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sperry 2006-03-01 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by GarySheehan
Wow! What a horrible, awful, boring car that is to drive! Am I missing something?! I just did 6 laps and I think I'm done for this week!

Sheehan Motor Racing

Really? I haven't driven it, but it's basically a turbo Elise, so I assumed it'd be cool. Very much like the Miata...

GarySheehan 2006-03-01 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
Really? I haven't driven it, but it's basically a turbo Elise, so I assumed it'd be cool. Very much like the Miata...

HOLY understeer!!! And no torque.

Sheehan Motor Racing

sperry 2006-03-01 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by GarySheehan
HOLY understeer!!! And no torque.

Sheehan Motor Racing

Time to remap the e-brake button to the shift lever? :lol:

bemani 2006-03-01 01:53 PM

Understeer? On such a tail happy car?

Anyway, I ran a 1'36.95 during lunch.

GarySheehan 2006-03-01 02:23 PM

Are you pitching this thing into the corners?


bemani 2006-03-01 02:53 PM

I don't know what that means?

sperry 2006-03-01 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by bemani
I don't know what that means?

Are you having to flick the car and drift it to get it to turn?

bemani 2006-03-01 04:14 PM

Yeah I drift it before it hits the apex.

outferno 2006-03-02 11:53 PM

Hey Sperry, can you tell me or PM me what items you need to record your own videos? I'd like to post some of my drift videos in GT3 and GT4 - which I'm sure some of you will find impressive ;)

outferno 2006-03-02 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by bemani
Let's go for some drift action on Trial Mountain w/ Opel Speedster Turbo '00.

I second the drift notion... I will tear everybody up in drift :D

sperry 2006-03-03 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by outferno
Hey Sperry, can you tell me or PM me what items you need to record your own videos? I'd like to post some of my drift videos in GT3 and GT4 - which I'm sure some of you will find impressive ;)

Uhh.... a TV, a video camera, and someplace to host it?

I use a PCMCIA video capture card (cost about $50) in my laptop (instead of just using a video camera pointed at the TV), and dump the monitor out from my TV to the card and record it directly on my computer. Then I downsample the movie to a smaller WMA file for uploading to the gallery.

sperry 2006-03-03 12:13 AM


Originally Posted by outferno
I second the drift notion... I will tear everybody up in drift :D

I hope you drift fast.... this is still a competition for time, not style! :P

cody 2006-03-03 12:21 AM

For some reason, when I hook up my PS2 to the cheap ass PVR card in my desktop, it looks fucked up. The darker parts of the picture just black out completely. It kinda looks like tar oozing from the surface of the monitor...but I'm not exactly sober either.

cody 2006-03-03 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by sperry
I hope you drift fast.... this is still a competition for time, not style! :P

That would be sweet if we could find some impartial judges, right Sperry?:p

I'm just givin you shit cuz I know you aren't a fan of driftting. :P

sperry 2006-03-03 12:59 AM


Originally Posted by cody
That would be sweet if we could find some impartial judges, right Sperry?:p

I'm just givin you shit cuz I know you aren't a fan of driftting. :P

Actually, I really like drifting... as an expostition of driving skill. I just don't consider it a "sport". A sport requires the winner to be transparently selected by a set of rules that everyone can agree upon, not a panel of judges. Basically, drifting is the figure skating of motorsports: incredible difficult, and impressive when done skillfully, but not a sport.

sperry 2006-03-03 01:03 AM

BTW: anyone have some times yet for the current challenge? I just ran a 1'42.1, with lots of room for improvment as soon as I figure out which turns work better driving full grip, and which turns are faster with the back end out... you can't really "kinda" slide this car like the Miata... you have to either drive it straight up and make sure to brake a lot, or really carry some speed and get the back end out to turn.

I think the fastest laps will be by those that figure out which turns to drive which style. This is a very different challenge compared to the previous ones. :cool:

bemani 2006-03-03 01:41 AM

My fastest so far is 1'36.803. Yet still plent of room to improve. I can easily get ahead of my ghost just after the first 2 turns, but I can't pull it together afterwards.

I actually enjoy running laps here, the track is so wide and no sand traps to piss me off when I spin out.

GarySheehan 2006-03-03 07:37 AM

I'm at a 1:40.xx with about 10 laps. Now I'm just tooling around looking for a cliff to drive this car off of...

Sheehan Motor Racing

cody 2006-03-03 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by GarySheehan
I'm at a 1:40.xx with about 10 laps. Now I'm just tooling around looking for a cliff to drive this car off of...

Sheehan Motor Racing


bemani 2006-03-03 09:54 AM

Try Grand Canyon.

sperry 2006-03-03 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by GarySheehan
I'm at a 1:40.xx with about 10 laps. Now I'm just tooling around looking for a cliff to drive this car off of...

Sheehan Motor Racing

That was me in the Miata at Seattle (for some reason I just couldn't get the car to flow there). The Opel is *very* pushy if you're too fast into the corner, and it doesn't gain front end grip/lose rear end grip under braking (it's a quirk of the GT4 physics engine) it just pushes more.

I've found that the best way to get the car to rotate is to lift mid-corner. Yes, braking should shift the weight even more dramatically than just lifting, but for some reason the GT4 physics treats braking differently than trailing throttle oversteer.

Also, the e-brake will save you in a pinch and really get the backend to come around with just a tiny little tap. However, the game "disengages" the drive train when you pop the e-brake, so if you use it, there's a noticable delay once you try to get on the throttle before the car starts accelerating again.

GarySheehan 2006-03-03 08:22 PM

1:37.499 after 10 more laps. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to wash the vomit off my steering wheel.

Sheehan Motor Racing

outferno 2006-03-06 09:09 AM

Snaps, that's a fast time. I'm at 1.40x myself. I can't get past it. I'm hating this car - simply because it won't let me change the gearing!!

I say we have a special drift challenge soon.

Or else Imma open up my own challenge, lol. I want to see more drifting!


sperry 2006-03-06 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by outferno
Snaps, that's a fast time. I'm at 1.40x myself. I can't get past it. I'm hating this car - simply because it won't let me change the gearing!!

I say we have a special drift challenge soon.

Or else Imma open up my own challenge, lol. I want to see more drifting!


A drift challenge is going to be pretty tough... it requires everyone to record video of their laps. Right now, I think I'm the only one setup for that.

Plus then we'll have to deal w/ voting for the best lap, since drifting is arbitrary.

I say, just record some drift laps and share 'em w/ us... no need to try to make a complicated competition out of it.

outferno 2006-03-06 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by sperry
A drift challenge is going to be pretty tough... it requires everyone to record video of their laps. Right now, I think I'm the only one setup for that.

Plus then we'll have to deal w/ voting for the best lap, since drifting is arbitrary.

I say, just record some drift laps and share 'em w/ us... no need to try to make a complicated competition out of it.

Hehe, I probably will. I'm waiting for my video converter to come in the mail. I'm going to unseat Gran Dorifto from his drifting madness back in the GT3 days. I'll pwn him with my GT3 IS200 Turbo drift video on SS5! :D


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