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Nick Koan 2009-11-10 04:25 PM

Some guy on i-club did up the GST L Time attack car in Forza 3

sperry 2009-11-10 04:31 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 141966)
Some guy on i-club did up the GST L Time attack car in Forza 3

I saw that via Facebook. Pretty well done.

I still can't figure out how people get things like text done so well in the game. The editor is a tedious nightmare to use and it must take *hours* just to do something like match a font used on a real car. I'd *kill* for some way to edit decals in photoshop and upload to for download into the game's editor. Even if you can't actually edit the car on your PC, at the least you'd be able to make accurate decals to be applied to the car in-game.

There must be some tricks and techniques to using the in-game editor I don't know.

Nick Koan 2009-11-10 04:33 PM

Yeah, he said it took him 15 hours to do.

That's more dedication than I have.

Libila 2009-11-10 04:42 PM

That's such a sweet Lemons car. Did it survive?

sperry 2009-11-10 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by Libila (Post 141970)
That's such a sweet Lemons car. Did it survive?

100_Percent_Juice 2009-11-11 09:46 AM

What's the story with the math problem on the hood?

sperry 2009-11-11 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 141990)
What's the story with the math problem on the hood?

When you get black flagged for doing something stupid on track, instead of making you sit in a penalty box like regular race series do, they come up with creative ways to waste your time. Since I got busted for "two wheels off" (which was BS, I just drove through the cloud left by the car in front of me and they pulled my number instead, you can see it in the in-car video) they made us solve a crazy long unit conversion word problem involving beers, calories, and joules.

We also had to write "I will not pass under yellow" on the roof 100 times, follow the bus of shame for a lap around the paddock, and do a plain old 10 minute stint in the penalty box.

Other people had giant metal cutouts of farm animals welded to their roofs, or the team had to sit in a tent full of playa sand while it was shaken (it was the Burning Man simulation penalty for people w/ sand in their vaginas that complained about their other penalties I guess :lol: ), eat baby food for whining, do a slalom in reverse (in a car that doesn't have reverse gear), etc.

Overall the judges were pretty creative, and in general most the penalties could be handled in short time if your team was smart and on the ball, while dumb people spent hours working on getting back out on track.

Bob Danger 2009-11-11 12:23 PM

I've created a couple of decals on Forza 3.

A anti-DC logo, the Planet Express logo, the Stone Cutters emblem. Small stuff like that.

Cory made a Fuck Block license plate. Which is Hilarious.

cody 2009-11-13 02:25 PM

BOO 2009-11-16 06:21 PM

Okay so i'll start off by saying that I am in no way shape or form a Gamer, but my 360 flew the coop. Yesterday, my wife bought me a new PS3 and I must say, I am impressed. Yes, a little on the late side but I am digging it. I actually plugged/synch'd my Son's PSP and was trying all sorts of cool features. Needless to say I like it.

Yes this may be old news for you but I am still learning about these games. :lol:

khail19 2009-11-16 07:31 PM

You're not late, I'm still playing my Gamecube and PS2!

100_Percent_Juice 2009-11-16 08:46 PM

See how impressed you are when you try to play RB6 Vegas 1 or 2 and it locks up on you.

BOO 2009-11-16 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 142165)
See how impressed you are when you try to play RB6 Vegas 1 or 2 and it locks up on you.

lol sorry my man but, I don't play those kinds of games. they're a little out of my league. mine are the simple Ratchet and Clank, GT5, various racing games.

zpeed 2009-11-16 09:52 PM

I still playing PS2. I'll wait til GT5 coming out before I buy PS3.

BOO 2009-11-16 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by zpeed (Post 142167)
I still playing PS2. I'll wait til GT5 coming out before I buy PS3.

Have you at least tried/played GT5 Prologue?

zpeed 2009-11-17 12:32 AM

That on PS3 right? I don't have PS3 yet.

Dewey 2009-12-06 07:19 PM

Anyone get their hands on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 yet?

tysonK 2009-12-06 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dewey (Post 142816)
Anyone get their hands on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 yet?

Yeah I've been playing a bit.

My "router/network card/something" is not working so I won't be online much until I fix it.

I liked the maps better in MW1, the single player I am saving for x-mas week for something to do during the day. I've done some of the co-op and it's pretty fun also.

right now there are some glitches and over powered guns I think they are working on.

van 2009-12-06 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by Dewey (Post 142816)
Anyone get their hands on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 yet?

I've been playing on the ps3, lots of fun

Dewey 2009-12-07 12:59 AM

Nice, I am going to go pick it up tomorrow. If anyone wants to add me on Xbox LIVE my gamertag is badfish1337.

GusGus91 2009-12-07 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Dewey (Post 142835)
Nice, I am going to go pick it up tomorrow. If anyone wants to add me on Xbox LIVE my gamertag is badfish1337.

I just added you. I have it too. I love it.:D

cody 2009-12-09 01:27 PM

I can't justify the cost, but these racing seats look pretty sweet.

More in my price range:

Dean 2009-12-28 01:40 PM

I know I am going to get clobbered by all of you hard core FPS players, but I played most of the new games on Wii Fit Plus on Sat. and they are really cool. Not as a replacement for exercise, though some are, but some were really fun. Ski jumping, Seagway, obstacle course, some bird flapping game, etc... And watching someone else do some of them is very amusing. :)

I may have to get a Wii. Anybody want to trade one for an iPod?

tysonK 2009-12-28 08:46 PM

Yeah my dad bought a Wii and Wii fit plus for them to mess with it was fun.

Right now I'm all DJ Hero, it's pretty fun.

doubleurx 2009-12-28 08:55 PM

Our 60 Gig PS3 has a serious problem. I think I need to foot the bill for the fix though. There aren't too many of them out there. It won't read Blue Ray or the PS3 games. It still plays all the PS2 and earlier games as well as standard DVD's.

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