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ArthurS 2004-02-19 03:37 PM

Snow Donkey Run-Ins:
3 Attachment(s)
Here are Mike and I's run-ins with the Snow Donkeys of Nevada.

I'll start with mine.

ArthurS 2004-02-19 03:38 PM

3 Attachment(s)
With Pointers:

ArthurS 2004-02-19 03:39 PM

Forgive my paintshop skills...I am at work. No good program here.

Mike's to come in a sec.

ArthurS 2004-02-19 03:50 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Mike's Run-in with a Snow Donkey:

ArthurS 2004-02-19 03:51 PM

3 Attachment(s)
With Pointers:

MattR 2004-02-19 03:59 PM


ArthurS 2004-02-19 04:09 PM

Yea. I took these today, so most of the skid marks and grass marks are gone. Mike must have someone that likes him up there, because he barely missed the tree and fire hydrant. :shock:

Dean 2004-02-19 04:12 PM

We need Pictures of Matt's now...

I can't beleive Mike missed the fire hydrant and the tree... I always wondered if that looks the same in real life when you hit a fire hydrant as it does in the movies.

JoelK 2004-02-19 04:19 PM

Are you guys driving on summer tires in the winter? ;) That's a lot of creative driving.

ArthurS 2004-02-19 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by JoelK
Are you guys driving on summer tires in the winter? ;) That's a lot of creative driving.

Actually I was. I was on the Kuhmo's the first day it snowed. Came into that corner at normal speed, turned the wheel, but the car went straight. BAM.

MikeSTI 2004-02-19 04:24 PM

I'm on winter tires and the pointer Art used is bad becuase I was in the left lane :lol:
Got all kind of grip once I was in the grass 8)

MikeSTI 2004-02-19 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
We need Pictures of Matt's now...

I can't beleive Mike missed the fire hydrant and the tree... I always wondered if that looks the same in real life when you hit a fire hydrant as it does in the movies.

A fire hydrant does shoot in the air if you break it how far is of course how much pressure the water is under so it could shoot 100' in the air or 10' but it will flow the same amount of water either way thats why fire trucks have pump so if theres not enough pressure they got some in the truck

MikeSTI 2004-02-19 04:29 PM

:lol: :lol: Scott you or someone with photo chop need to add some snow donkeys into the pics :lol:

sperry 2004-02-19 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by MikeSTI
:lol: :lol: Scott you or someone with photo chop need to add some snow donkeys into the pics :lol:

I started working on it as soon as Art posted, but real work slowed me down.

Mike, your's was a big one! :lol:

ArthurS 2004-02-19 04:41 PM

BWHAHAHAHA....Thats friggin awsome Scott. :lol:

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-02-19 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by MikeSTI

Originally Posted by Dean
We need Pictures of Matt's now...

I can't beleive Mike missed the fire hydrant and the tree... I always wondered if that looks the same in real life when you hit a fire hydrant as it does in the movies.

A fire hydrant does shoot in the air if you break it how far is of course how much pressure the water is under so it could shoot 100' in the air or 10' but it will flow the same amount of water either way thats why fire trucks have pump so if theres not enough pressure they got some in the truck

I've seen around 80-100psi on fire mains... when it's pushing a 6-8" diameter column of water that's a fucking lot of force.

MikeSTI 2004-02-19 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey

Originally Posted by MikeSTI

Originally Posted by Dean
We need Pictures of Matt's now...

I can't beleive Mike missed the fire hydrant and the tree... I always wondered if that looks the same in real life when you hit a fire hydrant as it does in the movies.

A fire hydrant does shoot in the air if you break it how far is of course how much pressure the water is under so it could shoot 100' in the air or 10' but it will flow the same amount of water either way thats why fire trucks have pump so if theres not enough pressure they got some in the truck

I've seen around 80-100psi on fire mains... when it's pushing a 6-8" diameter column of water that's a fucking lot of force.

most city mains in Sactown only carry 50psi if your lucky :?

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-02-19 05:11 PM

Well, we are a bit of a special case... :lol: the lab has its own separate water supply gravity fed from hills above us, so pressure is guaranteed.

MikeSTI 2004-02-27 01:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This would definatly get me to slow down :lol:

STIwish 2004-02-27 03:28 PM

:lol: :lol: Where was that taken?

sperry 2004-02-27 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by STIwish
:lol: :lol: Where was that taken?

my bet's on "Branxton"

MikeSTI 2004-02-27 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by sperry

Originally Posted by STIwish
:lol: :lol: Where was that taken?

my bet's on "Branxton"

:lol: :lol:

Dean 2004-02-27 05:35 PM

I was just thinking about Matt's sig...

"...look out for the snow donkeys..."

Isn't looking at them what gets you in trouble?

Shouldn't it be DON'T look at the snow donkeys?

MattR 2004-02-27 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
I was just thinking about Matt's sig...

"...look out for the snow donkeys..."

Isn't looking at them what gets you in trouble?

Shouldn't it be DON'T look at the snow donkeys?

err??/ uhh? you have to loOk out so you dont getz surprised, er something...They tend to jump out in front of youz.

MattR 2004-02-27 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by STIwish
:lol: :lol: Where was that taken?

