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JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 08:35 AM

Help from anyone that knows anything about computers please.
So I have a Dell Dimension 8100, it's about 3 years old, has 128mb of RAM (no joking) and it hasn't worked since sometime last year. It's just been sitting in my room forever. It won't start up at all anymore, the farthest it gets is the screen where it asks you if you want to start in safe mode or not, but then if you choose anything from there, it just restarts again. It originally had Windows ME on it, then my dad had someone install XP and ever since then it's had problems, viruses and all the crap that comes with that. I know I need more memory because XP's minimum requirements are higher then what my comp has now, and I think I need to reinstall XP, only I don't have a disc because I didn't install it. Anybody have any suggestions?

Cliff notes:
1. Computer won't start, ever, should I reinstall XP (can you do that?)
2. I need to upgrade my memory, places to get it cheap?

I just want my damn computer to work! Thanks.

Dean 2006-01-30 08:59 AM

Unless you have priceless data, yes, I'd rebuild it.

Even if you have priceless data, I can give you a reasonable sized HD you can put in as a new primary.

Memory: If yo uwere a techy person, I'd say whoever is cheapest on Interweb. Base don your computer usage, I'd say whatever local retail store has it on sale. I might have a couple 64-128Mb sticks you could have if I can find them. How fast is the CPU/RAM on the system? Hom many RAM Slots?

If you have the Service Tag number off the system, It is probably easier for one of us to just look it up on-line.

Your choices are to go back to ME and live with it, or pay for a real copy of XP. Usually about $80... You can get them for less on eBay, but I always worry about Authenticity there.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 09:04 AM

I don't think I can go back to ME because I have no idea where that disk went or ever was. I have 2 slots for RAM, apparently it's not "normal" ram.

sonicsuby 2006-01-30 09:36 AM

I'd look at buying something new. Memory, depending on how much you buy, may be expensive and depending on what the max for your system is, you may not be able to get enough memory in there to really solve your problems. Add the cost of memory (if you have to purchase it), which will probably be $50 - $100 and the cost of WinXP, which will run you $80-$100 and you're at a point where it may not be worth it to try salvaging this machine. You may also run in to additional problems as you buy pieces to get it working, such as a bad disk or other stuff. You might look at getting yourself a new PC. They're not that expensive and should be considerably faster than what you have now and they'll include a fresh copy of Windows ;)

JC 2006-01-30 09:39 AM

Considering how cheap a new computer is, just buy a new one.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 09:42 AM

I don't really have um any money. Don't companies do payment plans on PC's? I really, really don't want another bill every month tho, I can barely (well I guess technically I can't) handle the bills I have now.

I didn't see that link before, but that is damn cheap. Not a bad base system either, I just want it to run Photoshop, or run at all.

cody 2006-01-30 09:50 AM

I was going to suggest Craigslist. Example

But since you don't have a chunk of change, I'd look at a system from a vendor. Tigerdirect does payment plans so I'd look at JC's suggestion.

Dean 2006-01-30 10:39 AM

I have a pair of 128MB RAMBUS DIMMS in my hands you can have, and a decent 30+Gb hard drive if you need it. That should be more than enough to run even XP without pain.

If you are doing hard core photoshop, that may not be enough though.

Unless you have a key for XP, you are pretty much hosed on XP since MS put ther new validation system in for all critical updates.

You could throw linux on it and run one of the OpenSource image editors.

ScottyS 2006-01-30 10:56 AM

Except for an OS, Dean's stuff will get you where you want to be. It will take alot more time to get it all configured with new drivers, etc, but might be a good learning experience. If you are going to learn enough about computers that you will be putting your own together in the future, having your own copy of an OS (as opposed to the bundled crap you get with an "over-the-counter" machine) can be beneficial.

I think I've got my old 98se and 2000 OS's laying around at home somewhere if you wanted to run one of them instead of buying XP. You'd still have to download all the drivers for your machine and have them ready.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Dean
I have a pair of 128MB RAMBUS DIMMS in my hands you can have, and a decent 30+Gb hard drive if you need it. That should be more than enough to run even XP without pain.

