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SpamMan 2009-04-04 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 131491)
Are you wingless or sti wing now?

sti wing now i miss my wingless... needed cash so i sold it plus trunk..

SpamMan 2009-04-04 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by szucchet (Post 131518)
i like your lip alot is that jdm:huh::huh:

yah JDM yo... ill look around for you bratha...

20psiMR 2009-04-06 01:22 PM

Photoshoot in sig as well, but heres some racing pics at Spring Mountain Motorsports Park:

Below is Thomas Smith, he took 2nd at Subiefest last year. He does serious work!

My old roommate Marcus, Im making the move on him! Next pic is the lap after that!

Where did the STI go? Oh ya way back there!

Ruh roh! We parked next to them and they messed with us for taking a pic but we werent in trouble haha.

On way to SMMP

20psiMR 2009-04-06 01:31 PM

And just cuz I like you guys, here is full pics of Subiefest 2008. Pastrana and Block were there too, for your viewing pleasure hehe. Blocks car on track is a beast, he did some test runs. This was willow springs big track. We were there to support Thomas, and he took 2nd in street. Was beat by the Crawford STI by like 2 tenths, and his WRX only has intake exhaust and a tune!

Mary and Michelle(she does LV region autocross in her mazda3), we were all rockin EDO stuff because they paid for Thomas' entry

Robi's new STI, with custom KW streets. I talked to Mr Fuller himself and he said that the guy couldnt afford all the work that was done, and lost his job, so Robert took it over on a mechanics lien. Kinda sucks, but its the way it goes :(

Im sure you guys know this car =P

20psiMR 2009-04-06 01:42 PM

Thomas being shy, as usual and me peekin in the background hehe

Mary liked this car not sure why

Do WORK son!

It was frickin hot!!! Popsicles FTW

Nother Robispec'd STI

Here comes some good ones =P

Mary likes the hold out camera shots hehe

Mary really wanted an RS at the time, so I think thats why she took these /shrug

Sorry if thats too many pics, if a mod wants to move this to a new thread no worries. Just figured I would post these up for you guys!

JonnydaJibba 2009-04-06 01:57 PM


cody 2009-04-06 02:58 PM

Awesome pics. I love graphite on cars. Hot. That Sonic Yellow bugeye is gross. :(

bigrobwoot 2009-04-06 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 128639)
Screw washing it. Here it is now with more sti scoop goodness. Yes I have a stock wheel on the back. The new one is in meh office!

How did you get your headlights so clean?? Your car looks sick!

100_Percent_Juice 2009-04-06 07:51 PM

Clean on the inside or out? Mine are 04 so they are chrome when I take the amber out. Yours will be black since you have an 05. Ages ago I tried to have a headlight clearing party but it never worked out. It's very easy to do. On the outside I used plastix and buffed them really good.

bigrobwoot 2009-04-06 10:56 PM

The outside. Thanks. The best thing I could think of to use was bug and tar remover, which worked better than windex, but it still doesn't look like that. I'll have to look into plastix, never heard of it, thanks

100_Percent_Juice 2009-04-07 08:15 AM

Yeah it works well but its not a permanent fix.

cody 2009-04-07 08:23 AM

I'm thinking of wet sanding mine before the next applicaton of Plastix. I want to research it a bit more first though.

DaveWRX 2009-04-07 09:06 AM

Wet sand, buff with a plastic cleaner, then buff with a plastic polish. I detailed cars so I know a lil bit about how to make them pop

100_Percent_Juice 2009-04-07 09:17 AM

I saw a thread on nasioc where someone used the headlight restore kit and had great results.

EDIT: I can't find it. I am pretty sure the product has "Crystal View" in the name.

cody 2009-04-07 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by DaveWRX (Post 131700)
Wet sand, buff with a plastic cleaner, then buff with a plastic polish. I detailed cars so I know a lil bit about how to make them pop

So no wetsanding to reduce the pits in the lens? Could I use a bug and tar remover as the cleaner and then the PlastiX as the polish?

100_Percent_Juice 2009-04-07 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 131704)

Originally Posted by DaveWRX (Post 131700)
Wet sand, buff with a plastic cleaner, then buff with a plastic polish. I detailed cars so I know a lil bit about how to make them pop

So no wetsanding to reduce the pits in the lens? Could I use a bug and tar remover as the cleaner and then the PlastiX as the polish?

The first thing he said was to wet sand.

cody 2009-04-07 09:41 AM

:lol: Oops. :oops: What grit? Does it have to be special sandpaper or anything?

sperry 2009-04-07 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 131709)
:lol: Oops. :oops: What grit? Does it have to be special sandpaper or anything?

You can probably start w/ whatever grit you want, but know that you'll have to resand over and over with higher grit until you get to around 1200 or so when you can switch to polishing compounds.

Your starting point is probably going to be based on how pitted the plastic is to start with.

DaveWRX 2009-04-07 10:42 AM

I used 1000 grit but it's up to you. Also I prefer 3m plastic cleaner and polish

ScottyS 2009-04-07 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by DaveWRX (Post 131718)
I used 1000 grit but it's up to you. Also I prefer 3m plastic cleaner and polish

3M, is that at NAPA or something? I need to do this in a dreadful way.

DaveWRX 2009-04-07 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by ScottyS (Post 131725)
3M, is that at NAPA or something? I need to do this in a dreadful way.

Yea it's Napa but I believe everyone caries it

sperry 2009-04-07 12:33 PM

I've got both Plasti-X and the 3M plastic polishing compound at home. IIRC, one or the other is actually a heavier grit. I think the 3M stuff is 2000 grit, and the Plasti-X is less abrasive, but I'd have to look at the bottles to be sure.

Keep in mind that 3M also makes a "plastic cleaner" which is probably even less abrasive that you can use after the polish to really clear the lens.

DaveWRX 2009-04-07 12:38 PM

U want to use the polish as the last step

sperry 2009-04-07 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by DaveWRX (Post 131735)
U want to use the polish as the last step

I guess I got the grit levels mixed up. Either way, start with say 800 wet/dry paper, and work up to whatever the highest grit cleaner/polish is.

So, 800 paper->1200 paper->1600 paper->2000 cleaner->2200 polish for example.

wildfirefli 2009-04-07 06:46 PM

subiefest.....mmmm hottness

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