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JonnydaJibba 2007-04-25 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Dre
Like Dub-C I'm rich rollin, pistol holdin
Pockets swoll nigga, that's how I'm rollin

wrxkidid 2007-04-25 01:55 PM

throw some D's on that bitch.

sperry 2007-04-25 01:56 PM

Without an AWD dyno, a tuner that knows what they're doing, licenses for all the major tuning software, a decent mechanic w/ fab experience, and a lift or two... I wouldn't call them a "performance shop". Anyone can sell parts, a real shop can build you what you need when the part doesn't exist, and a real good shop will already know what everything does from their own experience on the race track.

A wall of dubs sounds like they're just another "pimp my ride" shop, and certainly not a shop that "specializes in subarus", since there isn't a single Subaru made that you can cram 20's on w/o lifting it. Do they have TVs for my headrests too?

JonnydaJibba 2007-04-25 02:04 PM

Well, the OP did put performance in quotations.

Also, when I had gold rims, a cute young black child asked me "Eh yo are dose 20's?!" I just said yes and laughed. What a cutie.

wrxkidid 2007-04-25 02:06 PM


100_Percent_Juice 2007-04-25 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 96427)
A wall of dubs sounds like they're just another "pimp my ride" shop, and certainly not a shop that "specializes in subarus", since there isn't a single Subaru made that you can cram 20's on w/o lifting it. Do they have TVs for my headrests too?

Now Scott dont be silly. There is an entire hill of car audio in one corner of the store oozing LCD monitors.:liljon:

Bob Danger 2007-05-05 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba (Post 96428)
Also, when I had gold rims, a cute young black child asked me "Eh yo are dose 20's?!" I just said yes and laughed. What a cutie.

That's still not as good as that time we where in Tahoe and that kid asked you why your pants where so tight.

sperry 2007-05-06 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Danger (Post 97093)
That's still not as good as that time we where in Tahoe and that kid asked you why your pants where so tight.

"Um, I'm a fighter pilot. These are my G-suit pants. They squeeze my legs to keep blood in my head during high G-force maneuvers."

JonnydaJibba 2007-05-07 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 97104)
"Um, I'm a fighter pilot. These are my G-suit pants. They squeeze my legs to keep blood in my head during high G-force maneuvers."

:lol: :lol: And they were in highly stylish demin!

What was really funny about the whole thing, my pants weren't even tight really. But compared to the shit he was wearing, they were.

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