who I was remembering as being terrible. I kinda tuned out after a while thinking Buxton was the same dude. I guess I'll have to give him another shot next race.

Bob Danger 2010-05-16 11:17 AM

Will the Speed channel air Monaco again?

MattR 2010-05-16 03:34 PM

I don't see a re-air scheduled on

sperry 2010-05-17 08:28 AM

Thought's on Schumacher's pass:

I was actually wondering if something like this was going to happen because I saw the "SC in this lap" graphic on the screen during the last lap and thought "does this mean they get to race from pit-in to the s/f line!?!" Apparently not, but if that's the case, why did they wave green flags as the SC came in? I understand the SC is supposed to pit to allow the cars to parade across the line (I guess just for the photo ops?) if they're finishing under caution, but doesn't that pretty explicitly imply there should have been yellow flags waving?

Frankly, I think MSC has a pretty good argument. But I'm sure the FIA will ignore his protest, then quietly revise their confusing rules to prevent this in the future. Really the fair solution is to deny MSC his pass and just set the finishing order as it was just prior to the SC pulling into the pits. A 20s penalty is dumb when the reason for the "pass under the SC" was because the SC rules aren't rigorously defined.

Nick Koan 2010-05-17 08:34 AM

At first I thought you couldn't pass until start/finish, but as someone pointed out on another forum to me, this year they changed the regs. As soon as the car comes in, they can pass. Except in the case that its the last lap and the race is finishing under the safety car.

So, I went from thinking MSC was a dumbass, but now I'm starting to see his argument (especially if they were waving the green flags). I doubt Mercedes will even get an appeal though, let alone win it. Its being scored as a post-race drive through penalty, which is always a 20 sec penalty, and which usually doesn't even see a day in court.

sperry 2010-05-17 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 149094)
At first I thought you couldn't pass until start/finish, but as someone pointed out on another forum to me, this year they changed the regs. As soon as the car comes in, they can pass. Except in the case that its the last lap and the race is finishing under the safety car.

So, I went from thinking MSC was a dumbass, but now I'm starting to see his argument (especially if they were waving the green flags). I doubt Mercedes will even get an appeal though, let alone win it. Its being scored as a post-race drive through penalty, which is always a 20 sec penalty, and which usually doesn't even see a day in court.

Yeah. I just read at the bottom of that article I linked: they can appeal the ruling, but not the penalty ('cause yeah, that makes sense).

But the most important thing in what you just pointed out is that "the race is finishing under the safety car". That race didn't finish under the safety car... there was a notification that the safety car was coming in, and green flags waved.

FIA really needs to clarify the difference between bringing in the SC with 0 to go, and having it pull out of the way for a photo-op as the finish under caution. Maybe the SC could pull off to the side but stay on track and wave everyone by to the finish line. Or they could stop being retarded and actually finish behind the SC and end all the confusion.

skimonkey30 2010-05-17 07:26 PM

Safety car goes in, green flags waved, penalty should be reversed.

End of story.

Nick Koan 2010-05-18 06:28 AM

Mercedes has dropped the appeal.

sperry 2010-05-20 08:52 AM

Ugh. I hate this nonsense:

Really, if the FIA is going to amend the rule, they should also give back Schumacher's finish less the one position he wasn't supposed to have taken.

sperry 2010-05-24 08:41 AM

Poor Sato... still can't keep the car in one piece.

But seriously, I hope he's okay and makes the grid for the 500. I'd really like to see him do well at the race.

sperry 2010-05-25 10:52 AM

F1, in Texas? From 2012 to 2021!?!

I think I'll just go back to Montreal.

MattR 2010-05-25 12:51 PM

I'm surprised by this, but it makes a lot of sense, and they found a group to build a track from scratch, in close proximity to transportation and accomodations...Overall, good plan...I'm excited to see the result.

sperry 2010-05-25 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by MattR (Post 149240)
I'm surprised by this, but it makes a lot of sense, and they found a group to build a track from scratch, in close proximity to transportation and accomodations...Overall, good plan...I'm excited to see the result.

I agree it's the right plan. They just picked the wrong location. A purpose built facility in Vegas makes way more sense to me.

MattR 2010-05-25 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 149241)
I agree it's the right plan. They just picked the wrong location. A purpose built facility in Vegas makes way more sense to me.

I agree somewhat, but a track in Vegas is not very appealing from about June through September due to the heat, other than that, yeah, it's set up to handle a TON of visitors.

sperry 2010-05-25 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by MattR (Post 149246)
I agree somewhat, but a track in Vegas is not very appealing from about June through September due to the heat, other than that, yeah, it's set up to handle a TON of visitors.

Actually, doing an October Vegas race just before heading down to Brazil would have been sweet.

Nick Koan 2010-05-25 04:23 PM

Austin is supposed to be pretty sweet. It's the most non-Texas part of Texas.

skimonkey30 2010-05-25 08:22 PM

I will be there in 2012

sperry 2010-05-26 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by skimonkey30 (Post 149267)
I will be there in 2012

The track better be Abu Dhabi level amazing. Otherwise I'd rather go back to Montreal. Then again, I think I'm going to try to go to Montreal in 2011... so Austin may be up after that.

Then again, I'm sure there's loopholes large enough to drive a truck through for Bernie to cancel this deal. Anyone else remember the 10 year deal signed for Donnington Park? That was just leverage to get Silverstone to upgrade. Maybe Austin is just a means to trigger a massive rework of Watkins Glen or even Indy?

Nick Koan 2010-05-26 09:12 AM

I've been hearing some speculation that its a jab at Indy. Either to motivate, or to frustrate. Especially since it was announced the week running up to the Indy 500.

Another interesting thing, is that since this will be a back-to-back with Montreal, it'll likely be in June. Texas Speedway has IRL/NASCAR on June 4-5, so Bernie may be really trying to irk George.

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