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Kevin M 2009-12-31 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 143603)
You guys have 2 or 3 cats too, right?

At least Lucy is fairly small. We're going to have over 100 lbs of dog in a few months.

Wah! :p

cody 2009-12-31 10:43 AM

Ya, 2 cats, 2 fish, and Lucy. One of the cats is fat, so we probably have close to 45 pounds of pets. :lol:

cody 2009-12-31 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by Kevin M (Post 143605)
I'm firmly convinced that animals are enjoyed much more when they are paired up.

Except hamsters. That one depends on what you "enjoy." :lol:

Lucy is very social and loves to play with any dog that will chase her around. I know she'd be happier with an accomplice.

What do you all do with your dogs during the day when nobody's home? Just leave them free? We keep Lucy in a little pen with her bed and food and she seems to like it just fine. This keeps her out of the cat box and from terrorizing the cats.

She does a pretty good job of exercising herself every night by running all over the house with a toy in her mouth. She'll do laps for several minutes and then rest. I just feel bad that the majority of her life is stuck in that pen since she sleeps there too.

Nick Koan 2009-12-31 11:25 AM

Yeah, we do essentially the same thing during the day, except no food (but we do leave water). I also come home every lunch (or almost every lunch) to let her out. Its one of the benefits of living close to work.

cody 2009-12-31 11:31 AM

Amanda used to drive home for lunch but the extra 30 miles a day of driving was too much. Lucy has yet to have one accident yet though and doesn't even seem like she has to go most days when we get home.

We always have food available to her because she doesn't eat very much, regardless what food we give her. She's a little thin, but healthy. She's almost 13 pounds.

We can make the pen bigger (it'll take up the whole kitchen though) and put two beds in it if we get another pooch I guess.

Kevin M 2009-12-31 01:06 PM

Our Doxies stay in a kennel when we're not home. The big guys stay outside if it's dry and above 50 degrees or so. Otherwise they stay inside and they mostly behave, now that they're old enough to be over their separation anxiety they occupy each other enough.

tysonK 2009-12-31 01:44 PM

When I was dogsitting Molly(parent's weinerdog) I had her stay in the laundry room all day 9+ hours and she was fine with it. She never had any accidents. Shit all she does is sleep and relax all day, I think we could all deal with that.

Joeyy 2009-12-31 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Kevin M (Post 94941)
Puppy time! He's 6 weeks old, definitely part boxer, and likely German Shpeherd also. I just got him on Tuesday, and I haven't named him yet, but I'm narrowing it down.

We need updated photos.

Joeyy 2009-12-31 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Joeyy (Post 64366)
Our little Georgia-

Just checking out the old pictures on this thread and saw Georgia. Georgia passed away a couple years ago. Nikki left back in March and Oreo our second cat left with her. Was never a cat person until Georgia. Maybe it's time for another kitty.

dknv 2009-12-31 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by MPREZIV (Post 143601)
puppy too cute... losing strength... can't... go... on...

I feel the same way! Maybe I should dog-sit ...

Nick Koan 2009-12-31 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Joeyy (Post 143622)
Just checking out the old pictures on this thread and saw Georgia. Georgia passed away a couple years ago. Nikki left back in March and Oreo our second cat left with her. Was never a cat person until Georgia. Maybe it's time for another kitty.

Sorry to hear about you and Nikki :(

Cats are good too (if you aren't allergic) but way different than dogs.

Kevin M 2010-01-01 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Joeyy (Post 143621)
We need updated photos.

Facebook for that. I'm much too lazy to do more than download pics from the camera and upload them to the internet once. :lol:

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