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M3n2c3 2007-09-13 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by skimonkey30 (Post 105531)
Two weeks from the day I shipped out my old xbox360......

my new xbox360 is here! The letter that I got with it basically said "your old xbox was fucked so here is a new one" oh and for the trouble of being without a 360 for two weeks they included a one month free gold membership to xbox live! too bad I'm already a gold member :rolleyes:

You know, you can punch the code in and it will extend your existing account by one month. . .

Mmmm. . . tetris. . .

AtomicLabMonkey 2007-09-13 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 105575)
I knew what he was trying to say. conc jumping is just an aspect of that game. Its just like many car racing games, the NFS series has nitrous and you barely ever have to brake. Things like that determine a games difficulty and experience needed to play. It does not make it age specific. I mean how many people played tetris when that came out? Thats just stacking blocks so I guess it should have been in the toddler section.

Hey, I said whatever floats your boat. If you like games where you can launch yourself 1/4 mile across the map by detonating a high explosive warhead under your feet and touch down running with a minor scratch and a grin, more power to you. I don't. I like realism, and the more realistic it is the fewer kiddies are playing, in my experience.

BTW, the only "car racing games" I play are simulations with decent physics engines, like rFactor and GTR. If I feel like flying, I fire up a sim like LOMAC where you need to read through 20 pages of the manual just to figure out how to turn on the fire-control radar. That's just how I roll.

MikeK 2007-09-13 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey (Post 105588)
If I feel like flying, I fire up a sim like LOMAC where you need to read through 20 pages of the manual just to figure out how to turn on the fire-control radar. That's just how I roll.

After years of playing Falcon 4 I could never get into LOMAC. What is the current state of the game? Did the long promised dynamic campaign ever materialise?

AtomicLabMonkey 2007-09-13 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK (Post 105590)
After years of playing Falcon 4 I could never get into LOMAC. What is the current state of the game? Did the long promised dynamic campaign ever materialise?

Not as far as I know. They patched it to where it seems fairly stable after the obligatory buggy release though.

100_Percent_Juice 2007-09-13 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey (Post 105588)
BTW, the only "car racing games" I play are simulations with decent physics engines, like rFactor and GTR. If I feel like flying, I fire up a sim like LOMAC where you need to read through 20 pages of the manual just to figure out how to turn on the fire-control radar. That's just how I roll.

wow, whats next...

"I can't wait to try the yard work simulator" - simpsons

AtomicLabMonkey 2007-09-13 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 105601)
wow, whats next...

"I can't wait to try the yard work simulator" - simpsons

Is there some particular reason you can't accept that someone would prefer accurate simulations of the real world over cartoonish gameplay? Hell, I've always wanted to fly an F-15, but I don't think they're going to just hand me a flight suit & helmet if I drive out to Seymour Johnson AFB tomorrow and knock on the gate. A computer sim is the only way I can get a taste.

Or are you just being a piss-ant for the sake of being a piss-ant?

100_Percent_Juice 2007-09-13 09:14 PM

no im not being a piss-ant just to be a piss-ant.


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey (Post 105518)
Hell, I've always wanted to fly an F-15, but I don't think they're going to just hand me a flight suit & helmet if I drive out to Seymour Johnson AFB tomorrow and knock on the gate. A computer sim is the only way I can get a taste.


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey (Post 105518)
Whatever blows your whistle.

JonnydaJibba 2007-09-14 07:22 AM

Move along folks, there's nothing to see here.

MikeK 2007-09-14 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey (Post 105600)
Not as far as I know. They patched it to where it seems fairly stable after the obligatory buggy release though.

I did some searching, it seems they are working on a helicopter addon:

I found a couple of vids on youtube, this is one of the best:

It looks pretty impressive. I just hope they ditch starforce as the copy protection. I never got the first addon becasue I didn't want the starforce virus :(

AtomicLabMonkey 2007-09-14 09:21 AM

Umm.. holy shite. That video was awesome.

sperry 2007-09-14 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey (Post 105633)
Umm.. holy shite. That video was awesome.

+1 very impressive use of the TrackIR and mouse for an interactive 3D cockpit... being able to look around the HUD glass was really cool looking... then hitting the buttons w/ the mouse pointer and being able to zoom in on the displays... no more virtual cockpit overlays for stuff like radar screens, etc... pretty awesome.

...course I've been out of the flight sim stuff since Falcon 3, and even then I wasn't into quite that level of detail... I like the realistic flight, but not so much programming the fire control radar type stuff, and the getting shot by a SAM that I didn't even know was launched 'cause I don't know how to turn on the EWR. :lol:

AtomicLabMonkey 2007-09-14 12:28 PM

You just need a RIO.

"Cougar he's got missile lock on us, get away from this guy!!"

sperry 2007-09-14 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey (Post 105654)
You just need a RIO.

"Cougar he's got missile lock on us, get away from this guy!!"

"Any of you boys seen an aircraft carrier around here?"

van 2007-09-16 11:07 AM

free bmw m3 game for the computy

JonnydaJibba 2007-09-19 10:18 AM

FACK, I pre-ordered Halo 3. =(

MikeK 2007-09-19 10:31 AM

I played the TF2 beta for several hours last night, it is everything I remembered from TFC and more!

JonnydaJibba 2007-09-19 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by MikeK (Post 105978)
I played the TF2 beta for several hours last night, it is everything I remembered from TFC and more!

How does it look? From what I have seen it looks very cartoony, but in a cool way.

100_Percent_Juice 2007-09-19 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba (Post 105982)
How does it look? From what I have seen it looks very cartoony, but in a cool way.

yeah thats what I saw. Hopefully it isn't too "Roger Rabbit" while playing.

MikeK 2007-09-19 12:34 PM

They have definately gone for a very specific look, which you can see from all the vids floating around the intarwebs. I had to turn a lot of details down to get a smooth frame rate, so I am not really getting the full effect, but it the look works for me.

skimonkey30 2007-09-19 03:27 PM

I rented bioshock its a sweet game. I played last night for 5 hours

if halo 3 wasnt coming out next week I'd buy it

100_Percent_Juice 2007-09-19 04:28 PM

let me ask you then... were you saving or harvesting the little sisters?

JonnydaJibba 2007-09-20 10:48 AM

Both. =)

M3n2c3 2007-09-20 10:56 AM

Rescuing, because I'm not a punk. Also, the Hypnotize Big Daddy plasmid and other bonuses are pretty cool. :lol:

JonnydaJibba 2007-09-20 11:03 AM

Hey I had to see both endings somehow! I like the Cyclone Trap because you can spring one up right under Splicers and send em to high hell.

M3n2c3 2007-09-20 01:41 PM

Oh, I thought you meant you were doing both over the course of a single play-through. Cool. :P

I haven't actually finished the game yet. I got caught up in finishing more Oblivion misc-quests and Forza 2 events over the last few weeks. Plus there's that whole pesky looking for a job nonsense. :lol:

I am really pining for some HL2 Orange Box action. . . only three weeks left. . .

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