Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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-   -   Current Meet Location - Tamarack Junction - 6pm - 1st Thurs of each month (

GusGus91 2009-02-23 08:11 PM

how late do you guy's usually stay there?

Dean 2009-02-23 08:15 PM

2 hoursish. Longer in the summer when it is nice outside to stand around and BS.

cody 2009-02-23 09:33 PM

I'm coming too.


100_Percent_Juice 2009-02-23 10:27 PM

^I didn't know you could do that for yourself.


Emboyoyo 2009-02-25 12:19 PM

I'll be there again this week!! :)

WRX06TR 2009-02-25 01:27 PM

I may make an appearance.

GusGus91 2009-02-25 10:34 PM

Me too. I might show for a little bit.

ScottyS 2009-02-26 10:41 AM

6pm baby! Yeah!

Emboyoyo 2009-02-26 11:21 AM

Now I dunno if i'm gonna make it :( depends on if I get out of work on time....If I do make it I'll just come visit for a little while!

wrxkidid 2009-02-26 02:10 PM

im gonna stop by and hang out for a bit doubt i will eat though.

ScottyS 2009-02-26 02:54 PM

The trick is to talk one of us cheap types into going halves on a sampler or pizza or something....

Ego13 2009-03-05 04:12 PM

Assuming yes, but this meet happens every Thursday at 6?

sperry 2009-03-05 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Ego13 (Post 129381)
Assuming yes, but this meet happens every Thursday at 6?


(...and, welcome to the board!)

Ego13 2009-03-05 04:25 PM

Tyty.....gotta get some pics of the car after all this crappy weather passes and I can maker her purty.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-03-05 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 129382)
welcome to the board!

^what he said.

cody 2009-03-05 04:45 PM

^What she said.

Dean 2009-03-05 04:51 PM

^What the guy who likes unicorns said. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)

cody 2009-03-05 04:55 PM


Bob Danger 2009-03-08 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 129393)

In the trees?

100_Percent_Juice 2009-03-08 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Danger (Post 129501)
In the trees?

[moviequote]Slippery he say. You think Charlie cares anything about slippery? The only thing he know is to slip your throat.[/moviequote]

SpenceTi 2009-03-11 09:31 PM

I'll be there tomorrow night with a buddy, it'll be cool to see you all again!

moose 2009-04-01 06:07 PM

Are we gonna have a movie meet this friday or are we going to wait till next thursday?

wildfirefli 2009-04-01 06:18 PM

so.. Us vegas transplants have a little thing we do on thursdays too, we all would meet at in n out on sahara. or trop, depending. Theres a guy out here now, tommy, that would be considered a "regional" out here for FLAT4 and we are trying to arrange a few things. He wants to keep the tradition and do the meets at 8. I'm not sure what to do. I told him to get on the forums. I love flat4 and I was in back in vegas. -confused

100_Percent_Juice 2009-04-01 06:25 PM

I saw a subie with a flat4 sticker on it the other day. What does he drive?

wildfirefli 2009-04-01 06:39 PM

not sure but i'm about the be rocking the new reno F4 sticker. I'm sure that's him.

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