Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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MPREZIV 2009-07-21 11:16 AM

Umm... Can't think of anything else I have to do! Why not!? I'll see ya there!

Bob Danger 2009-07-21 07:42 PM

I've got to return a pair of pants to Dillards, so I had planned on stopping by.

bigrobwoot 2009-07-21 10:08 PM

I might go. I'm just finishing up my headlights after a few days, and way too many hours of cleaning with plastX. And they look better, but still not great unfortunately. They are pretty pitted. But anyway, I gotta show someone who cares, so if I come hopefully I'll find someone lol

bigrobwoot 2009-07-22 12:12 AM

Oops double post

100_Percent_Juice 2009-07-22 08:35 AM

Plastix is temporary at best and it does nothing for pits. Get the 3m kit for real magic.

Dean 2009-07-22 08:43 AM

Cory said the detail guys down at Nissan have a good system for headlights and the tools and experience to do it right. Might want to go see Daryl...

(Please note, I do not think this is a violation of the "hookup rule" as I have used Daryl before personally to detail my cars and while Cory facilitated the introductions, my transaction was directly with Daryl.)

DaveWRX 2009-07-22 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by bigrobwoot (Post 137676)
I might go. I'm just finishing up my headlights after a few days, and way too many hours of cleaning with plastX. And they look better, but still not great unfortunately. They are pretty pitted. But anyway, I gotta show someone who cares, so if I come hopefully I'll find someone lol

Will need for cleaning headlights:

1000 grit wet/dry sand paper
Squirt bottle
3M plastic cleaner
3M plastic polish

Start by spraying headlights with water and sanding them down
Do this lil there pretty much white and hazy

Now wipe clean of any plastic residue
Grab buffer and apply plastic cleaner
Buff carefully as you can burn the lense and that's not good
Now you should see it clearing. Keep buffing and adding cleaner to achieve clearness desired
Plastic Polish and buff carefully to achieve the clearness and smoothness you want

When done look at them and if not satisfied then call someone with experience haha jk

I am a professional detailer and did my work at Sonora Subaru

bigrobwoot 2009-07-22 07:23 PM

I'm planning on doing the 3M kit for the pitting, but they didn't have it at Kragen, and it was something I did on a whim. The plastX cleaned up the film that magically appeared inside my lenses somehow, and now they look great, except for the pitting you see up close. All in all, I'm happy with it, and wouldn't have sanded the inside of the lens anyway.

Dave, if I ever get motivated to do it again with the 3M kit, maybe you could help?

Dean, thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think I wanna pay for professional service on them, I'm actually pretty happy with them after seeing them in the daylight today.

Joel, will you be back in town for the meet?

DaveWRX 2009-07-22 08:21 PM

Rob: yea I'll help everything and I teach you ok

100_Percent_Juice 2009-07-23 06:14 AM

I'm not getting back until late tonight. I got your pm and the answer is maybe.

szucchet 2009-07-23 08:52 AM

I'll probably be there 2nite

WRXlerate 2009-07-23 12:52 PM

I'll be stopping by. Do they have good food? I was thinking about staying for dinner.

cody 2009-07-23 01:09 PM

It's not bad. Think brew pub fare.

tysonK 2009-07-23 08:21 PM

slivio doesn't live his life a quarter mile at a time.....

ask cory.

sperry 2009-07-23 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK (Post 137785)
slivio doesn't live his life a quarter mile at a time.....

ask cory.

We heard. The statement went something like "Silvio just got beat by Tyson's Cadillac in Bob's Mom's car." when you puttin some dubs on that pimpmobile?

tysonK 2009-07-23 08:28 PM

That's so Suburban.

Kevin M 2009-07-23 08:30 PM

Yeah, a Caddy needs spinnas y0.

sybir 2009-07-23 10:53 PM

Throw some D's on that bitch. With Vogues.

Why do I know this shit? :(


WRXlerate 2009-07-24 02:07 PM

Maybe its because you live in "Sacdizzle"?!?

Dean 2009-08-06 12:14 PM

At least it will be less than 1000 degrees in the parking lot tonight...

I'll be there... Anybody else?

iPods? You know you want one... Free delivery. ;)

John and Bobby, I'll have your fixed one with me.

sperry 2009-08-06 12:36 PM

I should be there, avec le stickies.

van 2009-08-06 01:04 PM

damn I want to go but a boost leak is going to keep me in my garage all night.

bigrobwoot 2009-08-06 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 138340)
I should be there, avec le stickies.

Avec les. Assuming you have more than one

sperry 2009-08-06 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by bigrobwoot (Post 138348)
Avec les. Assuming you have more than one

Oui, vous etes correctimundo.

Dean 2009-08-06 02:18 PM

¿Con los stickeros?

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