Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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sti deede 2005-03-31 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by SlickNick112
How late are people hanging out tonight? I don't get off work until 9:30 tonight. Will there still be some people around?

Probably not, if anyone is left at that time, they'll most likely be leaving shortly. :(

SlickNick112 2005-03-31 03:09 PM

Hmmm....Heidi and I were going to take the trip up to that part of town if anyone would still be hanging out. :(

bruspeed 2005-04-13 04:39 PM

Is everybody gonna meet tommorrow? 4/14 Odds are you may see alot of these posts in here from me, seeing as how g-ville is a pretty good drive just to fond out it got cancelled or moved, that would suck! Haha

Kevin M 2005-04-13 04:41 PM

There is a meet, every single week, barring unnatural phenomena and natural disasters. ;) The meet never gets changed, canceled, or moved without advance notice in this thread.

MattR 2005-04-13 06:19 PM

Yeah, if there is one constant in this world, it's SECCS thursday meets...

MikeSTI 2005-04-13 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
Yeah, if there is one constant in this world, it's SECCS thursday meets...

sun, rain, snow, white out conditions, hail, sand storms, sleet, freezing cold...............I don't know of anything that has stoped us from meeting on Thursdays :lol:

MattR 2005-04-13 06:53 PM

The only thnig I can think of is Thanksgiving and some other holiday...

MattR 2005-04-21 03:42 PM

Just a quick note re: tonights meet...

1) We will not have our reserved room tonight, there is a private party (oddly enough my roomates work has reserved the room) We should have tables though

2) Eileen Thomas (ET) from Reno Fernley raceway and The Next Level Driving School will most likely be at the meet tonight, we've been throwing around some last minute ideas about having a track day or school day for our group, and she will have some info to give us.

see ya there.

tysonK 2005-05-12 05:26 PM

Looks like some warmish weather tonight!

Kevin M 2005-05-12 05:34 PM

I scrolled up after reading the last post and thought ET was coming again and we didn't have the room. :p

Joeyy 2005-06-17 09:16 AM

Stopped by last night for the first time. Sorry I could not stick around. I liked the STI with the 18" SSR wheels and thought everyone was very freindly.

MikeSTI 2005-06-17 09:19 AM


Originally Posted by Joeyy
Stopped by last night for the first time. Sorry I could not stick around. I liked the STI with the 18" SSR wheels and thought everyone was very freindly.

Thanks for stopping by :D (my wheels are sexy)

nightwalker 2005-07-30 04:02 PM

I just moved to about 2 minutes away from Bully's. Weird. When STIDeede told me about it, I was still thining where the f is that?

M3n2c3 2005-08-11 07:14 PM

I'm gonna get to a meet one of these days, dammit. Stupid other crap taking up my days off. . . :furious:

SlickNick112 2005-08-11 07:28 PM

head down there now.......I'm leaving work right now to catch the night cap. see you there.

M3n2c3 2005-08-11 07:39 PM

We're just starting dinner at home. I've spent a good chunk of my day looking for a new place to live in Carson and making phone calls because our apartment complex was just bought and the new owner will likely not be renewing leases. I'll have to make it next time.

how late do people usually stay?

tysonK 2005-08-11 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by M3n2c3
We're just starting dinner at home. I've spent a good chunk of my day looking for a new place to live in Carson and making phone calls because our apartment complex was just bought and the new owner will likely not be renewing leases. I'll have to make it next time.

how late do people usually stay?

we end up finishing eating around 9ish.

People stick around till 10pm in the parking area sometimes, unless we all bitch out and go home to rest up for big fridays.

M3n2c3 2005-09-08 05:27 PM

No Bully's for me tonight. One of my mom's old friends picked tonight to come in to town. I was talked into going to dinner because "the rest of my siblings will be there too." Just found out that they won't be, and it's too late to back out. :furious:

Next week without fail. I'll have that $1 for ya, Dean! :P

sperry 2005-09-08 05:41 PM

I'm MIA as well... it's the last night to finish up my stuff before the trade show.

Nick Koan 2005-09-08 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
I'm MIA as well... it's the last night to finish up my stuff before the trade show.

Last night for you. I've got all the way till Saturday :|

Duckie 2005-09-09 12:30 AM

I fell asleep and didn't make it tonight >_<...

zumnwrx 2005-09-23 12:27 AM

nice meeting all you guys... SERIOUSLY

i felt right at home as soon as i pulled up and seen all those subies... if im ever in town again ill for sure be dropping by again

good times
edgar, :)

tysonK 2005-09-23 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by zumnwrx
nice meeting all you guys... SERIOUSLY

i felt right at home as soon as i pulled up and seen all those subies... if im ever in town again ill for sure be dropping by again

good times
edgar, :)

good deal.