I'm gonna go ahead and say England...

Dean 2004-02-27 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
They tend to jump out in front of youz.

I don't know Matt, The pictures clearly show that one Donkey was securely restrained behind a fence, and the other was well away from the road. Clearly no chance either woodz jumpz outz in frontz of ya... They are clearly in the direct line of sight to the incident sites. Your car goes where your eyes go, so as a driving instructor, I would suggest looking away from the donkeys. :lol:

STIwish 2004-02-27 10:37 PM

Well no shit Branxton, but i had no clue where that is.

Kevin M 2004-02-28 12:18 AM


originally posted in Dean's sig
"These aren't the donkeys you are looking for." - Obi Don Keynobe
Priceless. :lol:

Ezdno 2005-11-07 10:58 PM

Hey that looks like my old neighborhood, was that the keystone turn off of mccarren, and if I am not mistaken that was coleman near rancho san rafael park.

Man take it ez on the curbs......

JonnydaJibba 2005-11-08 08:11 AM

That first picture is across the street from where I live. I'm glad it's not snow donkey season yet, all are still hibernating.

MikeSTI 2005-11-08 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Ezdno
Man take it ez on the curbs......

yeah good reminder to get the winter tires out....;)

Ezdno 2005-11-08 07:00 PM

Ok so what would you consider a winter tire, I have these Falken 205/55/16s on there only 2500 miles on them so far.

Kevin M 2005-11-08 08:21 PM

Falken what?

MattR 2005-11-08 09:10 PM

As far as I know, there is no decent all season or winter tire from Falken. But, my subaru is never going in the snow again.

ArthurS 2005-11-09 12:25 AM

Damn this thread is old

Kevin M 2005-11-09 02:20 AM

FK451s (I think) are getting good reviews as a 3 season tire. If not the FK451 then one with a name very very close to that.

khail19 2005-11-09 07:39 AM

FK451 is more of a summer tire. The Ziex ZE512 is Falken's all season offering. Consumer Reports rated it as the top all season performance tire a while back.

doubleurx 2005-11-09 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by MattR
As far as I know, there is no decent all season or winter tire from Falken. But, my subaru is never going in the snow again.

Wait what? A subaru never going in the snow again. I think I can even hear your car crying!

MattR 2005-11-09 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by doubleurx
Wait what? A subaru never going in the snow again. I think I can even hear your car crying!

No, it is rejoicing, as it won't have to get bounced off curbs and overheated with it's grill packed full if snow anymore...hehe.

doubleurx 2005-11-09 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
No, it is rejoicing, as it won't have to get bounced off curbs and overheated with it's grill packed full if snow anymore...hehe.

Subaru not in snow = blasphemy!

Dean 2005-11-09 12:35 PM

Matt's got one them there Pick em up trucks with the optional physics exemption. Whatz he need one of them there odd or is it AWeD Karz 4?

doubleurx 2005-11-09 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
Matt's got one them there Pick em up trucks with the optional physics exemption. Whatz he need one of them there odd or is it AWeD Karz 4?

I drive me by many o those truckers that b-line their heavy beasts into the banks!

MattR 2005-11-09 02:42 PM


Originally Posted by doubleurx
I drive me by many o those truckers that b-line their heavy beasts into the banks!

Ahhhhh...But put a subaru driver in a big ol 4 wheeler and you have an unbeatable combo...

Honestly, I'm wishing I still had a set of snows for the sti just for fun days...Maybe I'll make some custom snows out of my Advan's hhahaah...Anyone have a tire siping iron? :lol:

Dean 2005-11-09 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
Ahhhhh...But put a subaru driver in a big ol 4 wheeler and you have an unbeatable combo...

And this is how it starts. The pick em up truck oners forget to read das fine print on their physics exemption.

Paragraph 3 clearly states

Paragraph 3: Section 1. Part A: This exemption is for the mass of the vehicle and a reasonable operator and occupannts only. Any excess swelling of the cranium, ego, or other bodily parts, may have excess mass not accounted for in this exemption. Depending on the location of this additional mass, physics may well act on this mass having unintended concequences up to and including the vehicle carening off the road where it may encounter other objects of mass, or the lack there of(Open space) depending on circumstances resulting in the possible distruction of the vehcle and/or the occupants.

Ezdno 2005-11-09 07:31 PM

I have zeix 502 89v, on the lil red subie.

Ezdno 2005-11-09 07:33 PM

This Thread LIVES.......

Kevin M 2005-11-09 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Ezdno
I have zeix 502 89v, on the lil red subie.

You mean 512? That's the one I meant before, not the 451s. They're decent 3 season tires, but I don't know how they'll be on ice.

Ezdno 2005-11-09 08:25 PM

no the tires actually say ZE 502, I found them on the Falken Website, They were listed as all season, and the ZE 512 were all season performance

doubleurx 2005-11-09 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
And this is how it starts. The pick em up truck oners forget to read das fine print on their physics exemption.

Paragraph 3 clearly states

Of course this also allows for that given mass, if large enough, to simply flatten any damn snowdonkey in its path.

Joeyy 2005-11-10 11:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
For the truck drivers that can't read, they have pictures.

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