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cody 2009-01-07 09:01 PM

I was buying shiz from and by adding it, I got a $15 Paypal refund. So I guess I paid $11 shipped for it in a way. Think I could resell it later?

M3n2c3 2009-01-08 09:51 PM

I dunno about the retail version. They probably have a cd key that ties to your steam account or something.

cody 2009-01-09 08:25 AM

Yah, I was just wondering if you can resell PC video game stores?

100_Percent_Juice 2009-01-09 08:39 AM

If its a steam game you can resell it but they will not be able to play online because the cd key will be registered with your steam account.

cody 2009-01-09 09:06 AM

What about retail?

M3n2c3 2009-01-10 02:20 PM

no place that I know of. . .

MikeK 2009-01-12 04:52 PM

For anyone who still plays TF2: youtube

cody 2009-02-16 03:23 PM

Looks like I'm getting an Xbox 360.

cody 2009-02-17 12:10 PM

Got a PS3 instead. With the build-in wireless and Bluray, it made more sense since I had a 20% off Dell coupon code. Ordered up GTAIV, an extra controller and an external HDD from Amazon while I was at it. What an expensive evening!

sperry 2009-02-17 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 128412)
Got a PS3 instead. With the build-in wireless and Bluray, it made more sense since I had a 20% off Dell coupon code. Ordered up GTAIV, an extra controller and an external HDD from Amazon while I was at it. What an expensive evening!

I'm waiting for the price drop to $150, and GT5 to be out. Then I'm all over a PS3.

GusGus91 2009-02-17 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 128412)
Got a PS3 instead. With the build-in wireless and Bluray, it made more sense since I had a 20% off Dell coupon code. Ordered up GTAIV, an extra controller and an external HDD from Amazon while I was at it. What an expensive evening!

I have both a 360 and PS3. They're both great systems. Later down the road once the xbox goes down in price again you should get one.

Once you get it and get the online hooked up send me your Playstation Network name.

GusGus91 2009-02-17 03:28 PM

For anybody that has a 360, my gamertag is: GusGus91

For anybody with a ps3, my psn name is: Theyoungblood_91

hit me up with a request.

Cody, you should get Killzone 2 at the end of this month. It's amazing. I have the demo.

tysonK 2009-02-17 08:59 PM

I heart my PS3.

psn: tkueper

cody 2009-02-18 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 128418)
I'm waiting for the price drop to $150, and GT5 to be out. Then I'm all over a PS3.

As I understand it, the price drops won't be significant since Sony's still losing money on every unit sold. Not sure though.


Originally Posted by GusGus91 (Post 128429)
For anybody that has a 360, my gamertag is: GusGus91

For anybody with a ps3, my psn name is: Theyoungblood_91

hit me up with a request.

Cody, you should get Killzone 2 at the end of this month. It's amazing. I have the demo.

I'll download the demo tonight. Ordered the PS3 Monday night ($333 shipped including tax, 80GB model) and UPS says it's out for delivery. :banana:

I'll be sure to post up my PSN when I get online with a game. Ugh, Amazon (Actually some Amazon 3rd party seller that doesn't share it's location) hasn't even sent me tracking for GTA4 yet. With my luck it will ship from the E. Coast. :mad:

GusGus91 2009-02-18 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 128496)
As I understand it, the price drops won't be significant since Sony's still losing money on every unit sold. Not sure though.

I'll download the demo tonight. Ordered the PS3 Monday night ($333 shipped including tax, 80GB model) and UPS says it's out for delivery. :banana:

I'll be sure to post up my PSN when I get online with a game. Ugh, Amazon (Actually some Amazon 3rd party seller that doesn't share it's location) hasn't even sent me tracking for GTA4 yet. With my luck it will ship from the E. Coast. :mad:

To get the demo you need to pre-order it though.

Nick Koan 2009-02-18 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by GusGus91 (Post 128528)
To get the demo you need to pre-order it though.

That's the most bass ackwards way of doing things. The point of a demo is to make you want to buy the full version. Not the other way around. Kids these days.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-02-18 11:06 PM

I found a bobby pin on the floor of the bathroom the other day and I was actually excited for a second when I saw it. "hey I can use that to...:| "
Fallout 3 has ruined my life.

GusGus91 2009-02-19 07:42 AM

^ At least it was fallout that did it... Gears of war ruined mine. I'll look at something and think "i could totally kill that with a chainsaw". Or I actually tried to roadie run a few times when I was playing lazer tag... One of the times i got so into trying to do it, that when i actually did do it, i was going all rambo, then wasnt paying attention and ran into a wall...

cody 2009-02-19 08:43 AM


Okay, so my PSN is YellowSnow4. Last night I played 2 demos (Mirror's Edge and Grid) which were both really cool. Mirror's Edge was too short though, of course. When I went to bed, there were 11 demos downloading and it wasn't fininshed yet this morning. :?: My PC would download the ~8GB of data in a couple hours given a good server as I have 5Mbps broadband, but whatever.

I really like that it can download several games/demos in the background while I play games and that it does them one at a time (what good would X number of partially downloaded demos do me?). My buddy just came in and lent me Assassin's Creed too. :cool:

Things I didn't like are:

1. Can't do anything while system updates are being downloaded and installed. No biggie though.
2. Relies on Windows Media Center instead of just being able to map folders over the network. As of right now, it won't play AVI's through WMC, didn't try copying to the HDD via USB or data disc yet, but I'm hoping I can load some codec for Windows or something. I'm just used to using VLC Player for everything and anything...oh well. I can always drop video on a thumb drive I guess, but my buddy just told me that some of the movies I've downloaded and burned for him won't play on the PS3. Maybe I won't be getting rid of my $40 Walmart HD DVD/DivX player so quickly. :|
3. Uh, Youtube videos get choppy when you move the pointer? Oh I know. Is there any way to tell it to just install games/demos as soon as they download? Installing all of the demos I have downloading seems like it will be tedious without some batch way of doing it.

Other than those petty gripes, I really like the system. The demos I played last night looked pretty good. :)

Nick Koan 2009-02-19 08:50 AM

Regarding #2, the PS3 can surf any DLNA server on the network. Coherence seems to be the most popular free one not counting WMC.

It still plays in its own player, though, so you'll probably have the good 'ol codec hell that you are used to with WMC. I think that limits you to MP2 and MP4

I have Nero Media Home, which got bundled with some other Nero stuff I bought. It supposedly transcodes any format it can read into the necessary format for delivery to the PS3 on demand. But, I haven't really f'ed around with it at all.

Kevin M 2009-02-19 08:54 AM

lol@using game consoles as computers.

cody 2009-02-19 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kevin M (Post 128540)
lol@using game consoles as computers.

Ever heard of a media extender? They're kinda new but the idea is that some people like to watch/listen to media from their network on their television sets without having to deal with connecting and using a computer with the TV.

Nick Koan 2009-02-19 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Kevin M (Post 128540)
lol@using game consoles as computers.

Only cause watching youtube videos on my 61" TV from my couch is more fun that on a 20" monitor.

GusGus91 2009-02-19 02:29 PM

When watching youtube, is your signal strength good? that will rape your youtube experience on teh ps3 if it sucks.

And download a program called TVersity. It pretty much makes your computer into a media server, and you can watch and listen to almost anything that's on your computer, on your ps3. Do you have vista or XP?

and yea.. The download speeds on ps3 are sloooooooooooowwwww.

Nick Koan 2009-02-19 02:44 PM

First screens from the next Fallout 3 DLC The Pitt

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