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Nick Koan 2010-12-07 06:37 PM

Heh, I found that on Kotaku a few days ago.

Dean 2010-12-10 09:33 AM

So, am I the only one playing Wii games? I am getting into Epic Mickey. I thought in general things were pretty easy until about the 5th major area in the Gremlins village where I have now died countless times.

It is an interesting quest based FPS/puzzle game sort of except your weapons are paint and thinner. Also thrown in are some side scrolling challenge bits. The graphics are pretty cool especially if you like Disney stuff.

I may have to start over as I now know there is stuff I missed and mistakes I made. In some ways you get to decide to be a good or evil Mickey which of course changes the course of the game.

The controls are typical but the camera as with most games of this type is not always at the greatest angle and has to be nudged and some times the perspective is forced so you can't look where you want which is frustrating.

I'm also getting started on Metroid Trilogy which is pretty cool, but that is old news along with Wii Fit plus and Sports Resort.

Let the Old dude and Wii bashing begin... :)

Nick Koan 2010-12-10 09:38 AM

I was really excited about Epic Mickey when it was first announced, and I still really want to try it.

But, I've just been too busy with other games to pick it up right now.

cody 2010-12-10 10:03 AM

What's good for the Move? I didn't like the mini golf game I bought from PSN for $10 so I'm thinking of picking up TW PGA Tour 11 (I think that's the Move enabled one). Disk golf is really fun though. I also didn't like Shoot (free demo) even with the gun holder for the Move controller. I need a good FPS on the cheap for the Move. :)

Nick Koan 2010-12-10 10:52 AM

Hmm.... Eagle 3 has made an HKS branded controller specifically for racing games. I am absolutely terrible racing with a controller, but I also hate bringing the wheel out and putting it away every time I want to play GT5. I wonder if this is worth it. Part of me thinks it'll be nice to be able to play the game without pulling out the wheel, but the other part of me thinks this won't be good enough once I get far enough along in the game.

cody 2010-12-10 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 153945)
Hmm.... Eagle 3 has made an HKS branded controller specifically for racing games. I am absolutely terrible racing with a controller, but I also hate bringing the wheel out and putting it away every time I want to play GT5. I wonder if this is worth it. Part of me thinks it'll be nice to be able to play the game without pulling out the wheel, but the other part of me thinks this won't be good enough once I get far enough along in the game.

It is a pain to drag out the wheel and put it away, but it only takes less than a minute to do both so I just suck it up. While I hate playing with the controller, I do it when I'm just grabbing a quick race sometimes.

I don't think I'd see the same "pros" as the reviewer at your link for the HKS controller. It appears he's comparing the controls on the HKS to non-analog controls. I reconfigured the controller setup on GT5 to be just like steering is done with the left analogue stick and brake and throttle are the analog R2 and R3 buttons. Shifting is done with X and Square. I'm sure I'd like the feel and sexiness of the HKS better than the DS3, but I wouldn't buy one. Any of the advantages are just duplicating what I already have or at least they seem minor.

Nick Koan 2010-12-10 11:36 AM

The most appealing thing to me is the finer steering control from using a thumb-wheel, instead of a stick.

But, I kinda feel like I'd just get fed up with that controller nearly as quickly as the DS3 anyway, and opt for a real wheel eventually. Probably not worth $50 (especially since the controller is still wired).

sybir 2010-12-10 01:33 PM

I'm going to grab one and give it a try - I'll report back.

khail19 2010-12-10 05:38 PM

I just bought the Super Mario Wii bundle on BF, definitely glad I did. This is the first time I have to compete with my wife for play time though, she's never played any games until now. I'll definitely be picking up the new Goldeneye and COD Black Ops in the future, any other good game recommendations?

Dean 2010-12-10 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by khail19 (Post 153952)
I'll definitely be picking up the new Goldeneye and COD Black Ops in the future, any other good game recommendations?

