Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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-   -   Current Meet Location - Tamarack Junction - 6pm - 1st Thurs of each month (

wrxkidid 2007-11-29 05:34 PM

Ill bring my new ride since everyone is bringing something.

NevadaSTi 2007-12-03 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by ScottyS (Post 110810)
Base screws for Brian....check.

Oops. Didn't make it!

wrxkidid 2007-12-03 10:42 AM

Well there is another football game this thursday so maybe we think about moving it somewhere?

Forgotten 2007-12-06 12:13 AM

I think Bobby and I might go to Nu Yalk Pizza. Anyone else is welcome. You hear that Bobby? We're going.

Dean 2007-12-06 12:27 AM

I was thinking we should call Tamarack early in the afternoon to remind them we are coming. I can do it if that works for people.

zpeed 2007-12-06 06:57 AM

I'm going tonight..

MPREZIV 2007-12-06 07:50 AM

Yeah, if Tamarack's gonna be all F*ed like last week, I'm not goin...

NevadaSTi 2007-12-06 07:53 AM

Joe Bob's?

Emboyoyo 2007-12-06 08:18 AM

Yeah I really don't want to go if its going to be packed again.

Forgotten 2007-12-06 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by Forgotten (Post 111268)
I think Bobby and I might go to Nu Yalk Pizza. Anyone else is welcome. You hear that Bobby? We're going.

This is tonight. At 7:00pm.

Emboyoyo 2007-12-06 10:58 AM

So we are meeting at Nu Yalk Pizza??? If we are I need directions!

MPREZIV 2007-12-06 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by Forgotten (Post 111295)
This is tonight. At 7:00pm.

We heard you... we just didn't care... :P

:lol: I keed I keed!

Really, that place just isn't that great to me. I'd MUCH rather take Brian's advice :D

100_Percent_Juice 2007-12-06 12:41 PM

Nu Yalk is tasty!

Forgotten 2007-12-06 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by MPREZIV (Post 111314)
Really, that place just isn't that great to me. I'd MUCH rather take Brian's advice :D

It's definitely a love/hate type of place. But two huge slices and a drink for 6 bucks is hard to go wrong. I'm just tired of Tamarack and I can only handle so much Joe Bobs. So we should have a central meet and move our to our own personal dining experience?

Nick Koan 2007-12-06 12:57 PM

I've only eaten there once, and it made me kinda sick. Not like food poisioning sick, but sick like "Ew, I just ate that??" sick

Emboyoyo 2007-12-06 01:06 PM

Im up for anything!

Libila 2007-12-06 01:42 PM

I dig Nu Yalk, just get extra napkins to wipe off the grease :)

Dean 2007-12-06 01:57 PM

I can't find any football game on tonight between 6 and 8PM on extended basic cable. There is Miami vs. Portland basketball, but don't think that will be a huge crowd.

I'd be happy to call and ask them if they will save is space or if we should make other plans.

Changing places on the day of the meet is not a good idea. There are some who will not be on the IntarWeb prior to the meet.

sperry 2007-12-06 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 111335)
I can't find any football game on tonight between 6 and 8PM on extended basic cable. There is Miami vs. Portland basketball, but don't think that will be a huge crowd.

I'd be happy to call and ask them if they will save is space or if we should make other plans.

Changing places on the day of the meet is not a good idea. There are some who will not be on the IntarWeb prior to the meet.


It's a little late to move the meet.

Also, if there is a game tonight, it's certainly not two 10-1 teams, so the crowd won't be as bad as it was last time. If some folks want to head elsewhere tonight that's no big deal, but for the people that were planning to come out that aren't reading this thread between now and 5 hours from now, some of us should plan on going to Tamarack.

MikeK 2007-12-06 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 111335)
I can't find any football game on tonight between 6 and 8PM on extended basic cable.

Chicago vs washington on the NFL network. There will be a game on the NFL network every thursday night until the end of the regular season.

sperry 2007-12-06 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK (Post 111339)
Chicago vs washington on the NFL network. There will be a game on the NFL network every thursday night until the end of the regular season.

As long as we have seats, and things are at least a little less crazy than that last game, I don't have a problem with meets while there's a game on.

Forgotten 2007-12-06 03:20 PM

I wasn't trying to change the meet at all. I was just letting people know that there is an alternative if they want. It's really just Bobby and I grabbing pizza.

Dean 2007-12-06 03:29 PM

I just spoke to the Tamarck, Perleta (sp?) specifically, who took care of us last week and she assured me that they would have a table for 15 or so reserved for us.

They are well aware of us now and believe me F&B folks recognize the value of 10-20 "regulars" in terms of bottom line to a restaurant.

