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Jeikun 2009-09-26 03:21 PM

I've finished it. It doesn't play like normal Halo so it takes some getting used to, but I am really enjoying a more tactical halo than a run-in-and-kill-everything halo.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-09-26 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jeikun (Post 140149)
I've finished it. It doesn't play like normal Halo so it takes some getting used to, but I am really enjoying a more tactical halo than a run-in-and-kill-everything halo.

The run in and kill everything is what made halo, halo.

Nick Koan 2009-09-26 07:51 PM

So this one might actually be fun then?

sperry 2009-09-26 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 140151)
So this one might actually be fun then?

As long as you've still never played Halflife and know how god-awful FPS's are on consoles.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-09-26 11:15 PM

How are they god-awful?

bigrobwoot 2009-09-27 12:16 AM

Keyboard and mouse is way better than 2 joysticks for controlling the character. Plus, there are a lot less retards that play PC games than on xbox live.

Jeikun 2009-09-27 12:52 AM

I'd totally be into the PC gaming scene if I had the money to invest in a decent setup. Personally, I'm happy with my xbox 360 and the ability to rent games, unlike for PCs.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-09-27 08:45 AM

We have had this whole FPS console vs. compy argument before. I just don't see how playing with a controller is an issue if everyone else is also playing with the same controller. Unless you handle a controller like 2 fiddler crabs fighting over a dead fish, I don't see the issue. That's like playing baseball and then saying, "this is fun and all but, it would be much better if we played softball since the ball is bigger and I can be more accurate."

Libila 2009-09-27 10:00 AM

We have a CoD4 tournament on PCs here in Iraq and some of the best guys play with USB Xbox controllers...

bigrobwoot 2009-09-27 02:14 PM

I'm not saying people can't be good with controllers. I'm just saying that probably where the comment came from. It's all personal preference. I like a mouse for aiming more than a joystick, because for me it's easier to turn up the sensitivity but still be able to make small precise movements. I'm no good at that with a joystick, so I have to turn the sensitivity down, so it takes me a while to make big turns, and my shots aren't as precise

doubleurx 2009-09-27 05:59 PM

COD4 is an amazing game on PS3. My son beats the crap out of me on that one (well all PS3 games actually).

sperry 2009-09-27 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 140161)
We have had this whole FPS console vs. compy argument before. I just don't see how playing with a controller is an issue if everyone else is also playing with the same controller. Unless you handle a controller like 2 fiddler crabs fighting over a dead fish, I don't see the issue. That's like playing baseball and then saying, "this is fun and all but, it would be much better if we played softball since the ball is bigger and I can be more accurate."

Playing with a controller is an issue simply because it's not fun. Who cares if everyone's got the same disadvantage... that's like claiming we can just cancel the regular Olympics because we've got the Special Olympics.

Plus, controller issues aside, when you compare Halo to its contemporary PC FPS games, it's only mediocre at best. It's only got this huge following because it was the 1st FPS on a console that wasn't complete utter crap, so a bunch of people got hooked on it because they didn't know how much better good FPS games were.

MPREZIV 2009-09-28 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Danger (Post 140143)

What I wanna know is, where's the royalty money from our cameo appearance?

100_Percent_Juice 2009-09-28 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 140176)
Playing with a controller is an issue simply because it's not fun. Who cares if everyone's got the same disadvantage... that's like claiming we can just cancel the regular Olympics because we've got the Special Olympics.

Plus, controller issues aside, when you compare Halo to its contemporary PC FPS games, it's only mediocre at best. It's only got this huge following because it was the 1st FPS on a console that wasn't complete utter crap, so a bunch of people got hooked on it because they didn't know how much better good FPS games were.

Since when does your inability cause everyone else to be in the special olympics? Maybe it's not fun because you are no good at it and get frustrated. Many people choose to play with a controller over a keyboard mouse combo because it's more fun. You don't have to sit at a desk, I don't need 3 other computers to play with friends at your house, you don't have to bind a set of keys, you don't have to worry about smashing other buttons by mistake, it's more comfortable, and lets not forget about controller vibration when you are shooting a gun. Are there FPS games that I would rather play on the computer vs. with a controller? Sure, CS Source comes to mind but, that doesn't make a console or controller any less fun.

So, Scott issues aside, when did someone compare Halo to its contemporary PC FPS games? Many PC FPS games are also on the 360/PS3 (Fallout3, COD4, RB6 Vegas, etc.) and Halo 1,2 was on PC also. Is Halo the best FPS? No, but that doesn't mean there are not valid reasons other than hype, why thousands of people still play it. I feel that Halo was played out and there was little left to add after Halo 2 introduced the dual wielding feature and the energy sword. Yet here they have made 2 more and have sucked every bit of life out of the title. Halo (2 or 3) is still a solid FPS because of the fact that you can pick up the controller and have instant fun action, and the learning curve is slight compared to games like SOURCE. There are enough vehicles/weapons to keep it fairly fresh and serve several different playing styles.