Your car is hot.


nightwalker 2005-09-26 02:50 PM

Weird to find out that Edgar and I are from the same town. Cool meet.

p.s. -Friends don't let friends drag race.

zumnwrx 2005-09-26 07:23 PM

haha yeah seriously...

but eh we drove hondas then... what did you expect :D + it was a different scene when we were out there (pre fast and furious)

good time non the less!
edgar, :)

i just got asked if i wanted to take 2 weeks working in the gulf coast :eek: im not sure if im down for that tho

MattR 2005-09-26 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by zumnwrx
i just got asked if i wanted to take 2 weeks working in the gulf coast :eek: im not sure if im down for that tho

Have you worked much with the "American Freightways" half of the company yet?

zumnwrx 2005-09-26 08:34 PM

well i was in chicago for a week last year... and that was cause we had to get use to using their operating software.

so i have, and basicly the west has incorperated alot of their ways from a operation stand point.

why do you ask btw?
edgar, :)

MattR 2005-09-26 08:37 PM

Just curious. I've always wondered what a big merger like that is like.

zumnwrx 2005-09-27 01:38 PM

haha well it was smooth for us... but the east drivers werent to happy, see the drivers over there were union and were being paid more then the west drivers.

when the merge took place they got rid of the union and put them on pay wage freeze till the west caught up with them in pay. as you can imagine it got kinda ugly back east with disgruntled employees, but they had no choice, it was exept it or leave.

but for the most part they kept each company operating as they did befor and slowly made minor changes to help the two operate more efectivly together.

you cannt hurt fedex, and they knew it.
edgar, :)

zumnwrx 2005-09-30 06:30 PM

looks like ill be intown for another week starting monday... yay!

so see yah on thursday
edgar, :)

Nick Koan 2005-10-14 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by zumnwrx
looks like ill be intown for another week starting monday... yay!

so see yah on thursday
edgar, :)

Did you make it up again?

zumnwrx 2005-10-14 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by nKoan
Did you make it up again?

i did but i ended up crusin thru late and seemed everyone was heading out...

all good tho
edgar, :D

sperry 2005-10-14 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by zumnwrx
i did but i ended up crusin thru late and seemed everyone was heading out...

all good tho
edgar, :D

Yeah, real low turnout last night... meet didn't last too long. :(

M3n2c3 2005-10-14 03:52 PM

I'll be there for sure next week.

JonnydaJibba 2005-10-17 06:34 AM

I think about going every time, but my car is soooo sad right now. :tear:

tysonK 2005-10-17 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
I think about going every time, but my car is soooo sad right now. :tear:

It's about the people not the cars. We just tend to talk about the cars.

ScottyS 2005-10-17 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by tysonK
It's about the people not the cars. We just tend to talk about the cars.

Heck yeah, I'm proof of that. All Subies are cool.

MPREZIV 2005-11-08 07:07 PM

The dusty little green wagon has it's place in the world man! Don't bash her, she loves you Scotty!

Ezdno 2005-11-11 06:30 PM

Well I considered heading to Bullys last night, but I was unsure if it was at Robb Drive or Meadowood. So I didn't go. Besides, newbies aren't allowed at the meetings are they?

I would like a sticker though.

Dean 2005-11-11 06:50 PM

We missed you. Robb Dr. is the current location, that is why this thread is sticky...

MikeK 2005-11-11 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ezdno
Besides, newbies aren't allowed at the meetings are they?

Everybody is welcome

Nick Koan 2005-11-11 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ezdno
Well I considered heading to Bullys last night, but I was unsure if it was at Robb Drive or Meadowood. So I didn't go. Besides, newbies aren't allowed at the meetings are they?

I would like a sticker though.

Your in luck, its too cold for the normal hazing, so we kinda skip it in the winter.

DARKSTI 2005-11-11 08:24 PM

I may try and come to next meeting :)

JonnydaJibba 2005-11-14 07:18 AM

My car is finally outta the shop! $733 later...I guess now I have to go.

MPREZIV 2005-11-14 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
My car is finally outta the shop! $733 later...I guess now I have to go.

Glad to hear you've got it back dude! I'll be lookin for ya at the meet!

norcalsvx 2005-11-14 03:34 PM

New guy here, ill be there this thursday

Nick Koan 2005-11-14 03:52 PM

excelent. More SVX's the merrier.

DARKSTI 2005-11-17 05:41 PM

i may not make it, some stuff has come up, i may try and cruise by later

Ezdno 2005-11-17 07:21 PM

Unfortunately I won't be making it this week either, just picked the ride up and need to head home, I won't have anytime to get there. Maybe the week after Turkey Day!

renoguy20 2005-11-23 04:18 PM

Whare are you guys?
Since I dont know what any of you look like, where do I find you guys at the meets? I went on the 17th but it was to visit my cousin who was leaving town. I had front parking though, Red wagon 05 right by the door. I will definately be at the next meet though (dec 1st?), Just let me know who I should look for...

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