Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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-   -   Current Meet Location - Tamarack Junction - 6pm - 1st Thurs of each month (

DaveWRX 2009-05-14 07:42 PM

We meet up in the back parking lot then go inside

Kevin M 2009-05-14 07:42 PM

In the back lot.

Dean 2009-06-25 10:31 PM

So, meets are getting pretty slim. What should we do about it.

Kevin and I will try and stop bickering. (Sorry Scott).

But seriously...

Was it a Mistake to move it from 7:00 to 6:00? (Some who were for that aren't showing up and some who didn't want it moved are not...)

Is Tamarack getting old?

Too far out of the way?

Should we find something maybe in Sparks, GSR area, North West, Near Lithia???

Or is the economy keeping you away?

Do I need to shower more often? :)

Does Thursday just not work for you or do you feel torn between two groups/meets?

Should we drop to one day a month?

Do we need a good GSR Go-Kart type meet to re-invigorate things?

I'm just throwing out ideas. What do you think or suggest?

I do not want to make this a competition or us vs. them discussion as we are all the Reno Subaru Community and meeting the current needs of the club is far more important than sticking to "tradition" IMHO.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-06-25 10:37 PM

I think it's a great that someone finally posted about maybe changing the day around. Thursday night has never worked out for me and even though Tamarac is very close for me, I think I would rather go to a place a little more in town. I would be more than happy to scout new places and talk to owners/managers to see about accommodations and possible discounts. In this economy I think everyone(business owners) are open to discounts to get more business. I like 7 better than 6 also.

I am 100 Percent Juice and I approve this message!

Bob Danger 2009-06-25 11:03 PM

I just never got the hang of Thursdays.

GusGus91 2009-06-25 11:40 PM

Thursday's arent too good for me either, but I think the location is good.. But that's just me, since I'm on this side of town. I would like to be able to come to both meet's when I can.

cody 2009-06-26 08:36 AM

If it was at 5:45 on the way from downtown to Stead, somewhere, I'd go more often. For me, T, W, or Th are all good.

sperry 2009-06-26 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 136515)
If it was at 5:45 on the way from downtown to Stead, somewhere, I'd go more often. For me, T, W, or Th are all good.

I don't think that will never happen. The only people that can get to downtown at 5:45 are people that either leave work everyday at 4pm (and can fight the traffic to get there by 5:45) or are people that are already downtown around that time. Considering I don't even get off work until 6 most nights, that's not something I'd attend.

And as far as the meets in general: the reason no one comes is because they're not fun anymore. And they're not fun because no one comes. Sure, it sounds like a chicken/egg thing, but really, if someone comes out for the first time and their whole experience is hanging out with 3 people and listening to Dean and Kevin "discuss" the finer points of something totally uninteresting, well I can't blame them for not coming back. The loss of all our "regulars" to real-life stuff like marriage, work, etc. has left the meets lightly attended which in turn has kept new people from turning into regulars.

And then of course there's the Flat4 element. But I don't have much to say about that except that if people prefer the Flat4 meet to the SECCS meet, that's totally their prerogative. Personally, I'm not interested in hanging out w/ a bunch of people that are doing all the stuff we did 7 years ago, because every conversation about Subarus ends up being a conversation I've had 100 times already. But I can totally understand the folks new to the cars having a better time there than at our meets.

So where this leaves our meet, I don't know. We have a clear vacuum in attendance, since there is no longer the original core group of 5 or 6 folks that make every meet, and I don't see a group of newer members that care to step up and make the meets their own. If there were a bunch of you guys that were telling me "hey the 5 of us will always be able to make the meet if it were at location X and time Y" then by all means, let's make that change. But so far it sounds like changing the meet will result only in switching around the 2 or 3 people that show up.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-06-26 12:16 PM

Well lets put it to a vote. I would go on tuesday or wednesday at 7 just about anywhere in town that has decent food and beer.

wildfirefli 2009-06-26 12:40 PM

The beer is definitely a good element. I'd make a meet consider I already met 100% but I can't do thursdays either. Or wednesday.

Dewey 2009-06-26 03:45 PM

My $0.02,

Personally, I liked the 7:00 meets much more.

Tamarack is definitely getting old, but they do offer great service. Thanks Michelle!

I live all the way in North Reno, so it is just under 15 minutes or so to get there.

I would be willing to give something closer to GSR a shot. (Maybe Johnny Rockets at GSR?)

Unfortionately the economy is a huge deterrent to spending money on anything from extra gas to going out to eat.

Thursday is fine for me.

One day a month would be a bad thing in my opinion, because I would be more likely to forget about it.

And, finally, I am just really tired of all the bickering about the new club, and I don't want to get involved in a bunch of childish drama.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-06-26 04:04 PM

What nights do you have available other than thursday if any?

doubleurx 2009-06-26 05:23 PM

If my son still needed to go to Sylvan Learning Center, I would still be coming to those Thursday meets - the bright side is it worked. Bayley got straight A's this year each semester.

We used to love coming to those meets - it's been a couple years, sorry. And man I miss my subaru! and you folks of course! Live and learn. I will get one again next year.

wrxkidid 2009-06-27 03:54 PM

I haven't been making meets cause I am flat broke and don't have a car to come. I like the meets the tamarak works for me its right down the street, but im down with whatever. I try to make one once a month but that rarely happens

Dean 2009-07-01 08:10 PM

Probably going to be a new couple there this week. Met John & Bobbie (spelling unknown) at SCCA meeting tonight. They have a WRB '08 STI, and a 370z. I think they came out and watched at GSR.

I should be there. Who else is coming?

Jeikun 2009-07-01 08:25 PM

I'll try to skip out on work to make it there.

marleyjb 2009-07-01 08:44 PM

I'm glad to see we have already made it on the board Dean. We should be there tomorrow (at least for a little bit). So that the spelling isn't unknown it's Jon and Bobby. And we were at GSR (I actually put down my camera to watch the cars).

SlickNick112 2009-07-01 09:21 PM

So, just checking in for the first time in years......... I'm driving into Reno tomorrow and will be around for about a week. How late has anyone been sticking around the meet lately? I'm not sure I'll be in town 'til about 8:30 or so.

knucklesplitter 2009-07-01 09:24 PM

Since the meet was changed to Tamarack Junction I have been to exactly 2 meets... and those were both at Joe Bob's for Real-Name-Cory's birthdays. Pathetic, huh?

100_Percent_Juice 2009-07-02 05:48 AM

I have strep throat.:unamused:

Dean 2009-07-02 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by SlickNick112 (Post 136801)
So, just checking in for the first time in years......... I'm driving into Reno tomorrow and will be around for about a week. How late has anyone been sticking around the meet lately? I'm not sure I'll be in town 'til about 8:30 or so.

8:30 is a stretch since we start at 6:00, but not unheard of.

tysonK 2009-07-02 07:19 AM

Anyone going tonight?

I'll try to be there right around 6pm.

SlickNick112 2009-07-02 07:44 AM

Well, I'm leaving Seattle within the hour. I'll stop by when I get into town just in case. Take care all.

Dean 2009-07-09 02:23 PM

Nick, did you ever show up? Still in town? We were there until 8:30 or so...

Who is coming tonight.

Jeikun 2009-07-09 09:57 PM

Ah! I'm sorry I haven't made it to the last two. I was stuck with a newbie at work last thursday and had to spend time with family this week! I promise I'll be there next week!

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