Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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MattR 2007-05-08 04:25 PM

Is the meet at Joe Bob's this week?

sperry 2007-05-08 04:27 PM

Sounds like it... there hasn't been any discussion on a different location.

wrxkidid 2007-05-08 08:33 PM

im gonna get the fried chicken i think. the chicken sanwwhich was bomb though so itll be a tough decision.

MPREZIV 2007-05-09 06:22 AM

Mmm... chicken... (i say that a lot don't I?)

I'll be sure to give them a call and let 'em know we'll be there!

Emboyoyo 2007-05-09 09:35 PM fried chicken for me! I was not feeling good at all after that :( was good though. I'll have to try something different tomorrow.

Nick Koan 2007-05-09 09:36 PM

Try the burgers. I'm tempted to.

Emboyoyo 2007-05-09 09:46 PM

Yeah those sound really good...I almost got one last week.

NevadaSTi 2007-05-10 03:03 PM

Have fun guys, I have other obligations which involve Mexican food down the street at Cantina Los Tres Hombres.

JonnydaJibba 2007-05-10 03:12 PM

The burgers are great! Pretty much everything is good. Unfortunately I'm havin dinner with the fam tonight. Well I do love my family that's not the unfortunate part.

sperry 2007-05-10 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by NevadaSTi (Post 97566)
Have fun guys, I have other obligations which involve Mexican food down the street at Cantina Los Tres Hombres.

And then later... pooping.

NevadaSTi 2007-05-14 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 97582)
And then later... pooping.

Yes, but it wasn't the mexican food that did it.

Emboyoyo 2007-05-14 02:09 PM

So Joe Bob's again this week??
The burger was good last week but got another bad stomach ache :~:

MattR 2007-05-14 02:58 PM

Joe Bobs!

wrxkidid 2007-05-14 04:34 PM

im angry.
stupid debate i cant go this week. ill snag that card from you on saturday matt or dont you work down in south reno? i could swing by and grab it after school one day.

btw im working the PDX event. should be fun.

sperry 2007-05-14 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by wrxkidid (Post 97820)
im angry.
stupid debate i cant go this week. ill snag that card from you on saturday matt or dont you work down in south reno? i could swing by and grab it after school one day.

btw im working the PDX event. should be fun.

Did you get in touch w/ Dave Deborde? He mentioned that he had someone interested in working Timing & Scoring, was that you?

wrxkidid 2007-05-14 04:43 PM

yep thats me.

he emailed me today asking if i preferred to work in the hot or cold areas and i told him my mommy would prefer cold :lol:

i guess shes not to fond of me working near cars going 100mph down the front straight.

MattR 2007-05-14 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by wrxkidid (Post 97820)
im angry.
stupid debate i cant go this week. ill snag that card from you on saturday matt or dont you work down in south reno? i could swing by and grab it after school one day.

btw im working the PDX event. should be fun.

I'll PM all the info to you later tonight.


wrxkidid 2007-05-14 04:57 PM

sweet, thank you.

MPREZIV 2007-05-15 11:42 AM

I wish I worked closer to Joe Bob's... I'm F*ing hungry! Too far to go get lunch there... can't wait for Thursday!

NevadaSTi 2007-05-17 06:35 AM

Heres to another date with Destiny, CHEERS!!!!

JonnydaJibba 2007-05-17 03:22 PM

JoeBobs Crack Shack I like to say. I always leave happy and sometimes I lose control of my bouls.

:lol::lol::lol: I crack mahself up.

PS I know that's not how you spell bouls boals bowels (WAIT IS THAT IT?!) but I couldn't find out the right speeling.

nightwalker 2007-05-22 05:59 PM

So where is the meet at this week then? I'm lost, and a bunch of us want to come out.

wrxkidid 2007-05-22 06:06 PM

joe bobs.

Dean 2007-05-22 06:06 PM

Joe Bob's... The first post is always current and has maps, etc...

left footed whooten 2007-06-19 06:35 PM

You guys ever check out 'The Barbecue House' on Wells, its between the AA Triangle Club and Ryland? Soo good and he may (depending on how big a group and how many cars attend meets) be able to accommodate a meet group. Cruise by and have a look, he's got a fair amount of outdoor seating and a small parking lot.

This guy was trained by Ma Flint, of Flint's (Flynt's?) from Oakland. I've had the ribs, and both the meat and the sauce were the best I've had since my last dose of Flint's like 14 or more years ago. He seems like a good guy and is definitely worthy of support. Blows Aunt Sticky's out of the water.

I need to finally come by a meet now that I have a life and don't have school....and finally own a WRX.

Oh, and lest we forget the new and improved Sushi Pier2 opening sometime soon directly across from Bangkok Cuisine on Mt Rose St. Looks to be huge in there, big ole parking lot, too.

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