If you are doing hard core photoshop, that may not be enough though.

Unless you have a key for XP, you are pretty much hosed on XP since MS put ther new validation system in for all critical updates.

You could throw linux on it and run one of the OpenSource image editors.

Is that memory the same type as the kind in the that link I provided? That's the kind I need. It's some special gay type that they only used in computers for like 6 months because it was too expensive to keep producing...or something.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by ScottyS
Except for an OS, Dean's stuff will get you where you want to be. It will take alot more time to get it all configured with new drivers, etc, but might be a good learning experience. If you are going to learn enough about computers that you will be putting your own together in the future, having your own copy of an OS (as opposed to the bundled crap you get with an "over-the-counter" machine) can be beneficial.

I think I've got my old 98se and 2000 OS's laying around at home somewhere if you wanted to run one of them instead of buying XP. You'd still have to download all the drivers for your machine and have them ready.

That would be awesome Scott, I don't really care what OS I have, as long as it runs what I need, which isn't dependant on the type of OS.

Dean 2006-01-30 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
Is that memory the same type as the kind in the that link I provided? That's the kind I need. It's some special gay type that they only used in computers for like 6 months because it was too expensive to keep producing...or something.

Yep, pretty heat sinks, and all. And Win2K should be be fine.

I did find XP Pro for under $46 It's download, and they send you a key, but that's cheap.

sperry 2006-01-30 11:31 AM

I'd run Win2k on that machine anyway, since 2K runs faster on older machines. Plus a new 30GB system drive and RAM from Dean, and you should have a decent system for running Photoshop 6 and browsing the interweb. All for the low cost of selling your soul to a few SECCS members. :devil: :lol:

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by sperry
I'd run Win2k on that machine anyway, since 2K runs faster on older machines. Plus a new 30GB system drive and RAM from Dean, and you should have a decent system for running Photoshop 6 and browsing the interweb. All for the low cost of selling your soul to a few SECCS members. :devil: :lol:

Hahahaha, selling my soul my ass. I have a 20gig hd so I don't need that. And I think I'll be able to run PS CS, because with all the probs I had when my comp was working, it ran ok. Slow, but still ran. It also ran Counter-Strike 1.6 fine.

What are heat sinks? If that is the right memory (which you guys say it is) then I'd like to take it from you Dean, for however much you want. MS2000 would be awesome to install too. I appreciate the help much.

Dean 2006-01-30 01:11 PM

It's the right RAM. Came out of a similar Dell sytem bought during those 6 months. Heat sinks are the pretty blue aluminum covers over the actual chips.

Come and pick them up is all it costs. Just Gathering dust...

Based on your statements about viruses etc. I would suggest a wipe of the OS drive before beginning. If you don't care about the data on your 20GB, go for it. If you do, I'd build the system on a new drive, and get it all loaded with Anti-Virus, etc. and then just make the old one a slave off of the new master to get your data. I have a bunch of spare sub 60gb drives, so it's no big deal if you want one.

Let me know if you want help. If you don't have broadband, you should take it somewhere that does to do the install. Even on Broadband, Windows Update takes well over 1/2 an hour on a fresh install.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
It's the right RAM. Came out of a similar Dell sytem bought during those 6 months. Heat sinks are the pretty blue aluminum covers over the actual chips.

Come and pick them up is all it costs. Just Gathering dust...

Based on your statements about viruses etc. I would suggest a wipe of the OS drive before beginning. If you don't care about the data on your 20GB, go for it. If you do, I'd build the system on a new drive, and get it all loaded with Anti-Virus, etc. and then just make the old one a slave off of the new master to get your data. I have a bunch of spare sub 60gb drives, so it's no big deal if you want one.

Let me know if you want help. If you don't have broadband, you should take it somewhere that does to do the install. Even on Broadband, Windows Update takes well over 1/2 an hour on a fresh install.

How would I wipe my HD? Just install an OS over the current one? And if I had programs like Norton Anti-virus that I pay a yearly subscription for, could I recover that?

