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Dean 2012-01-19 06:23 PM

Basic cable which was $27.47 last month. So, $4.25 more for months 1-6, 19.25 for 7-12 and 29.25 months 13-24 which is when I will call and complain, but that averages out to $20.5 as is.


Originally Posted by FromMyChatW/CharterRep
...your current cable and new internet service and your monthly rate will be $31.72 WITH TAX which is locked in for 6 months. For months 7-12 it is $15/month more. For months 13-24 it is $10/month more. Thereafter, the standard price for these services is normally $15.00 more. Your installation will occur on 01-16 and the install fee of $9.99

cody 2012-01-19 07:48 PM

I think they've been advertising the $20/mo locked for 12 months for stand-alone 15meg internet on TV though.

100_Percent_Juice 2012-03-05 12:20 PM

30mb internet package

I might drop down to the 15 and see what that does.

sperry 2012-03-05 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 160686)

30mb internet package

I might drop down to the 15 and see what that does.

We just dropped ours from 30 to 15. is still reporting ~30Mbit... but for whatever reason NetFlix last night kept dropping quality. Though that might have more to do with the updates to Silverlight than the network speed, since it was working fine right before the update. :unamused:

Either way, I'm going to pay Charter as little as possible. We looked at a bill from 2006... it was $70. Our bill now is $120. For exactly the same service. We have the same internet speed, we have the same TV channels, we have the same DVR... and it costs nearly twice as much as it used to, and that's *after* my wife calls them and argues for an hour until they finally give us the current promo price. It would be $180 otherwise. For just internet and basic HD TV DVR.

Fuck Charter. True 4G internet can't come to Reno fast enough.

100_Percent_Juice 2012-03-05 02:30 PM

I signed up for 30mb internet and unlimited phone. Without basic TV they said the price would be $79.97 a month. With the addition of basic TV they said the bill would be $10 less a month. It doesn't make sense to me but I guess they want me to be tempted to buy on demand movies. I have no idea what the monthly taxes will run. Anyone have an idea?

GusGus91 2012-03-10 11:58 PM

Does anybody have charters 100mb internet? I'm moving to a new house in a couple weeks and I was hoping to just get that if it was worth it so everybody in the house can just stream tv and movies instead of having to pay extra for cable and that nonsense. Also any suggestions on router and modem? I hear the one that charter gives you with the 100mb service suck teh big one..

Dean 2012-03-11 10:34 AM

100mb is overkill IMHO unless you have a known reason for it. Netflix HD is under 4Mbit. 720p and 1080i are in the 8-15Mbit range if you can find anyone really streaming those. 20-30mbit is probably a good place to start.

Most of the time you should not blame streaming quality on your internet connection, but the content provider or "Internet". Even with 20Mbit, 1/2 the time CBS, NBC won't turn HD in their players. It is them or a bottleneck in the middle not my connection.

Motorola DOCSIS 3! SB6120 is what I am running. Avoid the SB6121.

Router... Linksys continues to have great compatibility with VOIP stuff which is one of my criteria. Trendnet too.

GusGus91 2012-03-11 12:04 PM

The reason we wanted the 100mb was because we though that we'd need it.. Running 2 xbox's online while downloading some torrents and then another person watching netflix in another room on the ps3 all at the same time.. We feel like it'd be a common occurrence in the house. haha That's why I was curious.

Thanks for the link dean.

Dean 2012-03-11 12:20 PM

Torrents seldom break a few hundred Kbit each even with a ton of peers. Online gaming is more about ping time than bandwidth. Typically <200Kbit.

The easy trick to tell is to start another "HD" stream to another host on another PC and see if anything slows down. Usually not will be the answer.

And unless you hard wire all this stuff, your wireless may be more of a bottleneck due to contention. 54Mbit g or even 300Mbit N are subject to significant degradation with multiple heavily active clients especially if "Mixed" mode.

