Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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100_Percent_Juice 2008-04-03 09:06 PM

^I just noticed that you don't have an Avatar. Fix that n00b!

wrxkidid 2008-04-03 09:07 PM

Me or Highdesert?

100_Percent_Juice 2008-04-03 09:10 PM

I did this "^" under your name. Plus, he has one. You must have hit your head on the lift pretty hard.

wrxkidid 2008-04-03 09:14 PM

Not lately, I have been doing a pretty good job of avoiding it, although i did semi-drop/set a fully assembled Honda B20 on my foot the other day...Maybe that is what caused all of this.

There I fixed it for you.

JonnydaJibba 2008-04-03 09:28 PM

Sometimes people show up and they don't say anything and then we never hear from them again.

MPREZIV 2008-04-04 06:32 AM

We were all wondering where you went! (HighDesert) I thought you were coming inside with us man!

Like everybody else already said, there was no ill intent implied by the "cold shoulder", we were just already heading inside. Most of us show up at 7 or earlier, and by 7:15 we're ready to do some SERIOUS eating!

Highdesertsuby 2008-04-04 07:23 AM

Yeah, it's worries. I knew it wasn't done on purpose. Hopefully better timing next time...

JonnydaJibba 2008-04-04 07:28 AM

On a lighter note, that Meatlovers Pizza was DELICIOUS! I have half of it in my fridge still. I can't wait for lunch. =D

Dean 2008-04-05 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by wrxkidid (Post 116621)
You have my permission to hit Scott next time you come to a meet.

Don't worry about him hitting back, just tell him Robby said it was ok.

You can also hit Dean just because he is old.

OK Whipper Snapper, as I recall, your old man wrecked you pretty well not to long ago, so i wouldn't be talking smack if I were you. :P

And where have you been? We miss having a youngin' to pick on. :)

wrxkidid 2008-04-05 11:43 PM

Haha, that was only because he weighs more than I do. BTW the shoulder is doing great, I am playing baseball with no problems so that is good.

As to where I have been see:

I was at the meet 2 weeks ago, but you weren't...where have you been?

ZER026D 2008-04-10 05:36 PM

So is the meet spot at the tamerac junction?

Nick Koan 2008-04-10 05:39 PM


cody 2008-04-22 12:08 PM

Alright, me and my GF, Amanda, are coming this Thursday. Anyone else bringing their womenz?

sperry 2008-04-22 12:10 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 117431)
Alright, me and my GF, Amanda, are coming this Thursday. Anyone else bringing their womenz?

I've brought Lisa in the past. But the meet is so geek heavy she's bored out of her mind and doesn't come anymore w/o being dragged there. :lol:

cody 2008-04-22 12:20 PM

Tell here at least one other non-geeky female will be there. They can point and laugh at us while we debate how many catch cans one must run. :cool:

SteveM 2008-04-22 12:54 PM

maybe be there. Just me. Seriously doubt I can get Julie to come along.


Originally Posted by cody (Post 117435)
Tell here at least one other non-geeky female will be there. They can point and laugh at us while we debate how many catch cans one must run. :cool:

wrxkidid 2008-04-22 01:05 PM

Won't be there. Have a CPR cert class. :/

cody 2008-04-22 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by SteveM (Post 117436)
maybe be there. Just me. Seriously doubt I can get Julie to come along.

Right on. Tell her that it's a "bring the womenz" meet. :)

MattR 2008-04-22 03:23 PM

Carrie and I can't make it this week, or she could perhaps help the ratio

cody 2008-04-22 03:41 PM

Bummer, I was hoping you two would be there. And I guess Kevin has class that night. Kevin, send your girlfriend to the meet without you. :P

Dean 2008-04-22 04:00 PM

Cory often brings a hot woman, though not SO, who is less than completely interested in cars.

Nick Koan 2008-04-22 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 117447)
Cory often brings a hot woman, though not SO who is less than completely interested in cars.

Yeah, but then you have to hear stories about piercings in ... sensitive areas. And not the good kind of sensitive areas, the male kind of sensitive areas.

Kevin M 2008-04-22 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 117445)
Bummer, I was hoping you two would be there. And I guess Kevin has class that night. Kevin, send your girlfriend to the meet without you. :P

If she wasn't going to be getting off of a chartered bus in Vegas roughly when the meet starts, I might consider it... but probably wouldn't follow through. :p

WRX06TR 2008-04-22 04:22 PM

Emily and I will most likely be there this week...

cody 2008-04-22 04:25 PM


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