How much do you want for the memory? And for one of the HDs? I dunno cost prices...

cody 2006-01-30 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
How would I wipe my HD? Just install an OS over the current one? And if I had programs like Norton Anti-virus that I pay a yearly subscription for, could I recover that?

How much do you want for the memory? And for one of the HDs? I dunno cost prices...

To wipe the HD, boot from the windows install cd and follow the prompts to delete the existing partition, then install windows in the blank space left. Use NTFS (not FAT) when asked how you want to format the drive. I would skip the NTFS (quick) and spend the time to let it do a true format. Should take 45 minutes on your 20 gig drive. Post up if you get stuck.

To reinstall Norton, you'll want to refer to any email they sent you when you bought it. They should have a license number or somthing in that email you could use to reinstall it. Hopefully Norton will allow you to re-download the installer.

JC 2006-01-30 01:37 PM

No, you need to reformat your HD.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 01:39 PM

I need to reformat? Wtf? Um when I get all the stuff I need (OS and RAM) can somebody help me do that stuff? I saw the words reformat, NTFS, FAT and got confused. I know how to work computers, I just don't know how they work.

cody 2006-01-30 01:44 PM

It's pretty easy, if you've done it before. You should just drop your computer off at Dean's and have him do it...or I'd be happy to walk you through it...

sperry 2006-01-30 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by cody
It's pretty easy, if you've done it before. You should just drop your computer off at Dean's and have him do it...or I'd be happy to walk you through it...

Well, don't just drop it off at Dean's and have him do it... Dean's place is not a computer repair shop! (Though you wouldn't know it by looking around his house.) :lol:

However, I'm sure if you drop by Dean's, he'll be happy to help show you how to do it, assuming he's not busy, since he's a pretty nice guy when it comes to helping people out.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 01:59 PM

Well Dean if you aren't busy sometime that would be awesome. Sorry, I didn't mean to volunteer you, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

cody 2006-01-30 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by sperry
Well, don't just drop it off at Dean's and have him do it... Dean's place is not a computer repair shop! (Though you wouldn't know it by looking around his house.) :lol:

However, I'm sure if you drop by Dean's, he'll be happy to help show you how to do it, assuming he's not busy, since he's a pretty nice guy when it comes to helping people out.

Yah, that's what I meant...bring it by Dean's if he's willing to show you how. You have to go there to get RAM it's fun to volunteer other people to do stuff. :D

But if he's busy, you could bring it to my place and I can help you out.

ScottyS 2006-01-30 02:24 PM

Right now my schedule looks too crazy to get in a reinstall party, but I'll see if I can find my Win2K stuff at home tonight. That $45 for XP is pretty nice, though. I sure like the perks of XP over 2000, myself.

Dean 2006-01-30 03:22 PM

Get the stuff from Scotty, and we will work on it.

Sounds like you have data you want to keep, so my idea of usiing a new OS hard drive sounds best. We can then salvage data etc. from your drive after scanning the crap out of it!

I will not be available from Wed-Sun. this week. so tomorow or next week will have to do unless you want to just grab the HW from me, and hit Cody up since he voulenteered himself after he voulenteered me... :P

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 03:28 PM

Haha, alrighty.

So Scott when do you think I could pick up 2000? And Dean when do you think I could pick up the RAM and how much should I have in hand when I do or can pick it up? And Cody when do you think you will be available to do this?

Thanks for helpin out guys, if I could buy you beer I would :D

cody 2006-01-30 03:33 PM

:lol: @ Dean

I'm available in the evenings...hit me with a PM.

Dean 2006-01-30 03:36 PM

most any time. PMed you contact info.

Root Beer? :)

Dean 2006-01-30 03:48 PM

Oh, and regarding Anti-Virus...

Unless you have a specific reason, don't pay for AV... All these free products get the same updates as the retail products.

If your broadband provider like SBC offers one, use it. I think theirs is CE.

Second option is probably AVG

Last is Avast. This probably is the most secure as it interfaces to email, Internet, disk, P2P, etc, but it is a slight resource hog IMHO.

Since I store everything on my server, I have all three running on differeent clinet machines so I figure I should find just about anything.

cody 2006-01-30 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
Oh, and regarding Anti-Virus...

