Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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qksubi 2004-12-01 09:50 AM

Its been open for at least 2 weeks I ate there on the second day it opened and it was 15min drive thru not bad 8)

Kevin M 2004-12-01 09:53 AM

Yeah, but do we really want to be another car club that hangs out at In-N-Out?

MikeSTI 2004-12-01 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Yeah, but do we really want to be another car club that hangs out at In-N-Out?

No, really I prefer the restraunt that sells beer and I can smoke :lol:

doubleurx 2004-12-01 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by MikeK

Originally Posted by doubleurx

Originally Posted by sperry
At risk of pissing off Dean :P, I still think we should do the Galena Sparky's.

Is that in the market just west of the Chevron?

East of the chevron! (Down the hill)

Sorry I get Lixdexia all the time.

I've got both my kids that evening. If they still have enough energy after Sylvan, I will be there with kids in tow.

MikeK 2004-12-01 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by doubleurx
Sorry I get Lixdexia all the time.

Do you worship the dog?

doubleurx 2004-12-01 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK

Originally Posted by doubleurx
Sorry I get Lixdexia all the time.

Do you worship the dog?

I pray to dog everynight!

sti deede 2004-12-07 01:58 PM

Meet spot this thursday is Sparky's at Longley & McCarren.

Scott could you edit the main post to reflect this?

MattR 2004-12-07 02:10 PM

Looks like they are going to make sure they are staffed for the group,,,Sounds like last week was a one time occurance. Should be good to go for a while.

sperry 2004-12-07 02:38 PM

Um, I'm confused... where are we meeting?

Deede says we're at Longley/McCarran, and Matt tells me the Galena Sparky's fiasco was a one time thing?

Dean 2004-12-07 02:40 PM

Longley is a little more central.

Kevin M 2004-12-07 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
Longley is a little more central.

If we were that worried about being central we'd be picnicing in the Spaghetti Bowl. :lol: I like the Galena location, when there isn't a hockey tournament there...

MattR 2004-12-07 02:47 PM

I didn;t make that clear...I don;t care Either location is good for me, parking is better at Galena, but location is better at Longley...
2 meets!!!!!!

Kevin M 2004-12-07 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
I didn;t make that clear...I don;t care Either location is good for me, parking is better at Galena, but location is better at Longley...
2 meets!!!!!!

It's two... two... two meets in one...

sti deede 2004-12-07 03:04 PM

I don't care which location either. I need to know soon, so I can inform Sparky's so they can make sure they have enough staff. As it stands right now we have a reservation for Sparky's at Longley. That can be changed if need be, but I got to know. Maybe we can make a poll for the two locations.

Kevin M 2004-12-07 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by sti deede
I don't care which location either. I need to know soon, so I can inform Sparky's so they can make sure they have enough staff. As it stands right now we have a reservation for Sparky's at Longley. That can be changed if need be, but I got to know. Maybe we can make a poll for the two locations.

If you're actually making an effort to make things work at the Longley location, then we should just go there. :)

sperry 2004-12-07 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS

Originally Posted by sti deede
I don't care which location either. I need to know soon, so I can inform Sparky's so they can make sure they have enough staff. As it stands right now we have a reservation for Sparky's at Longley. That can be changed if need be, but I got to know. Maybe we can make a poll for the two locations.

If you're actually making an effort to make things work at the Longley location, then we should just go there. :)


sti deede 2004-12-07 03:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by sperry

Originally Posted by BAN SUVS

Originally Posted by sti deede
I don't care which location either. I need to know soon, so I can inform Sparky's so they can make sure they have enough staff. As it stands right now we have a reservation for Sparky's at Longley. That can be changed if need be, but I got to know. Maybe we can make a poll for the two locations.

If you're actually making an effort to make things work at the Longley location, then we should just go there. :)


Kevin M 2004-12-07 03:34 PM

That's a milk shooter. :lol:

dknv 2004-12-10 02:13 PM

C&C at Bowling Stadium
Dean & I just got back from lunch at the Cue & Cushion at the Bowling Stadium. They are open for business again, they are open Thursday nights, and they would welcome us back. The garage is right next to the Police Outstation, the food is decent, and they have games! I strongly recommend we go back there for Thursday meets.

sperry 2004-12-10 02:26 PM

Re: C&C at Bowling Stadium

Originally Posted by dknv
Dean & I just got back from lunch at the Cue & Cushion at the Bowling Stadium. They are open for business again, they are open Thursday nights, and they would welcome us back. The garage is right next to the Police Outstation, the food is decent, and they have games! I strongly recommend we go back there for Thursday meets.

