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JonnydaJibba 2006-11-16 09:48 PM

I thought about doing the same while throwing tomatos at them... but then I thought, they are the smart ones. At least if they sell them as soon as they buy them. If they actually keep and play them, then they are nerds.

Ezdno 2006-11-16 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by nKoan
I saw a whole line of people standing outside of Best Buy tonight. It was just sick IMO. I almost wanted to lean out of my car and yell "NERDS!" at all of them.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I had a long day as a computer programmer and I need to go play some Dungeons & Dragons.

Or at least a few dozen rounds of Mine Sweeper! Mad Skilllllz

cody 2006-11-17 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by Duckie
Analysts predict PS3 will be ebaying for 5-7k and I agree. In all honesty that spot in line is well worth 450 dollars.

One has sold for $9K already. :lol:

JonnydaJibba 2006-11-17 08:36 AM

Dude they have sold for 15k already! Can't link you tho cuz my work hates ebayz.

Sometimes I really despise people.

sperry 2006-11-17 10:29 AM

I'll buy one in 3 months at the normal price. And I'll get an XB360 when the price drops, assuming there are some decent racing games out for it by then. And I'll probably get a Wii once they're easily available 'cause my GF wants one.

But there's no way in hell I'd stand on line for more than about 10 minutes at the normal checkout counter for any one of those things.

JonnydaJibba 2006-11-17 10:47 AM

Forza 2 for the 36... but I dunno if you liked the first one.

sperry 2006-11-17 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
Forza 2 for the 36... but I dunno if you liked the first one.

I played Forza for like 15 minutes and decided that I liked GT4 better. I haven't played it since. Which sucks 'cause I dropped $100 on that Forza wheel, which also was nearly as good as the Logitech one for the PS2.

JonnydaJibba 2006-11-17 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by sperry
I played Forza for like 15 minutes and decided that I liked GT4 better. I haven't played it since. Which sucks 'cause I dropped $100 on that Forza wheel, which also was nearly as good as the Logitech one for the PS2.

I like GT4 better for most things, but not others. The only real advantages I saw in Forza over GT were, non-retarded AI (not that it was great but at least the AI cars aren't on rails), online play and visual customization. The last point not even being that important.

I really hope PD can clean up GT5 and capitalize on the things they fucked up on with GT4.

AtomicLabMonkey 2006-11-17 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Duckie
In all honesty that spot in line is well worth 450 dollars.

You've got to be kidding.

Nick Koan 2006-11-17 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey
You've got to be kidding.

Yes, the chance to potentially buy a PS3 and sell on ebay for $2k gives you a $1k profit.

Either that, or you are out $450.

tysonK 2006-11-17 01:45 PM

Will anyone in this club have a PS3 this weekend?

Kevin M 2006-11-17 02:52 PM


I mean no. But I'm totally gonna try to score an Xbox 360 for $100 next week!

JonnydaJibba 2006-11-17 02:56 PM

Shhhh! Only 1000 are being sold!

100_Percent_Juice 2006-11-17 03:17 PM

My friend cody and his bro(both rex owners) got 9 ps3s between the 2 of them. I was just over at their house playing resistence and the motostorm demo. Freaking awesome, especially for launch games

tysonK 2006-11-17 05:29 PM

I'm not doing anything Sunday morning maybe I'll go to the Target in Sparks and try to get a Wii.

Nick Koan 2006-11-17 05:55 PM

My roommate pre-ordered a Wii from Amazon, but is going on a two week vacation in Russia tomorrow :lol:

Its going to show up, and I'm going to have a Wii for two weeks. :devil:

Libila 2006-11-18 03:19 PM

The AAFES over here can't get enough PS3s to actually sell so they're going auction them off weekly until they can get them on a regular basis.

I doubt that will happen anytime soon seeing that they couldn't keep XBOX 360s in stock when I got here six months ago...

Bob Danger 2006-11-19 06:25 AM

My step-brother got a Wii today. I must say the graphics arn't quite next-gen, but it makes up for it, with a really innovated controls. You could attach weights to your arm and play a boxing game, and get a work out, although the game was having a hard time keeping up with my hand movements. Mainly because I float like a float bot, and sting like an automatic stinging machine. Twilight Princess, looks amazing. All I have to say is the graphics don't make the game. I will be looking a purchasing a Wii in a few months.

tysonK 2006-11-19 11:05 AM


Nick Koan 2006-11-20 09:50 PM

The Wii is awesome.

Excite Truck is pretty fun, and I liked WiiSports too. Now, do I crack open Zelda too? or not.

tysonK 2006-11-20 10:59 PM

omg Wii tennis is awesome.

Bob Danger 2006-11-21 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by tysonK
omg Wii tennis is awesome.

I kicked ass at Wii tennis, and I hit Jonny a couple of times, while I was swinging. Did you try the boxing game?

tysonK 2006-11-21 07:02 AM

Yeah I tried boxing, I liked Tennis and Golf the best. We did'nt have 2 controllers so no 1 on 1 action.

M3n2c3 2006-11-21 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by nKoan
The Wii is awesome.

Excite Truck is pretty fun, and I liked WiiSports too. Now, do I crack open Zelda too? or not.

do eet!

Nick Koan 2006-11-21 09:51 AM

By the way, when does your next shipment of Wiis (Wiiii?) come in? I need to get me one of them.

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