Unless you have a specific reason, don't pay for AV... All these free products get the same updates as the retail products.

If your broadband provider like SBC offers one, use it. I think theirs is CE.

Second option is probably AVG

Last is Avast. This probably is the most secure as it interfaces to email, Internet, disk, P2P, etc, but it is a slight resource hog IMHO.

Since I store everything on my server, I have all three running on differeent clinet machines so I figure I should find just about anything.

Anybody tried/heard anything about Google's new free AV?

ScottyS 2006-01-30 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
Haha, alrighty.

So Scott when do you think I could pick up 2000? And Dean when do you think I could pick up the RAM and how much should I have in hand when I do or can pick it up? And Cody when do you think you will be available to do this?

Thanks for helpin out guys, if I could buy you beer I would :D

I gotta find it first. No beer needed --- I've hated the stuff since I was 8 (that public-service radio commercial about not giving alchohol to your kids cracks me up).

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-30 04:28 PM

Scott I left you a message, your answering machine is funny :lol:

Ezdno 2006-01-30 06:27 PM

Jonny I pm'd ya

Ezdno 2006-01-30 06:29 PM

I am so glad I am not the only geek on this board! If I have anything you need let me know.

ScottyS 2006-01-30 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ezdno
I am so glad I am not the only geek on this board!

Basically everybody on this board says:


Dean 2006-01-30 09:45 PM

What's kinda funny is that I have never had a machine that uses that RAM... I just happen to have them from somebody who upgraded and asked if I wanted the old stuff.

JonnydaJibba 2006-01-31 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by Dean
What's kinda funny is that I have never had a machine that uses that RAM... I just happen to have them from somebody who upgraded and asked if I wanted the old stuff.

I can't believe somebody had that kind, nobody I know uses it so that's quite lucky I think. Thanks much Dean. Also, I never knew that part of town even existed. I ended up getting lost on the way back, but I was exploring so it was rad.

cody 2006-01-31 06:49 PM

Anybody got Jonny's phone number. He was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago.

ScottyS 2006-01-31 07:07 PM

Check your PMs

JonnydaJibba 2006-02-01 08:06 AM

I'm pretty sure I have Jonny's number around here somewhere :looks around franticly: Uhhh, maybe I don't have it. :lol:

Dean thanks for the hardware, Scotty thanks for the OS, Cody thanks for the help reformatting.

I got pulled over last night on the way home from your house Cody, apparently my registration is expired. But I have a question. There are 2 hard drives now, and one says it has 7.98 gigs of space (the one Dean gave me) and one has 18.8 (mine). Why does Deans have only 8 gigs of space? Does it have something to do with the jumper settings? And if it does can I just rearrange them to make it work or is there more to it?

cody 2006-02-01 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
I'm pretty sure I have Jonny's number around here somewhere :looks around franticly: Uhhh, maybe I don't have it. :lol:

Dean thanks for the hardware, Scotty thanks for the OS, Cody thanks for the help reformatting.

I got pulled over last night on the way home from your house Cody, apparently my registration is expired. But I have a question. There are 2 hard drives now, and one says it has 7.98 gigs of space (the one Dean gave me) and one has 18.8 (mine). Why does Deans have only 8 gigs of space? Does it have something to do with the jumper settings? And if it does can I just rearrange them to make it work or is there more to it?

Uh, we didn't use Dean's HD at all. I have no idea why you'd be seeing that 8GB partition...I assume you mean in My Computer?

That sucks you got pulled over Dude. Get that heap registered. :P

Dean 2006-02-01 08:51 AM

So what did you end up doing if you didn't use my drive? I thought there was data on his drive he wanted to preserve.

RAM work?

Today's Dilbert is priceless...

cody 2006-02-01 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Dean
So what did you end up doing if you didn't use my drive? I thought there was data on his drive he wanted to preserve.

RAM work?

Today's Dilbert is priceless...

Laff@Dilbert. :lol:

I tried all 4 of the jumper settings for Master and a couple of the ones for Cable Select, but the system would hang as soon as it booted from the Windows install CD every time.

