Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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Emboyoyo 2008-05-01 07:11 AM

Me and Nick will be at the meet tonight!

Jeikun 2008-05-07 09:27 PM

I'll be at the meet tomorrow. A birthday and a trip to san diego has kept me away. >.< I dont hate you guys, I swear. :P

tysonK 2008-05-08 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jeikun (Post 118356)
I'll be at the meet tomorrow. A birthday and a trip to san diego has kept me away. >.< I dont hate you guys, I swear. :P

Maybe we hate you.

sperry 2008-05-08 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK (Post 118372)
Maybe we hate you.



JonnydaJibba 2008-05-08 12:49 PM


Nick Koan 2008-05-08 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK (Post 118372)
Maybe we hate you.


Ouch man. Harsh.

/and no Jake, we don't.

Jeikun 2008-05-09 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK (Post 118372)
Maybe we hate you.

*emo* /wrists.

tysonK 2008-05-15 01:45 PM

When are we trying the GSR Canyon Buffet idea..?

Or was that ruled out already?

Nick Koan 2008-05-15 02:01 PM

The day of the meet is a little late to propose a change IMO.

sperry 2008-05-15 02:06 PM

I dunno why we're looking for another meet spot already. Moving the meet is a huge hassle, and I think we've got a pretty nice setup at Tamarack right now: plenty of parking lot, no security hassling us, a waitress that caters to the group, lots of TVs, a pretty big selection of food at decent prices, video games for the kids (not that people have been bringing their kids lately), etc.

Changing things up just to change them up causes a lot of confusion for no real gain. At some point, we'll all be fed up with meeting at Tamarack, but I don't think we're quite there yet.

JonnydaJibba 2008-05-15 02:59 PM

Besides, we probably won't see tweaked out white trash waving guns around at the GSR.

sperry 2008-05-15 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba (Post 118562)
Besides, we probably won't see tweaked out white trash waving guns around at the GSR.

What tweaked out white trash? I totally believed him when he said he was an ex-Navy Seal and ex-cop with 3 black belts in Karate-Fu.... what's tweaked out or white trash about that?

moose 2008-05-15 03:35 PM

What happened?^

wrxkidid 2008-05-15 05:16 PM

im guessing there was a white trashed tweaked out, ex-SEAL, ex Cop, with three black belts waving a gun around, but then again I have been known to be wrong.

I will be there tonight.

tysonK 2008-05-15 08:52 PM

looks like it was ruled out.

MPREZIV 2008-05-16 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by moose (Post 118568)
What happened?^

Look back a few pages in this thread. The info is there... RTFM.

dayofpain 2008-05-22 04:33 PM

yo! i gots my car back a few weeks ago and finally have some time to start coming again.

i hope to see you guys tonight.

"got Canards?"

tysonK 2008-05-22 08:49 PM

that bumper was intense, nice job.

100_Percent_Juice 2008-05-22 08:52 PM

You have canards on your bumper? Pics?

Nick Koan 2008-06-03 09:24 AM

ATTN: Bob Danger

You need to come to the meet this week. I had a stroke of luck today at the vending machine and your dinner for the meet is now pre-purchased.

MPREZIV 2008-06-03 09:38 AM

YES!!!! Frickin' SWEET!!!!!11!ONE1!!

wrxkidid 2008-06-03 01:58 PM

i wont be there this week.

baccalaureate dinner that night! Finally done with HS!

Emboyoyo 2008-06-03 02:37 PM

I'm still not able to make it this week...hopefully i'll be feeling all better next week and be able to actually eat realy food!

Tripperfx3 2008-06-04 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by wrxkidid (Post 119208)
i wont be there this week.

baccalaureate dinner that night! Finally done with HS!

Congrats man! Hope graduation and everything goes well. It should be one of the best times of your life. My Ex-GF screwed mine up for me... :(

M3n2c3 2008-06-11 08:31 PM


I'll be at the meet this week.

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