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100_Percent_Juice 2011-03-21 01:32 PM

I saw that. I just didn't understand what is better about the amazon deal?

Nick Koan 2011-03-21 01:35 PM

Its not better, just a different store. Personally, I prefer Amazon over Wal-Mart all other things considered equal.

Plus, I'm an Amazon Prime member, so there is free shipping right to my doorstep, instead of that Wal-Mart which is a good 3 or 4 miles away.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-03-21 02:20 PM

Yeah, I just figured that I would be more likely to spend $20 at walmart than on amazon but I guess its just a preference difference. So, are you getting the game.

I think I am going to get it for PS3 because of the added features.

Nick Koan 2011-03-21 09:08 PM

Yeah, I'll get it. Probably the ps3 version too, since you get the PC version for free.

Double Phister 2011-03-22 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 155574)
Yeah, I'll get it. Probably the ps3 version too, since you get the PC version for free.


Nick Koan 2011-03-22 12:06 PM

They are putting Steam onto PS3 (not sure if its rolled into the game, or a separate install for the ps3) but if you buy the PS3 version and then link your PSN and Steam accounts, Valve will give you a key to unlock the PC and/or Mac version of Portal 2.

PS3 also will support multiplayer with PC/Mac as well.

cody 2011-03-22 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 155590)
They are putting Steam onto PS3 (not sure if its rolled into the game, or a separate install for the ps3) but if you buy the PS3 version and then link your PSN and Steam accounts, Valve will give you a key to unlock the PC and/or Mac version of Portal 2.

PS3 also will support multiplayer with PC/Mac as well.

Bad ass. I should really finish Portal 1.

Double Phister 2011-03-22 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 155590)
They are putting Steam onto PS3 (not sure if its rolled into the game, or a separate install for the ps3) but if you buy the PS3 version and then link your PSN and Steam accounts, Valve will give you a key to unlock the PC and/or Mac version of Portal 2.

PS3 also will support multiplayer with PC/Mac as well.

Thx. PS3 version ordered. I just talked myself into buying a new video card last night. This will take some of the sting away.

Kevin M 2011-04-19 07:09 AM

Portal 2 today. And Amazon actually got it out to me on time. :banana:

sperry 2011-04-19 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Kevin M (Post 156001)
Portal 2 today. And Amazon actually got it out to me on time. :banana:

Funny, mine was playable last night at like 10pm, not that I played it :lol:. Steam FTW.

Nick Koan 2011-04-19 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 156002)
Funny, mine was playable last night at like 10pm, not that I played it :lol:. Steam FTW.

Yeah, part of me is kicking myself for not using Steam. But, on the other hand, its not like I would have played it last night anyway.

Libila 2011-04-25 08:49 AM

Jonny and I have been playing the hell out of Portal 2. What a great game.

Dean 2011-04-25 09:40 AM

It is amazing how well the puzzle/physics games do on different platforms.

I can only play Fighting/FPS/shoot em ups for short periods but can spend hours on everything from balance/precision block smashing iApps to Track Mania(the new Wii one is pretty cool), Prince of Persia, the original from the dark ages to Sands of Time and Epic Mickey. Heck, I can play Wii Fit Plus and Sports/sports resort for hours too.

What we need is a Ninja Pirate zombie killing puzzle/strategy balance/exercise game. That would rock. :)

Double Phister 2011-04-25 10:07 AM

Since PSN is down I can't start the co-op levels. I'm on my second single player playthrough picking up trophies.

Libila 2011-04-25 10:39 AM


Originally Posted by Dean (Post 156121)
What we need is a Ninja Pirate zombie killing puzzle/strategy balance/exercise game. That would rock. :)

Isn't there a Western Samuri game for the Wii? That's pretty close.

What's the deal with PS online? It's been down for days.

Kevin M 2011-04-25 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Libila (Post 156119)
Jonny and I have been playing the hell out of Portal 2. What a great game.

Nina and I have been at it too. I think we can pretty much count on a Portal 3 at this point. Singleplayer is great, plenty deep.

cody 2011-04-25 01:52 PM

I gotta load track mania on my laptop again. That's one of the few games I can play for hours...and it's free. Jut grab a cheap gamepad if you don't already have one and you're set with any modern PC...very low system requirements.

Nick Koan 2011-04-26 12:51 PM


Sony is now admitting the attackers on the PSN Network have gotten everything.

I'm so pissed off at Sony now.

cody 2011-04-26 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 156177)

Sony is now admitting the attackers on the PSN Network have gotten everything.

I'm so pissed off at Sony now.

Crazy. Personally, that's why I use credit cards though, I'm not responsible for fraud and won't have to pay for it. I understand Identitiy theft can be a real bitch to deal with though, so that's a little concerning...

sperry 2011-04-26 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 156177)

Sony is now admitting the attackers on the PSN Network have gotten everything.

I'm so pissed off at Sony now.

I was just about to post that same link.

Sony: utter fail. I thought they would have cleaned out all the goons after the whole rootkit fiasco years back... but apparently they just moved those guys over to the PSN security team. :rolleyes:

Also, you'd think Sony would have made this announcement a week ago. I wonder how many CC numbers have already been used in the last 5 days or so. :unamused:

cody 2011-04-26 01:13 PM

What are you guys so worried about happening? I guess if they have your debit card info, that would suck, but any CC fraud will be wiped off right? That's always been my experience anyway. Most recently there were 2 years of XBox Live that appeared on my MasterCard (I don't have an XBox). Citi noticed it right away, called me and issued me a new card. Since I have two credit cards, it was non-issue.

Nick Koan 2011-04-26 01:16 PM

I may go buy a second PC version or Portal 2 so I don't have to play it on my PS3 anymore.

And cancelling my CC isn't so bad (nor disputing charges). Address is somewhat public, but put together with birthday and security question can lead to some identity theft issues.

The thing that bugs me the most, though, is my username/password. Thankfully all my online banking and e-mail accounts have very different and unique passwords, but a lot of my other passwords are the same or similar to my PSN one. Combined with the recent Gawker data leak, this could cause problems down the road with other websites.

cody 2011-04-26 01:19 PM

^You didn't get a chance to link Portal 2 to Steam on the PS3 yet? Wasn't that the deal? You buy it for the PS3 and get it for free on the PC once you link to your Steam over the PSN?

Nick Koan 2011-04-26 01:23 PM

I haven't done that yet, but I'm not really inclined to link them whenever the PSN network comes back up.

I'm not even sure I'll reconnect to the PSN network for a while now.

Kevin M 2011-04-26 01:24 PM

Kinda hard to port it to Steam when your PS3 can't get online. ;)

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