See you there.

sperry 2007-12-06 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 111353)
I just spoke to the Tamarck, Perleta (sp?) specifically, who took care of us last week and she assured me that they would have a table for 15 or so reserved for us.

They are well aware of us now and believe me F&B folks recognize the value of 10-20 "regulars" in terms of bottom line to a restaurant.

See you there.


I'll try to be there even if there's going to be a low turnout due some of you going to pizza. No biggie!

Joeyy 2007-12-06 03:38 PM

Have fun everyone. I have to go play in the snow later tonight.

MPREZIV 2007-12-06 05:15 PM

If we've got seating for sure, I'll be there!

Emboyoyo 2007-12-11 11:49 AM

Ill be there this week! I had some stuff to do last Thursday so I couldn't make it.

sperry 2007-12-11 12:35 PM

FYI: Last week was not at all crowded, even with the NFL game on the TV.

Nick Koan 2007-12-11 12:48 PM

And our waitress cried a little when barely any of us showed up.

Kevin M 2007-12-11 01:02 PM

That's hot.

Emboyoyo 2007-12-13 10:04 AM

I think I might just stop by for a little bit tonight...but I can't stay for dinner cause i need to save my money!

wrxkidid 2007-12-13 03:19 PM

Do you know if nick is coming or not? I have that harness for him.

Emboyoyo 2007-12-13 03:39 PM

^ No he has to work till 9:30 but I can get it for him.

JC 2007-12-27 06:00 PM

So anyone coming out?

sperry 2007-12-27 06:05 PM

I wish, but I'm coming down w/ a cold... and I'm supposed to be heading out of town tomorrow, so I really need to just hang out at home and try to get better ASAP.

Nick Koan 2007-12-27 06:12 PM

I'll be there.

And with Hoodies.

JC 2007-12-27 06:33 PM

I was going to go but it's snowing and living in LA I don't exactly have snow tires on the EVO. Best stay home then white knuckle it through Washoe. I'll try to see you guys new years eve.

tysonK 2008-01-03 06:09 PM

um yeah it's nasty out and I'm not driving all the way south.

Dean 2008-01-03 06:14 PM

If you have an AWD/4wd vehicle with snows, get in your car and head to the meet you wimps!

This is not the Subaru Enthusiast Club Cowering from Snow/Storms. :P

tysonK 2008-01-03 06:15 PM

It's not the snow that bothers me, it's the wind. And I have COD to play!

Nick Koan 2008-01-03 06:15 PM

AWD doesn't help with wind.

Dean 2008-01-03 06:18 PM

Wind Scmind... And Nick, you live about a mile away. :rolleyes:

Nick Koan 2008-01-03 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 112255)
Wind Scmind... And Nick, you live about a mile away. :rolleyes:

Who said I wasn't going?

I gotta sling hoodies.

Dean 2008-01-03 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 112256)
Who said I wasn't going?

I gotta sling hoodies.

Oh, Sorry.

Joeyy 2008-01-03 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 112256)
Who said I wasn't going?

I gotta sling hoodies.

Mr. Nick, I'll be working the "Storm of the Century" so I'll not be at the meet. I'm still good for my order but maybe I can bump into you some time on Monday.

News flash, all the news trucks are in down town Truckee for this "big" storm. Between the news and or visitors from down the hill, this is a huge joke. The brunt of the storm is going to hit mid day and I believe it will come as rain. Did everyone forget that it's January and it's going to snow, hello. I'm sick of people running around saying the sky is falling the sky is falling.

sperry 2008-01-04 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by Joeyy (Post 112273)
Mr. Nick, I'll be working the "Storm of the Century" so I'll not be at the meet. I'm still good for my order but maybe I can bump into you some time on Monday.

News flash, all the news trucks are in down town Truckee for this "big" storm. Between the news and or visitors from down the hill, this is a huge joke. The brunt of the storm is going to hit mid day and I believe it will come as rain. Did everyone forget that it's January and it's going to snow, hello. I'm sick of people running around saying the sky is falling the sky is falling.

When the weather service say things like "3 inches of snow per hour" and "5 to 10 feet over the weekend"... people get excited. I'm hoping it's all a big let down compared to the hype, but better hype it up and have people prepared at home and off the highways than people thinking "finally the ski slopes will be fresh powder and I'm gonna be the 1st one up there" and getting caught on a closed road in a massive storm.

knucklesplitter 2008-01-17 11:11 AM

Any '08's gonna be at the meet tonight? :D

Emboyoyo 2008-01-17 11:21 AM

My 08 wont be there tonight

Dean 2008-01-17 12:22 PM

Would you settle for a couple '04s? :)

WRX06TR 2008-01-17 01:14 PM

An 06 will be there...

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