Accuracy is only part of an FPS. Most people who spend a decent amount of time playing FPS games will master accuracy and then that will no longer be an issue comparing yourself to other gamers. I would say that when factoring how well you do at a given FPS there are 3 factors. Accuracy is probably 40%, strategy 50%, and being in the right place at the right time is 10%.

tysonK 2009-09-28 02:08 PM

When I first played COD4 on my PS3 it was the first FPS I've ever played, beside Wolfenstien way back when on PC.

I thought of it as a challenge. I was utter crap when I started I'm still pretty bad but it's still fun.

I agree with the sitting at a desk thing with Juice, it's nice to have your 55" HDTV guiding your way around the corner to your death.

Also I haven't bothered buying a wheel for racing games on the PS3 either, although I think that would make them more fun.

doubleurx 2009-09-29 07:51 AM

Another fun PS3 game is Warhawk. It isn't anywhere as realistic as COD4, but it is really fun. It is pretty much all online play. Super cheap game right now also.

Nick Koan 2009-10-03 07:55 AM

For what its worth, Need for Speed: Shift is on sale today (maybe the weekend?) at Best Buy for $40 for PS3, 360 and PC.

I'm contemplating going and getting it.

Libila 2009-10-03 10:10 AM

I've got NFS Shift and I say it's worth the buy if FM3 wasn't so close to coming out. It's good and all but it has it's flaws. For a NFS title I'm extremely impressed.

Nick Koan 2009-10-03 10:15 AM

I still don't have a 360 yet, so I'll probably go pick this one up for the PS3.

Libila 2009-10-03 10:37 AM

Yea, if you don't have a 360 then buy it for sure. You'll need something to tie you over until GT5 comes out ;)

BOO 2009-10-03 04:50 PM

Speaking of 360, does anyone know where to take mine to get repaired? It no longer reads discs.

Nick Koan 2009-10-03 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Libila (Post 140389)
Yea, if you don't have a 360 then buy it for sure. You'll need something to tie you over until GT5 comes out ;)

Yeah, so far the game is pretty good. I like how you can get points for driving clean precise laps, or by driving aggressive and 'tradin paint'. It seems like driving clean (especially the mastering corners part) really pays off much more.

And its definitely much more of a real racing sim than any Need For Speed to date (except maybe the first one, which was pretty decent at the time). When you said it was the GTR devs, I was thinking SimBin, but its actually the guys who worked with SimBin on the GTR stuff. Regardless, its obvious they are going more for their work on GTR, GTR2 and GT Legends than any of the old NFS games.

I'm sucking like crazy with the regular controller though, and my old OG Playstation wheel isn't working. So, its a good excuse to pick up the new GT5 Logitech wheel (especially since its on sale right now at Amazon). I figure, even if this game sucks with a wheel, I'll still need one for GT5 when it finally comes out.

Nick Koan 2009-10-03 06:05 PM

Lol, just found that SimBin is threatening to sue Slightly Mad (ex Blimey! Games) for advertising the NFS:Shift with the claim that they developed GTR2 and GT Legends.

doubleurx 2009-10-03 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 140400)
Yeah, so far the game is pretty good. I like how you can get points for driving clean precise laps, or by driving aggressive and 'tradin paint'. It seems like driving clean (especially the mastering corners part) really pays off much more.

And its definitely much more of a real racing sim than any Need For Speed to date (except maybe the first one, which was pretty decent at the time). When you said it was the GTR devs, I was thinking SimBin, but its actually the guys who worked with SimBin on the GTR stuff. Regardless, its obvious they are going more for their work on GTR, GTR2 and GT Legends than any of the old NFS games.

I'm sucking like crazy with the regular controller though, and my old OG Playstation wheel isn't working. So, its a good excuse to pick up the new GT5 Logitech wheel (especially since its on sale right now at Amazon). I figure, even if this game sucks with a wheel, I'll still need one for GT5 when it finally comes out.

Bayley just came home from Reno with NFS Shift. Who's online?

cody 2009-10-14 10:17 AM

I got NFS Shift last weekend. Thanks for the tip Nick. It's pretty cool but it's annoying when you can't tell that it's time to brake cuz your on someone's ass. I also don't like how the engine just cuts when it's time to brake though I'm sure there's a way to disable that. I liked GT2's flashing number that represented the gear you needed to be in. I guess I should check what's configurable before I complain.

I just ran across this. Anyone played World of Goo? I'm gonna donate $5 and grab it tonight probably.


World of Goo - Name your own price


Since no one has posted this here, I might as well. Shamelessly ripped from Slick Deals

World of Goo was released one year ago. The publisher, 2D Boy, is offering it up for whatever you want to pay. You basically give them a donation for what ever amount you decide and they send you a download link to the game.

Link to 2D Boy's website. Scroll down a bit to see the offer. The site is getting hammered so be patient.

Offer ends on October 19th.

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