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M3n2c3 2007-06-01 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 98928)
I'm willing to bet it's not as good as rFactor or GTR2 in the physics department. At least if it's at all like Forza 1, which wasn't even on par w/ GT4 IMO... at least I played Forza 1 for a few minutes, then got all pissed of at how bad it was and went back to GT4 and have yet to go back to Forza.

Same here. I didn't really care for the first Forza over GT4 either, but 2 is a real improvement. I know that "rendering physics at 360fps" is the buzz-phrase that they're using to advertise, but it really does make a difference.

GT4 always seemed a little too "mathematical" to me, in that as long as you had a good car setup and took the right line, things like road surface, elevation changes, and car balance (weight transfer, etc.) never really seemed to have a big impact. I've never driven the corkscrew at Laguna Seca, but I have seen in-car footage, and GT4 never really seemed to recreate the drop very well. Forza 2 is simply able to calculate more of the variables that go in to car handling, and I think it ends up feeling more realistic as a result.

Basing the game vs. my own (admittedly limited) experience, my STi in-game handles the way I expect it to - which is to say, similar to my own RS (no flames, please :lol: ). The expected nuances of driving an AWD vehicle are all there, and enhanced vs. a game like GT4 due to the way the game handles the sprung mass of the car over independent drive wheels and suspension on the road surfaces. The car just feels more recognizable and dynamic than it does in GT4, where it would feel more or less stapled to the road. In fact, my first verbalized comment on the Forza 2 demo as I was part-way around the track in the Legacy GT, understeering like mad on stock suspension, alignment, and tires, was something along the lines of, "christ, it's just like driving my own car stock."

I suppose it's like when artists find that in order to make drawn, painted, or CG eyes look lifelike, they have to add the reflection. No matter how well they are created, eyes with no reflection look lifeless. When I compare GT4 with Forza 2, GT4 just seems to be missing the reflection. :nerd:

Double Phister 2007-06-01 11:27 PM

I think the cars are too shiney and I did notice the lack of anti-aliasing (only on the cars).

I haven't played it. Or even seen it in person so it may look different while in motion.

Jesubi11 2007-06-01 11:37 PM

It needs more cars, if I can't race a prius then whats the point!

M3n2c3 2007-06-03 10:16 PM

Yeah, I wouldn't mind having an RS to swap like in the first.

So I have a few little nit-picks now, most relating to upgrades. . .

1) Apparently Prodrive does not exist in the world of Forza. No wheels, exhaust, suspension, anything. Granted, most of Prodrive's branded items are manufactured by other companies such as OZ and Bilstein (both of which are in the game), but if the product was made to Prodrive specs, it's not included. For example, you can find Prodrive's wheels in GT4 by looking under the name of the company they were actually manufactured by. Not so in Forza 2. I don't even get a Prodrive decal. :(

2) Many of the upgrades, while more in-depth than in GT4, come off feeling a little generic when you are familiar with your car. The only suspension upgrades for an STi are made by Tein. The only engine management available is made by AEM ( :?: ). Your exhaust, whether a simple catback or full race, is made by HKS. And a few of the names with which I see myself upgrading my car I would generally not choose to use in real life. I know it would require an incredible amount of research (and that licensing also comes in to play here), but someday I'd like to see a racing game where you have to weigh the pros and cons of going with a set of Tein coilovers vs. DMS or Ohlins.

Furthermore, the results of some upgrades are too generic. For example, intake and exhaust upgrades net you a simple top end gain rather than altering your powerband or losing you low-end torque.

I'm sure all the kids who fancy themselves street racers are having the time of their lives seeing brands they know in the game, but I would like some more realism off the virtual track as well as on.

3) Tire sizes are too limited. I have the choice to change the tire profile on my STi from 225/45-17 to 235/45-17. This hurts my acceleration a smidge. Why am I not allowed 235/40-17? Granted, this is a feature that GT4 did not have at all, but still. . .

4) I cannot install a FMIC on my STi, therefore there are no aftermarket STi hoods. Furthermore, the only aftermarket wing available so far is a GT4-lookalike aluminum staple-on. And most of the body kits are crazy ugly. So I can paint my car crazy colors but in the long run it's just gonna be another STi with a Chargespeed body kit.

5) You're not allowed to change your alignment at all until you have the final, fully-adjustable coilover upgrade. Bitch, I have basic springs on my real car and was able to get myself a better alignment than you're giving me! Don't tell me I'm stuck with stock camber! :lol:

I think what I need is for someone to make an Impreza simulator. :D

sperry 2007-06-04 08:34 AM

I already have a 100% realistic Impreza simulator in my garage. What I want is a game where I can drive other cars and trust it's realistic.