Start Here:
IGN Top 25 Wii Games 2010 This is for all time, but Cut-off at 9/30/2010 so recent release Holiday games not included.
IGN Wii Buyers guide Includes "Top Nintendo Wii Games of 2010" and "Essential Nintendo Wii Games" which is kind of like the Top 25 list.

You can also sort a bunch of sites to find things you like. These should come up sorted by rating for all time. (Most of these have a similar list for other platforms)


Anything in particular you are looking for?

My family/party game list: Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Rayman Raving Rabbids, Mario Kart

And pick up a Wii Balance Board and Wii Fit Plus off cragslist for $50 or so. Ignoring the exercise piece, it has some really cool games and the exercise stuff is pretty good too.

I would also suggest Soft Modding your Wii no matter where you stand on the piracy piece. It is easy to rip your own titles to a USB attached Hard Drive and Load times are rocket fast and not having to swap DVDs all the time is awesome! Most any USB drive will work and games average out at about 2.5G a piece so plan for size accordingly.

P.S. I really want TrackMania to come out, but the NTSC version has been pushed back 3 times, now Feb. 28 I think. I think PAL has been out since Oct. ??? It is not a real physics racing game but more of a classic "Sprint" type with all sorts of crazy track configurations.

P.P.S. Sorry for the lengthy post, but the old guy does know a thing or two about the one modern gaming system he owns. See the Old games thread for all my Atari Video Computer System / 2600 information. :) Yes, I have a working one on my HDTV. :P

khail19 2010-12-10 07:31 PM

Thanks for all the info Dean, I've got some catching up to do.

cody 2010-12-10 08:01 PM

I played Trackmania (Nations Forever) last year on my old laptop. Ran great and super fun. I love driving upside down and jumping hundreds of feet in an F1 car. :lol:

cody 2010-12-12 10:44 AM

Cheapest I've ever seen PS3's sell for:

$225 shipped (after $75 Amazon credit).

cody 2010-12-24 02:47 PM

I signed up for this, but have to do family crap for the next couple days. Cool concept...hope it's fun.

GT Academy 2011

k-dogg39 2010-12-24 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 154121)
I signed up for this, but have to do family crap for the next couple days. Cool concept...hope it's fun.

GT Academy 2011

I thought about it, but I need to get a wheel setup before doing anything like that.

Kevin M 2010-12-24 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by k-dogg39 (Post 154122)
I thought about it, but I need to get a wheel setup before doing anything like that.


sperry 2010-12-26 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by k-dogg39 (Post 154122)
I thought about it, but I need to get a wheel setup before doing anything like that.

I've got all the gear.... just for PC. :( I don't even have GT5 or a PS3.

Jeikun 2010-12-26 09:13 PM

I did it and I'm something like 2000th out of everyone but that was with a PS3 controller... I'd really like to get a setup but I dont think that I play enough racing games to warrant a wheel.

Nick Koan 2011-02-24 07:43 AM

The next Elder Scrolls game was announced a little while ago, but the first trailer with in-game footage has finally been released. Looks great to me.

JoeWRX 2011-02-24 04:11 PM

^ So effing stoked for that game! Haven't seen that trailer yet.
I wasted so much of my life playing Oblivion.

sperry 2011-02-24 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 155163)
The next Elder Scrolls game was announced a little while ago, but the first trailer with in-game footage has finally been released. Looks great to me.

That makes me wish I was a kid again. I just don't have the time to play games that take any dedication.

The last time I had that sort of time, this is what they looked like:

Nick Koan 2011-02-24 05:28 PM

I have the Quest for Glory Anthology box sitting around somewhere. :lol:

Kevin M 2011-03-15 11:29 PM

Anybody still playing Modern Warfare 2? I don't normally play online much but I'm looking for someone to partner up on the special ops missions.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-03-21 01:18 PM

Is anyone going to preorder portal 2?

Nick Koan 2011-03-21 01:21 PM

Amazon has the same deal going.

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