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Dean 2009-12-28 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by doubleurx (Post 143514)
Our 60 Gig PS3 has a serious problem. I think I need to foot the bill for the fix though. There aren't too many of them out there. It won't read Blue Ray or the PS3 games. It still plays all the PS2 and earlier games as well as standard DVD's.

Apparently that is a common failure, especially with the 60Gb. Might get away with cleaning the drive, but not likely. Under Warranty?

doubleurx 2009-12-29 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 143515)
Apparently that is a common failure, especially with the 60Gb. Might get away with cleaning the drive, but not likely. Under Warranty?

I bought a 3 year extended warranty on it.....................3 years ago!

It's odd because last night it worked again. I did some research on the code that came up and what I understand is it is a failing blue-ray diode? It would seem to me that something like that would either work or not work. It is obviously intermittent.

My warranty card is at work. I'm going to call the company and see if they will do anything. Otherwise, Sony will fix it, but they charge $150.

cody 2009-12-29 10:53 AM

You did try cleaining the lazer eye thingy already, right?

doubleurx 2009-12-29 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 143532)
You did try cleaining the lazer eye thingy already, right?

I was going to until the actual error code came up. According to Sony it means the blu-ray diode has failed and needs to be replaced.

Lucky me it is still under warranty.

BOO 2010-01-02 02:33 AM

Have you guys checked out Mass Effect 2( ???

cody 2010-01-13 05:04 PM

I preordered God of War 3 from Amazon. I liked the first two. I'll probably cancel the order after I get the download code for the demo though. I don't like to buy new full priced games, especially when I have other newish games to play.

cody 2010-01-15 03:07 PM

It worked. Got my demo code email today. Lookin' fwd to it. Release date for full game is 3/31 as per the Amazon preorder page.

WRX06TR 2010-01-18 03:18 PM

Have fun! That demo is pretty cool and also one of the most violent games ever :lol:

cody 2010-01-18 03:21 PM

You aren't kidding. I kept yelling thoughout the 15 minutes it took to finish the demo, things like "Oh, sick!!!"

I thought the first two were bloody and violent...

doubleurx 2010-01-19 08:55 AM

My PS3 is fixed and on its way back. I had an extended warranty with "Square Trade". Not sure if anyone has used them, but they have been great. They shipped me a box specifically made for the PS3 with molded foam and all shipping paid for. They fixed it in less than 5 days so the total time will be 2 weeks for the fix. They sent me updates through the whole process via e-mail. The plan was pretty cheap also - $75/ 3years.

cody 2010-01-19 09:12 AM

I've heard really good things about Square Trade. I don't purchase extended warranties as a general rule though. I really came close to getting one for my TV, but cheaped out/rolled the dice.

Bob Danger 2010-02-05 11:15 AM

I think someone was telling me about a new GT5 demo, available for download that includes damage. Has anyone played it? I couldn't find it on the Playstation Network, I fear I may have hallucinated that entire conversation.

cody 2010-02-05 11:30 AM

I've had a GT5 Demo for a couple months now. I only played it once...I think it included damage, but don't recall for sure.

szucchet 2010-02-05 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 144980)
I've had a GT5 Demo for a couple months now. I only played it once...I think it included damage, but don't recall for sure.

how is it? I want a ps3 because of that game, it looks really good. still stuck playing forza so hopefully wont be out to soon

GusGus91 2010-02-05 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by szucchet (Post 145060)
how is it? I want a ps3 because of that game, it looks really good. still stuck playing forza so hopefully wont be out to soon

Forza 3 I'm assuming? If so how is it? I played the demo and wasn't really a fan of it.. I was wondering if the full game was any better or different..

cody 2010-02-05 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by szucchet (Post 145060)
how is it? I want a ps3 because of that game, it looks really good. still stuck playing forza so hopefully wont be out to soon

It's a sim, so it's hard. I will probably get addicted to it if I ever buy a decent wheel, but til then, I'll just stick with Dirt 2 and NFS Shift.

GusGus91 2010-02-05 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 145063)
It's a sim, so it's hard. I will probably get addicted to it if I ever buy a decent wheel, but til then, I'll just stick with Dirt 2 and NFS Shift.

How's shift? haha

And Dirt 2 is my fav racing game. So good. I might have to get GT5 though. IF it ever comes out.

100_Percent_Juice 2010-02-05 10:51 PM

Anyone playing mass effect 2?

cody 2010-02-06 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by GusGus91 (Post 145064)
How's shift? haha

And Dirt 2 is my fav racing game. So good. I might have to get GT5 though. IF it ever comes out.

Shift surprised me. It's similar to GT4 but of course it's more arcadey. I haven't played it a ton because I've spent more time on Dirt 2, but I plan to play it more, especially if I get a wheel.

szucchet 2010-02-06 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by GusGus91 (Post 145062)
Forza 3 I'm assuming? If so how is it? I played the demo and wasn't really a fan of it.. I was wondering if the full game was any better or different..

i love it, has some flaw but they don't bother me that much. I played shift and hate it. I think it has to do with me playing forza before I played shift.

100_Percent_Juice 2010-02-06 11:52 AM

If you hate shift so much you should sell it to me.

sperry 2010-02-17 01:23 PM

Hey Mike... you take a week off work yet?

MikeK 2010-02-17 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 145754)
Hey Mike... you take a week off work yet?

I have 10 weeks leave all ready to go! Now I just need a PC that won't catch fire.

cody 2010-02-18 12:17 PM

Your current PC catches on fire? Neat.

MikeK 2010-03-10 09:44 AM

Some early portal 2 news

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