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Dean 2005-12-29 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by MikeK
Good idea! Can I get one with a hood?


M3n2c3 2005-12-29 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Dean
Should we start a new thread for "new orders". I was also thinking that logo would look great on a white long sleeve T we could wear at track events.

Holy cow. That's a fantastic idea! I'm sold. :idea:

Although maybe we could come up with a slightly darker color than white? White ain't so good with, you know, sweat. :P

Dean 2005-12-29 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by M3n2c3
Holy cow. That's a fantastic idea! I'm sold. :idea:

Although maybe we could come up with a slightly darker color than white? White ain't so good with, you know, sweat. :P

Don't want to go to dark for summer events. Maybe that speckled light ash grey would work. I guess we could change the artwork to Red or something. To match my car. hehehehe

sperry 2005-12-29 04:35 PM

Or... how about we print a second run exactly like the 1st so we don't have to pay the printer an assload of money for new screens, color, the hassle, etc. :roll: It's not like getting these made is a 5 minute just throw it together deal. If you guys want something different from the original design, you should have said so months ago in the thread created specifically for that purpose.

Now, *if* we do a second run, it will be exactly like the 1st. The reason we get such a great deal on these hoodies is because the guy that does the printing is a close friend to MattR, and because we specifically go out of our way to make things as easy as possible for him. That means having the artwork completed and ready to print w/o them having to make changes, that means having all our quantities squared away so it's easy for him to order everything at once, and it means not pestering him with changes, special orders, and phone calls twice a day checking on things. The printer isn't making a lot of money off us, so I hate to take up anymore of his time than necessary away from his customers that are paying much more. Without the hook up we've got, we'd probably have to pay $40-$50 each for these hoodies... 3 color, 12 screens, 3 locations... not to mention the awesome stock they're printed on. These are fantastic hoodies, at a really affordable price. I'd like to keep it that way.

So, please understand the reason why I'm so resistant to go crazy with the custom orders. I too would love to have some SECCS long sleeve shirts for the race season, but we *just* finished the hoodies order, and chances are if we run them now, we'll sell a lot less than if we wait a bit. Besides, Reno SCCA will probably have a new shirt in the works before April (something tells me I'll be designing it :)) and those will be available in long sleeves to support the trials program.

sybir 2005-12-29 06:32 PM

I'm with Scott. We've got a single design (that's frickin' sweet, everyone who's seen it thinks it's amazing), and trying to get into all these different variations is not fair to the guy doing the printing considering how he's taking care of us.

Scott, do you want to start a new thread for a second order of the same red hoodies, to keep it clean and clear, and see if there's enough interest?

ScottyS 2005-12-29 09:29 PM

There was talk of getting the exact same design and color on a different base color hoodie. I'm not up on the technology --- more hassle for the printer or not?

Dean 2005-12-29 10:01 PM

[/bunched panties]

I don't want a different design. The design rocks. I want the same damn thing on another garment.

Screening the same design in the same colors on different garments should be a non issue. I think even a color change on a specific screen only requires them to "wash" it which they do anyway if they are going to reuse it.

And as I understand from my imbroidery guy any quantity of any item is no big deal with the local distributor who most everyone in the area buys from.

If my unhoodie was such a big deal, all you had to do was say so. If we can get 20 or more people who would like LS Ts I don't see what the deal is.

If Scott doesn't want his design on anything but hoodies, that is his option, but before we go putting words in the printer's mouth, lets ask him. If it is a big deal, then we won't do it, but I bet it isn't. And if he isn't making any money, I'd pay an extra buck or two. No reason to trade on Matt's relationship to this man's business detriment. It dosen't hurt to ask politely.

MikeSTI 2005-12-29 11:24 PM

damn I missed the meet again :( please save my hoodie!!!!

sperry 2005-12-30 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by Dean
[/bunched panties]

I don't want a different design. The design rocks. I want the same damn thing on another garment.

Screening the same design in the same colors on different garments should be a non issue. I think even a color change on a specific screen only requires them to "wash" it which they do anyway if they are going to reuse it.

And as I understand from my imbroidery guy any quantity of any item is no big deal with the local distributor who most everyone in the area buys from.

If my unhoodie was such a big deal, all you had to do was say so. If we can get 20 or more people who would like LS Ts I don't see what the deal is.

If Scott doesn't want his design on anything but hoodies, that is his option, but before we go putting words in the printer's mouth, lets ask him. If it is a big deal, then we won't do it, but I bet it isn't. And if he isn't making any money, I'd pay an extra buck or two. No reason to trade on Matt's relationship to this man's business detriment. It dosen't hurt to ask politely.

Actually, due to the white/light blue/ligher blue color scheme, changing the colors could be an issue because of the layering of the colors. Of course changing the garment would be less of a printing issue, except instead of it being "hey Dave I need 3 more Ls, 6 XLs, and 4 XXLs" it becomes "hey Dave, when can Matt and I come by the shop to waste our lunches and your time going over the catalogs so you can order some demo shirts for us to look at to verify the sizes so you can place an order for 15 shirts for us"?