I have to disagree. The garage is not significantly more convienent if we have to park right next to the enterance or walk down 3 stories because the elevators are closed. The food is not good unless you're willing to spend a lot of money (the only thing I've enjoyed there is the $20 pasta/chicken, and the iced tea is *awful*). The service isn't anything special, especially since they're staffed to handle about 5 people, not 20. And there's just somthing about the place that doesn't feel quite right... everytime we were there it felt "temporary".

Frankly, the only thing C&C's got going for 'em is the mini-bowling, of which the novelty is wearing off.

dknv 2004-12-10 02:34 PM

Re: C&C at Bowling Stadium

Originally Posted by sperry
I have to disagree. The garage is not significantly more convienent if we have to park right next to the enterance or walk down 3 stories because the elevators are closed.

boo hoo. Watch out about disagreeing with me, or I might have to stab you over the intarweb!
Remember Kevin's post:


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS

Originally Posted by dknv

Originally Posted by ArthurS

I hope you don't mean me. :lol: I was just laughing at it, I would never do that ... again :shock:

/mental note, never cross debbie...


Originally Posted by sperry
The food is not good unless you're willing to spend a lot of money (the only thing I've enjoyed there is the $20 pasta/chicken, and the iced tea is *awful*).

I agree with you about the iced tea. I'd avoid it. Sorry to hear you didn't like the food though. I had a delicious oriental burger for lunch today.


Originally Posted by sperry
The service isn't anything special, especially since they're staffed to handle about 5 people, not 20. And there's just somthing about the place that doesn't feel quite right... everytime we were there it felt "temporary".

We talked to Heather, who was serving today, and she said they had heard feedback about a swingshift chef who was slow, and they fixed that.

Dean 2004-12-10 03:02 PM

Now children... :) Don't make me stop this Interweb...

I'm not impressed by Longley Sparkys, or any of them for that matter. Food is marginal, service is same. I don't think Galena is going to magically be better. Talk about not feeling safe, Longley is not the greatest area, and after DeeDees incident, I'll pass on going there.

C&C downtown... Food is OK, Ice Tea sucks, service is OK, parking is at least covered, and cops go by regularly..., they have pool, ping pong, shuffleboard, bowling, minimal smoke, and we mostly have the place to ourselves! I like it, but am willing to entertain alternatives.

I hate to say it, but Bully's at the Mall may be better than both the above, good food, but no pool, or other entertainment, and service has gone down hill a bit, and parking may be a zoo, and we get street racers...

Maybe we should go see if we can find the place accross from meadowood after the movie...

I think Flowing tide had the best food so far, and the best service, and I'd be willing to park over by the Wells Fargo if that's what it takes if they will reserve some space for us...

Is there anything in Downtown Sparks with pool? Parking should be easy at least.

I hate that this is such a freaken pain in the butt, as do all of us I think... So lets not pick on each other, lets think of/find a solution...

MikeSTI 2004-12-10 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
I hate to say it, but Bully's at the Mall may be better than both the above, good food, but no pool, or other entertainment, and service has gone down hill a bit, and parking may be a zoo, and we get street racers...

I think Flowing tide had the best food so far, and the best service, and I'd be willing to park over by the Wells Fargo if that's what it takes if they will reserve some space for us...

I like'd the Flowing Tide also :D

C&C's was good also, mostly because it could only get better and covered lighted parking are pluses..........

as far as Sparks - what about that place we went to for lunch after track day inspection? that was nice/good food?

dknv 2004-12-10 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
Now children... :) Don't make me stop this Interweb...

So letsnot pick on each other, lets think of/find a solution...

k, for anyone who didn't realize, I was just joking with Scott.

sti deede 2004-12-10 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by MikeSTI
as far as Sparks - what about that place we went to for lunch after track day inspection? that was nice/good food?

Last I heard Great Basin had comedy night on thursdays there is no way we could hold a meet with the amount of noise that goes on that night. Plus they're snicky with orders, trying to trick people into soup and salad. For shame. :P

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