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sperry 2005-12-28 12:57 PM

Murphy's got the best pet. I've met that thing... it's not "medium sized". Unless you're still counting the dinosaurs in the sizing scale. That fucker is like 3 feet long! :lol: Oh and it hisses at anyone but Chris... fucking sweet. :lol:

sonicsuby 2005-12-28 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
Murphy's got the best pet.

Tiger heard that. He's going to make sure you get lots of love next time you're at my house, bastard. :mad:

sperry 2005-12-28 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by sonicsuby
Tiger heard that. He's going to make sure you get lots of love next time you're at my house, bastard. :mad:

Dude, don't you know your cat loves me more than you?

...that's how it works, pussy always loves the man that wants nothing to do with it and treats it poorly. CAPCE

Dean 2005-12-28 04:07 PM

If you scroll through this thread just above, I would swear the lizzard is going to have Ewok for dinner...

Libila 2005-12-28 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK
Textas + husky? That's gotta hurt. Do you have to cut its hair or something so that it doesn't overheat?

Yep, Chaz goes in for a bi-monthly fluff and cut. I even take her running with me sometimes when it's cool out.

sybir 2005-12-28 06:58 PM


Originally Posted by nKoan
Where is that cat looking?


Anchorman has consumed far too much of my external lexicon.

M3n2c3 2005-12-28 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
Unless you're still counting the dinosaurs in the sizing scale.

I'd make a crack about my age and dinosaurs, but it wouldn't count because you've got 10 months on me :lol:

My basis for comparison was something like a Komodo Dragon, but I suppose that's unfair to the "little" guy ;)

Kevin M 2005-12-28 11:53 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Jeez my camera sucks. Took me like 15 minutes to get 4 decent pics. Anyways, these are my rats- Petter, Mikko, and Jake, respectively, and one shot of them all just chillin.

qksubi 2005-12-29 01:25 AM

5 Attachment(s)
I think most everyone has seen him!

MikeK 2005-12-29 09:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Jeez my camera sucks. Took me like 15 minutes to get 4 decent pics. Anyways, these are my rats- Petter, Mikko, and Jake, respectively, and one shot of them all just chillin.


Nick Koan 2005-12-29 09:39 AM

Tyson sure is looking like a fearsome animal here

murphy 2005-12-29 10:15 AM

Kevin lets put my pet and your pet in the same room...CHOMP,CHOMP,CHOMP...hahahah just kidding..
Scott is was over a meter long when I let my friend take him. The pics that I posted was it comming to me by hand commands..I also was able to get him to eat mice from my hand. One snap and they were gone.

Kevin M 2005-12-29 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by murphy
Kevin lets put my pet and your pet in the same room...CHOMP,CHOMP,CHOMP...hahahah just kidding..
Scott is was over a meter long when I let my friend take him. The pics that I posted was it comming to me by hand commands..I also was able to get him to eat mice from my hand. One snap and they were gone.

I wonder if lizard tastes like chicken... ;)

ShawnS 2005-12-29 09:38 PM

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Originally Posted by nKoan
Tyson sure is looking like a fearsome animal here

Well my dog will eat your soul.

Joeyy 2005-12-29 11:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My other dog Afra "bad hair day"[IMG]

GST Mike 2005-12-31 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Joeyy
My other dog Afra "bad hair day"[IMG]

That picture looks like the dogs tail is plugged into the mains! :lol:

sonicsuby 2006-01-22 10:51 PM

Updated one of Sam. She was hiding *shhhh

MattR 2006-01-22 11:04 PM

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Oh no.

Joeyy 2006-01-23 09:19 AM

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Our little Georgia-

DZ 2006-01-24 04:47 PM

Desmond Lucifer Sam:







sperry 2006-01-24 04:57 PM

I hate cats... but a blue cat? That's kinda cool.

dknv 2006-01-24 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by DZ
Desmond Lucifer Sam:

Quite a menagerie!

Ezdno 2006-01-25 09:48 PM

You can see my varmits past and present.....

FIREX 2006-01-25 10:56 PM

2 Attachment(s)
My friends pet

FIREX 2006-01-25 11:50 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My critter "V"

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