But that's not the point. The point is, we've got a pretty successful system for designing and printing club merchandise at very affordable prices. It works because we make a good attempt at keeping things simple, especially for the printer. Multiple items is a nightmare, not just for the printer, but for those of us that have to spend hours and hours handling the orders. After the huge amount of work we put into the SRIC orders, I told myself I'd never do something that complicated again. Granted it was cool to have a selection, but for the added choices the work-load went up exponentially.

Now I really like doing the SECCS merchandise. I like doing the graphic design (even if it takes me 20 hours like the most recent 22b drawing did), I think it's great for club unity, and I enjoy wearing the final product. But I don't enjoy the whole selling and delivering side of things. If it stays simple, then I'll put up with it, but if it gets complicated, it's not worth my time. It's not like we're making any money on these things... we do this solely for the members of the club.

Now I don't mind input on the design, that's why I start a thread and ask for people's opinions, and why I attempt to cater to the majority. But once the ball's rolling, once the design is finalized, I gotta draw the line and say "that's it". So when it's time for next year's design, I'll be happy to once again take everyone's input and try to come up with something that the people in the club will be happy with. But for this order, frankly it's done. The only reason I'm even contemplating a second run is because this years order window was pretty narrow and I know some people that normally order a hoodie missed out. I'm interested in taking care of the people that we let down, I'm not interested in trying to offer more stuff to everyone. SECCS isn't a clothing manufacturer, we're not going to be able to please everyone's taste in clothing. I'm sorry if you feel like I'm intentionally ignoring your requests, but for the record you're the only person that wanted something different (and we still tried to accomidate you, I don't know where the hoodless sweater went, it did get ordered) and everyone else seems to be pretty happy with their order.

Dean 2005-12-30 08:45 AM

Thanks Scott. I appreciate your explination, and I am not unhappy, other than not currently having a new shirt.

Since you and Matt are doing much of the work, it is your call. If you need help in the future, all you need to do is ask. As someone who has done this stuff for other clubs/events, I know your pain.

I do think that if Matt's buddy isn't making enough money on us, we should offer to step up and make it more worth his while.

ScottyS 2005-12-30 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
Actually, due to the white/light blue/ligher blue color scheme, changing the colors could be an issue because of the layering of the colors.

OK, fair enough. Frankly, the quality of the garment is awesome, the graphics unbelieveable, and the price......well, it allowed me to buy two, and certainly a third if another run is made. Trying to simplify the process in order to keep the price down is admirable, and allows many of us in the club to purchase more than one.


we should offer to step up and make it more worth his while.
Propose a separate retail order, get a price, and see how much interest there is (assuming DoinkGrafix, Inc. is willing). No reason not to give the guy additional regular business.

M3n2c3 2005-12-30 10:47 PM

JC brought my hoodie by this evening. :)

I was totally blown away by the quality. It's spectacular all the way round, from Scott's great art to the detail in the finish. I feel like I should have paid more for it. . .

I understand the desire to not go further with alternate items (tshirts, etc.), but I would also be totally willing to fork out good money for articles of this quality if they were made available. Thumbs up!

Joeyy 2005-12-30 11:52 PM

Any body up for SECCS boxers? :lol:

Joeyy 2005-12-30 11:52 PM

Some people should not drink wine and post.

M3n2c3 2005-12-31 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Joeyy
Any body up for SECCS boxers? :lol:

Actually. . . :cool:

A1337STI 2006-01-13 12:06 PM

I'm guessing its much to late to order one or hope for an upaid one ?

sperry 2006-01-13 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by A1337STI
I'm guessing its much to late to order one or hope for an upaid one ?

Yeah, we're way sold out... in fact a few other people have asked as well, but not enough people to warrant a second run. :(

A1337STI 2006-01-13 04:26 PM

Doh, i'll have to wait for the next run up. lmao or try to order like 10 myself. ... i'll just wait. :)

SlickNick112 2006-01-26 10:48 PM

Damn, guys, I've definately been out of the loop for some time. I'd love to get in on a new run for Hoodies!

MattR 2006-01-26 11:11 PM

Guys, there will not be another run of these hoodies in the near furture. thanks

NevadaSTi 2007-10-04 03:50 PM

Are we doing new hoodies for 2007? Since it is getting starting to get cold.

sperry 2007-10-04 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by NevadaSTi (Post 107028)
Are we doing new hoodies for 2007? Since it is getting starting to get cold.

Not a bad idea. I don't have a ton of time for a new design, but we can probably just run some of last year's 22b design on some blue or black hoodies?

sybir 2007-10-04 03:57 PM

Hell yes. If you're up for it, I'd love it on either dark blue or black (you know I'll buy a couple). If you can, find out whether they'll run small like the red ones, or large like the blue SRIC gear?

MPREZIV 2007-10-04 04:05 PM

Yeah, the red ones seemed to run a tad on the small side, but I'll surely buy another one or two if we do more!

Emboyoyo 2007-10-04 04:07 PM

Yeah I would want one too!!!

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