Replacing your HD with his fixed that problem so he said we could wipe it. Somthing that I had never seen before was that after the Windows installer loaded all drivers and asked us to agree to the lic. agreement by hitting F8, it would look for previous installs of Windows and then blue screen with the error msg., "Registry_Error". Luckily I had a Win. 98 Startup floppy and fdisk fixed that problem.

The RAM worked great. He's now got 384MB which coupled with his P4 1.2Ghz Processor and XP Home ain't too shabby.

JonnydaJibba 2006-02-01 09:03 AM

Lol, dilbert rocks.

Wait so we didn't use Deans HD? How do I have 2 local drives?
I have:
C:\ local, nothing is on it. 7.98 gigs
D:\ local, all my everything is there, program files, my docs, etc. 18.8 gigs
E:\ CD ROM drive
A:\ Floppy

The C drive used to be my main local, the D used to be my CD ROM.

How is it I have two drives then? Also I didn't bring in the box that Dean put the stuff in from my car, so the drive could be in there, but that doesn't explain 2 seperate local drives. His drive HAS TO be in there right? Where would I just get 8 gigs of extra space?

And there was data that I wanted to preserve but you HD wasn't taking the boot disk. Or something, ask Cody, I don't really know this computer stuff.

cody 2006-02-01 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba
Lol, dilbert rocks.

Wait so we didn't use Deans HD? How do I have 2 local drives?
I have:
C:\ local, nothing is on it. 7.98 gigs
D:\ local, all my everything is there, program files, my docs, etc. 18.8 gigs
E:\ CD ROM drive
A:\ Floppy

How is it I have two drives then? Also I didn't bring in the box that Dean put the stuff in from my car, so the drive could be in there, but that doesn't explain 2 seperate local drives. His drive HAS TO be in there right? Where would I just get 8 gigs of extra space?

And there was data that I wanted to preserve but you HD wasn't taking the boot disk. Or something, ask Cody, I don't really know this computer stuff.

You're freaking me out man. We told the XP installer to delete the existing partition and reformat the remainging 20Gigs NTFS to install Windows. It doesn't make sense that your HD has an 8GB partition that wasn't visible when we were deleting the 20GB partition. Dean's HD should be in the box still. I removed it from the machine completely, although you can try to hook it up as the slave may work as a slave.

JonnydaJibba 2006-02-01 09:54 AM

What? So where the hell does that extra 8gigs and a different local drive come from? Are they coming from the same drive? They both say NTFS I'm pretty sure. I mean total i have 26 gigs of space, how is that possible when I'm using the same drive I was before that is only 18.8 gigs?

Dean 2006-02-01 09:55 AM

If you aren't using the drive, it goes back in to my good usable parts for the needy bin.

It's one of the 7200 RPM IBM Deskstar screamer drives. Still one of the faster drives out there, and tough as nails.

Right Click My computer, manage, device manager, and hit disk drives, and get the model number(s). That will tell us what is physically in the machine.

Next, Don't close any windows, an in computer managemetn click, storage, Disk Management.

On Disk0, and/or Disk1, should have partitions, sizes, and types... You may have to "hover" your cursor over some of the descriptions to get the full details.

Type those things up and post them... We'll figure it out.

On second thought, you can be lazy, and do a start, run, msinfo32

Go to Components, storage, and then cut and paste the stuff from the right side for the sub headings Drives, and Disks for us.

JonnydaJibba 2006-02-01 09:59 AM

I'll look when I get home. Unfortunately I need a nic or something to get internet access so I'm internetless at home right now. 10mb nic or something? tick? I dunno.

cody 2006-02-01 10:07 AM

Yah, what Dean said.

What Jonny is so eloquently trying to say is his computer has no NIC. Anybody have an old 10Mb/sec one they don't want?

Dean 2006-02-01 10:11 AM

You people suck... :P Figure out what we need before we start...

I can't beleive it doesn't have an on-board NIC under/over the USB ports, but if it doesn't, I have a dozen or so 100mg. I threw out all the 10meg ones ages ago.

How the hell did you do Windows update and AV install without a NIC and broadband? You did do those, right?

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