GusGus91 2012-03-11 12:41 PM

Hmm ok.. I'll see what ends up happening. I was planning on using a switch for atleast the ps3 and 1 xbox. But I'll have to see. Thanks for the help dean.

03wrxwagon 2012-03-11 03:27 PM

you will need a better router too be able to push the speeds if you get the 100mb.i have 30mb and run the ps3 online,2 laptops,2 phones through wifi with no problems,just so you know if its gonna be all wifi and none hardwired the wifi will lose some juice as iv tested both is mine with everything running

sperry 2012-03-11 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 160754)
100mb is overkill IMHO unless you have a known reason for it. Netflix HD is under 4Mbit. 720p and 1080i are in the 8-15Mbit range if you can find anyone really streaming those. 20-30mbit is probably a good place to start.

Most of the time you should not blame streaming quality on your internet connection, but the content provider or "Internet". Even with 20Mbit, 1/2 the time CBS, NBC won't turn HD in their players. It is them or a bottleneck in the middle not my connection.

Motorola DOCSIS 3! SB6120 is what I am running. Avoid the SB6121.

Router... Linksys continues to have great compatibility with VOIP stuff which is one of my criteria. Trendnet too.

What's wrong with he SB6121? I picked one up a few months back and it's been rock solid and fast. Way better than the crappy rental that was up/down weekly.

Dean 2012-03-11 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 160759)
What's wrong with he SB6121? I picked one up a few months back and it's been rock solid and fast. Way better than the crappy rental that was up/down weekly.

It has had some reported heat issues. Not bad if well ventilated, but apparently it can get quite warm. Nothing technically wrong, it is basically a repackaged 6120.

100_Percent_Juice 2012-03-12 11:14 AM

The neighbor across the street from me grabbed the 100mb package. He called me to come over when the tech was there because he was only getting up to 65mb with his computer. I brought my computer over and we got up to 80mb. Still crazy fast but I don't feel that its worth it. However, I have never done all the crap you're talking about, at the same time. FWIW I am getting 4mb downstream regularly with utorrent.

I bought the Zoom docsis 3.0 modem/wireless-n router from bestbuy and I get great speed for everything hardwired. The wireless is totally crap though so I will be taking it back and probably getting something like Dean has and a separate wireless router.

100_Percent_Juice 2012-03-12 11:16 AM

Also, what is the point of 2 day shipping if it doesn't go out for 2 weeks!? Stupid Amazon.

sperry 2012-03-12 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 160763)
Also, what is the point of 2 day shipping if it doesn't go out for 2 weeks!? Stupid Amazon.

Amazon Prime, or nothing.

Dean 2012-03-12 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 160762)
FWIW I am getting 4mb downstream regularly with utorrent.

You must download the uber popular gay dolphin furry porn.

100_Percent_Juice 2012-03-12 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 160764)
Amazon Prime, or nothing.

I am a member of prime.

100_Percent_Juice 2012-03-12 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 160765)
You must download the uber popular gay dolphin furry porn.

I must? You really think its that good?

sperry 2012-03-12 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 160766)
I am a member of prime.

Well, stop ordering stuff that isn't Prime guaranteed. I've never had a problem with shipping/handling delays on Prime items.

Kevin M 2012-03-12 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 160768)
Well, stop ordering stuff that isn't Prime guaranteed. I've never had a problem with shipping/handling delays on Prime items.

Indeed. If it says it's in stock, I always get it on time from Amazon.

sperry 2012-05-08 02:18 PM

Way to go IGT internet connection!

(It literally took me 25 seconds just to get to this thread to post... I wonder how long it'll take to submit and how many double posts it'll make!)

Kevin M 2012-05-08 02:21 PM

Why don't you just tether your workstation to your phone? :lol:

Nick Koan 2012-05-08 02:21 PM

F- with 5 second pings :lol:

sperry 2012-05-08 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin M (Post 161284)
Why don't you just tether your workstation to your phone? :lol:

Because fuck paying AT&T $35/mo or whatever they're raping people for these days?

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