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cody 2011-04-26 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin M (Post 156186)
Kinda hard to port it to Steam when your PS3 can't get online. ;)

There was an opportunity to link them, just a slim window.

sperry 2011-04-26 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 156182)
I may go buy a second PC version or Portal 2 so I don't have to play it on my PS3 anymore.

And cancelling my CC isn't so bad (nor disputing charges). Address is somewhat public, but put together with birthday and security question can lead to some identity theft issues.

The thing that bugs me the most, though, is my username/password. Thankfully all my online banking and e-mail accounts have very different and unique passwords, but a lot of my other passwords are the same or similar to my PSN one. Combined with the recent Gawker data leak, this could cause problems down the road with other websites.

Well, let me know when you get it... I still need a partner to play the co-op with and I don't want to play with someone that's already beat it!

Dean 2011-05-16 09:12 AM

So, how are you guy liking Portal 2?

I admit I finally got around to playing #1 and am done except the final timed "boss" segment of the final level which I think I know how to do just haven't had the time/impulse to do it. I admit to looking on youtube for hints on 1 or 2 tricky parts, mostly on the "escape" where I didn't know where to go next. WOW or holly $4!+! There are people doing levels in 25 seconds that take me 25 minutes skipping huge amounts of stuff I thought you had to do and using tricks I never would have thought of... They are moving so fast you have to step through the video to figure out WTF they are doing and sometimes that doesn't even help. I got slightly dizzy staring to hard at at one full screen. If you haven't watched some of those, go do so if you have only played through once and "survived" the game. It is humbling.

I did figure out that the later levels are basically impossible with a trackpad or trackball which is what I did the earlier levels with. Good mouse is a must.

cody 2011-05-16 09:22 AM

I pick up Portal on PC every once in a while. I'm also curious to hear how people like Portal 2.

Oh, and PSN is back, I think. I just applied the mandatory patch this morning and I hear you have to change your PSN password (duh) but then you can get back in.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-05-16 09:31 AM

Yeah, PSN is back up except for the store. I read somewhere that everyone is supposed to get a free month of Playstation Plus. I don't know if that equals much free stuff but I know you get a discount on certain items.

Dean, did you watch the video on youtube of someone beating the first Portal game in around 18min? Pretty intense.

I grabbed Portal 2 but I have not had much time to play. I am into the game maybe 20min and it seems that I am just getting started.

Nick Koan 2011-05-16 09:31 AM

Portal 2 is pretty great. Its a full fledged version of Portal, with a few distinct segments with different types of puzzles. Everything stays pretty fresh.

In certain segments, you will spend a lot of time between tests trying to traverse the broken landscape outside of the chambers. And while that can be challenging, its the part I probably liked the least. A lot of it was pixel hunting to find the right surface to place a portal on.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-05-16 09:33 AM

Also, slickdeals has a link to 1 month Xbox live gold memberships for $1. I guess you can buy 4 or 5 and stack them, which would be a pretty sweet deal. The only catch is that Microsoft will keep your card on file indefinitely. I guess its a huge pain to get them to delete it. I wanted to buy some with a virtual card number but I don't know how to set that up without a BoA credit card.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-05-16 09:36 AM

Cody, I sent you a message about Red Dead Redemption on PSN but you never check your messages. Did you rent RDR or buy it? I rented it and played it for a few days and now I am convinced that I must buy it but, I wanted to know about the multi-player aspect of the game. Have you played it much?

cody 2011-05-16 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 156499)
Cody, I sent you a message about Red Dead Redemption on PSN but you never check your messages. Did you rent RDR or buy it? I rented it and played it for a few days and now I am convinced that I must buy it but, I wanted to know about the multi-player aspect of the game. Have you played it much?

I beat the single player months ago, been meaning to get the zombie add on thing. It's awesome. I haven't played it for months except when my cousin came over and wanted to show me how awesome multi-player is. Get it and I'll totally shoot you in the face. :lol:

Sorry about not seeing your msgs for months. How can I get my PS3 to tell me when I have new msgs automatically?

cody 2011-05-16 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 156498)
Also, slickdeals has a link to 1 month Xbox live gold memberships for $1. I guess you can buy 4 or 5 and stack them, which would be a pretty sweet deal. The only catch is that Microsoft will keep your card on file indefinitely. I guess its a huge pain to get them to delete it. I wanted to buy some with a virtual card number but I don't know how to set that up without a BoA credit card.

I think both my Citi dividends MC and Disc. card offer virtual cc numbers...but I've never bothered.

Dean 2011-05-16 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 156496)
Dean, did you watch the video on youtube of someone beating the first Portal game in around 18min? Pretty intense.

I've only looked at individual levels done in 1/10th to 1/100th the time it took me in most cases. :( And yes, they are crazy intense!!!

And as I said, a few spots at "normal" speed where I got stuck trying to figure out which way to go. The few times I tried the last boss section, I could not get the portals lined up to get the stupid offset canon to hit the not offset center structure. Need to spend more time finding the right spots and then figure out where to hit it.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-05-16 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 156502)
I beat the single player months ago, been meaning to get the zombie add on thing. It's awesome. I haven't played it for months except when my cousin came over and wanted to show me how awesome multi-player is. Get it and I'll totally shoot you in the face. :lol:

Sorry about not seeing your msgs for months. How can I get my PS3 to tell me when I have new msgs automatically?

Well, you can change notification so that a little pop up message appears in the corner but, its annoying as crap when you are watching netflix and its useless unless you are looking at the screen when it pops up. I just look at the friend list when I sign on usually and there will be an envelope next to a persons name if you have a message from them.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-05-16 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 156503)
I think both my Citi dividends MC and Disc. card offer virtual cc numbers...but I've never bothered.

I didn't know discover offered that service. I will have to check it out.

100_Percent_Juice 2011-05-16 11:05 AM

They stopped the deal already and changed it to buy 3 months get 1 month for like $25.

cody 2011-05-16 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by 100_Percent_Juice (Post 156506)
Well, you can change notification so that a little pop up message appears in the corner but, its annoying as crap when you are watching netflix and its useless unless you are looking at the screen when it pops up. I just look at the friend list when I sign on usually and there will be an envelope next to a persons name if you have a message from them.

Gotcha. I'll just do the manual check. The popups are stupid.

Nick Koan 2011-05-16 11:18 AM

You can turn those popups off somewhere in the system settings.

cody 2011-05-16 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 156514)
You can turn those popups off somewhere in the system settings.

I turned them off long ago.

Nick Koan 2011-05-16 11:31 AM

Oh yeah, and maybe if I took the time to keep up with the conversation rather than gaze at my naval, I might have been able to pick up on that fact. :lol:

/I just re-read that past few posts

cody 2011-05-16 11:34 AM

gaze at your navel? wtf? :lol:

sperry 2011-05-16 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 156518)
gaze at your navel? wtf? :lol:

This is how I gaze at my naval.

Nick Koan 2011-05-16 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 156518)
gaze at your navel? wtf? :lol:

I like my spelling better then yours.

cody 2011-05-16 11:52 AM

lol owned.

sperry 2011-05-16 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 156520)
I like my spelling better then yours.

Than! :P

Hey, lemme know when you've registered Portal 2 or whatever you needed the PSN to be up for so we can play co-op!

Nick Koan 2011-05-16 12:14 PM

Oh yeah I'll get that going tonight.

MikeK 2011-09-27 05:03 AM

Has anyone tried F1 2011 yet?

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