MikeK 2007-06-04 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by M3n2c3 (Post 98968)
I think what I need is for someone to make an Impreza simulator. :D

Take your wallet and set it on fire. When it finishes burning, gather up the ashes and flush them down the toilet. Congratulations on your new impreza simulator!

sperry 2007-06-04 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by MikeK (Post 98973)
Take your wallet and set it on fire. When it finishes burning, gather up the ashes and flush them down the toilet. Congratulations on your new impreza simulator!

I'm gonna open an amusement park ride that does that. It'll be called the "sperry experience".

JonnydaJibba 2007-06-04 10:20 AM

Welp, I'm super happy that the shitass AI from the first Forza remains. It's like I'm not even there, the AI cars just stick to their exact line and if you are in their way, too bad!


Nick Koan 2007-06-04 10:22 AM

Rubbins Racing boy.

M3n2c3 2007-06-04 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by MikeK (Post 98973)
Take your wallet and set it on fire. When it finishes burning, gather up the ashes and flush them down the toilet. Congratulations on your new impreza simulator!

See, Forza doesn't even have a virtual wallet. :mad: That's what I want. I want all that in a game.


cody 2007-06-04 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK (Post 98973)
Take your wallet and set it on fire. When it finishes burning, gather up the ashes and flush them down the toilet. Congratulations on your new impreza simulator!

:idea: :lol:

Bob Danger 2007-06-04 07:59 PM

I got to level 10 in Forza 2 then got bored with it, I'm just not into video games anymore.

Jesubi11 2007-06-04 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Danger (Post 99002)
I got to level 10 in Forza 2 then got bored with it, I'm just not into video games anymore.

agreed :P

M3n2c3 2007-06-04 09:15 PM

I spent an hour screwing around with decals and rims. I'm such a ricer.

JonnydaJibba 2007-06-05 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by M3n2c3 (Post 99006)
I spent an hour screwing around with decals and rims. I'm such a ricer.

Dude wheels are the first thing I do to my cars usually. It's a game who cares!

Also, I'm seeing what you mean by the menus. They aren't very user friendly. I was also hoping the decals would have a better interface. Being able to group letters together to form a word so you could move that all at once would be nice. Applying designs is still VERY time consuming.

Nick Koan 2007-06-05 09:57 AM

Ooh, the Fallout 3 trailer came out today. But, we've still got a long way to go. Fall 2008 release date.

Full definition trailer:

Low-res youtube style trailer:

JonnydaJibba 2007-06-05 02:55 PM

I have a hard time "feeling" what the cars are doing when I "race" them in the game. And because of that I have a hard time adjusting the suspension accordingly. Using a controller and thumbsticks doesn't exactly yield the most fluid movements so I don't know if it's me fucking up a corner or the suspension being too hard/soft.

M3n2c3 2007-06-05 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba (Post 99015)
Dude wheels are the first thing I do to my cars usually. It's a game who cares!

Also, I'm seeing what you mean by the menus. They aren't very user friendly. I was also hoping the decals would have a better interface. Being able to group letters together to form a word so you could move that all at once would be nice. Applying designs is still VERY time consuming.

You can group layers together by holding down the thumbstick for the advanced menu and selecting the ones you want to group. :P

Tomb Raider Anniversary is out tomorrow. I'm probably alone in my anticipation of replaying the original TR on the Legend engine. . . :oops:

JonnydaJibba 2007-06-06 07:30 AM


M3n2c3 2007-06-06 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba (Post 99061)

@ layer grouping or tomb raider :?:

JonnydaJibba 2007-06-07 09:03 AM

Layer grouping. What's funny is all you have to do is press A and I never even READ the text next to that until you said that. Yeah I'm dumb.

BUT I played it on a 62" HD last night and it looked 1000 times better than my stupid CRT. Yes I know that's obvious, but the difference between the two on this game is much larger than other games.

JonnydaJibba 2007-06-20 10:44 AM

Oh baby.

wrxkidid 2007-06-20 09:59 PM

johnnys a ricer. :D

with that said i really considered buying a 360 for forza 2 and halo 3 but i cant quite bring myself to do it becasue then i would have to buy a wheel as well :lol:

who wants to let me test it out? !Thumbs Up

JonnydaJibba 2007-06-21 07:01 AM

My RACEcar is rice!? =(

wrxkidid 2007-06-21 08:47 AM

just kidding johnny its pretty sweet actually.

whats the deal man i havent seen you in like 2 months?

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