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Kevin M 2011-12-11 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 159589)
Maybe. I just got my DVR and modem upgraded when my DVR died recently. Now I've got one of those fancy Motorola Surfboard modems or whatever they're called. Also the tech said Stead has some of the fastest internet in town for some reason.

That reason is known as "demographics." :lol: You have like a 30% occupancy rate in the newer homes, and the people who have to go out there for the cheaper apartments don't buy high speed internet for the most part.

cody 2011-12-11 10:12 PM

Haha, I was thinking something along the same lines. I'm joining that statistic. Looks like my shortsale is going through so I'm looking for a rental closer to my work, downtown. I have to move in under a month.

sperry 2011-12-11 11:21 PM

I thought you were going to keep renting your house from the new owner?

cody 2011-12-12 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 159592)
I thought you were going to keep renting your house from the new owner?

That was the plan, until we got the paperwork. Chase had been telling my Realtor all along that I could, which she kind of doubted. The paperwork stipulates that I can't own, rent, or otherwise live there after the 9th. She's trying to get them to change it, but she said not to count on it. God I have so much shit. I need to have a garage sale.

sperry 2011-12-12 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 159594)
That was the plan, until we got the paperwork. Chase had been telling my Realtor all along that I could, which she kind of doubted. The paperwork stipulates that I can't own, rent, or otherwise live there after the 9th. She's trying to get them to change it, but she said not to count on it. God I have so much shit. I need to have a garage sale.

That's dumb. Maybe not the part about you owning it again, just so you can't short sell it to your friend, then have him short sell it right back to you. But you should be able to rent it from the new owner... that's an agreement between you and him and it's got nothing to do with the bank.

In fact, what the hell can they do to enforce you not renting the place from the new owner?

cody 2011-12-12 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 159595)
That's dumb. Maybe not the part about you owning it again, just so you can't short sell it to your friend, then have him short sell it right back to you. But you should be able to rent it from the new owner... that's an agreement between you and him and it's got nothing to do with the bank.

In fact, what the hell can they do to enforce you not renting the place from the new owner?

According to my realtor and a lawyer I consulted with about it, they can come after me for the difference between what I owe and what they're getting paid by the sale...which is a lot of money. It's like a breach of contract kinda thing I guess.

ScottyS 2011-12-14 06:03 PM

Oh look, I wonder if we got the upgrade.

Kevin M 2011-12-14 08:48 PM

Shenanigans. That's unpossible. And/or I'm moving to your house/office.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-12-14 09:36 PM

So that's for the whole school to share?

ScottyS 2011-12-18 04:52 PM

That's through the school wired network from my office machine after 5pm. I'm not convinced that the new gigabit hardware in the building is working properly though. That's what I get in the office during lower-traffic times, I would think that IT has throttling in place for individual connections.

The actual connection to the internet for the schools is pretty fast as I recall. Router-to-router speeds from my remote network tie points in eastern Nevada back to campus are in the 90 MB up and down range.

Now all I need to do it put some WISP radios up and tunnel from home.

Since the IP is noted on the print, I figured nobody would fall for it.

sperry 2011-12-21 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 159588)
I think I need a new modem. Mine's a 5 year old rental.

New DOCSIS3.0 modem:

Ironically, running the test on my iPhone WiFi got me 6.42 Mbps upload. :lol:

Dean 2011-12-30 07:10 PM

Scott, or others.

Got an old cable modem they want to unload? School teacher friend is still getting raped by Charter for a "leased" one.

DOCSIS 2.0 w/100mbit Ethernet Please. I have an early 2.0 lying around but it is only 10baseT for no apparent reason.

sperry 2011-12-30 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 159789)
Scott, or others.

Got an old cable modem they want to unload? School teacher friend is still getting raped by Charter for a "leased" one.

DOCSIS 2.0 w/100mbit Ethernet Please. I have an early 2.0 lying around but it is only 10baseT for no apparent reason.

Sure, you can have my old rental. Let me find out how much Charter will charge me to replace a "lost" modem and I'll sell it to you for that much. Probably in the $500 to $600 range, if I know Charter.


cody 2012-01-15 05:15 PM

Seeing faster speeds at my new place in NW Reno.

100_Percent_Juice 2012-01-15 05:37 PM

DUDE! What package do you have?

cody 2012-01-15 05:58 PM

I thought you'd never ask, Joel. lol

I don't know what it's called. It's the one that used to be ~20 meg that they just increased to ~40 meg.

100_Percent_Juice 2012-01-15 09:51 PM

Well I was looking at their website and, what are all these crap fees for a router and then I need to add wireless??

I am paying $35 a month with Uverse right now for 12meg. I would totally switch but I also read that charter has a 100gb monthly cap and that they will throttle you if you are using serious bandwidth.

Tell me your experience.

Kevin M 2012-01-15 10:36 PM

They will lease you a modem and they have an option for a wireless modem/router. But if you have your own network gear there's no need.

Dean 2012-01-15 11:21 PM

My Charter gets turned on Monday: 15meg/$20/mo. Gave up on AT&T DSL. Picked up a Motorola 5120 DOCSIS 3.0 modem for under $50 and will just cut my entire network over with one cable move. They will try and charge you $50 for "installation, but if you chat with a rep and whine a lot, they will drop it to $35 and then $9.95...

Leasing equipment probably only makes sense if you plan on moving/switching in a year or less. Wireless routers are cheap. if you don't have a server and need uber internal network speed, any 802.11g router is fine unless you get > 50mbit internet.

cody 2012-01-16 08:41 AM

I don't monitor it, but I imagine I've exceeded 100GB/month at least a few times and never had a problem.

Dean 2012-01-16 02:23 PM

3mb/384kb to this... I now have more up than I used to have down, no little blue pills required. :)

cody 2012-01-16 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 160008)
3mb/384kb to this... I now have more up than I used to have down, no little blue pills required. :)

For $15/mo X 12, that's awesome.

ScottyS 2012-01-19 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 160001)
My Charter gets turned on Monday: 15meg/$20/mo.

Is that the promotional price or is it permanent?

Dean 2012-01-19 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by ScottyS (Post 160057)
Is that the promotional price or is it permanent?

Promo, but what I actually got was even cheaper for the first 6/12 months. It averages out to $20 over 24 months really. I'll just threaten to go to u-verse if it breaks $20 and they will likely extend it.

AT&T offered me there fastest DSL for $19 to not leave.

ScottyS 2012-01-19 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 160061)
Promo, but what I actually got was even cheaper for the first 6/12 months. It averages out to $20 over 24 months really. I'll just threaten to go to u-verse if it breaks $20 and they will likely extend it.

AT&T offered me there fastest DSL for $19 to not leave.

Do you have any additional Charter services, or is this standalone?

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