Subaru Enthusiasts Car Club of the Sierras

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MikeSTI 2005-05-04 12:29 PM

May 21 Mod Day!!!!
Edit:Looks like there are a lot of poeple currently looking to install mods on thier cars !!! Start times for early birds will be 9:00am (Bruspeed - if you get here any sooner you will be required to have coffee in hand for me and my wife :lol: ) we will go untill we can go no more, I hope this means everyone will get thier mods installed.

Boo - Helix DP (EVO)
Bruspeed - Ver.8 Sti Struts and springs
U53D - ????
Forgotten - Springs
Ban Suvs - ??? I heard you say your staying in Reno
Cody - Downpipe, sorry dude but I wont do an Up-pipe :( unless we have some extra time
Reno911- Turbo Back
Dedee - Rims :lol:

Anyone else that wants to join in the fun speak up or show up!!

Things to bring:
1. I'm a big fan of bring what you got, you can never have to much
2. we need a few chairs if you have fold out's
3. Lunch will be Pizza or Sub's and BYOB
4. anything else just let me know.

I will bring maps to get to my house to the meet tonight. If your not going to be at the meet and plan on coming PM me for directions

Kevin M 2005-05-04 12:31 PM

On the 21st there's going to be an install place in Sac at EddyRS' place. I'm already planning on being there myself.

MattR 2005-05-04 12:31 PM

Solo 2 Winnemucca 5-14

I have managers Meetings 5-21

I guess I'm out.

MikeSTI 2005-05-04 12:34 PM

did you need anything put on your car MattR? I'm sure I can add the 22nd as an option?

MattR 2005-05-04 12:35 PM

No, my oilcovers won't be here by then anyway. I'm good.

bruspeed 2005-05-04 01:04 PM

Since I'm kinda saving up for some stuff I probably won't have anything to install, but I can still help, I'm pretty good at turning wrenches (all things considered) and not afraid to get dirty! Finalize the date and I'll be there, Corona, limes, and ratchet wrenches in hand! :D

MattR 2005-05-04 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by bruspeed
Finalize the date and I'll be there, Corona, limes, and ratchet wrenches in hand! :D

You know how to make freinds quickly huh? :lol:

bruspeed 2005-05-04 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
You know how to make freinds quickly huh? :lol:

Are you kidding me? Those are for me!! I'm just there for comic relief, cue the benny hill theme music. :lol:

MikeSTI 2005-05-04 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by bruspeed
Since I'm kinda saving up for some stuff I probably won't have anything to install, but I can still help, I'm pretty good at turning wrenches (all things considered) and not afraid to get dirty! Finalize the date and I'll be there, Corona, limes, and ratchet wrenches in hand! :D

Thanks for the offer to help :D I'm sure it will be good time's :cool:

U53D 2005-05-04 02:09 PM

i just found out that the accessport will be here this week but the turbo back is on backorder 3-4 weeks. this may work out nicely

U53D 2005-05-04 02:10 PM

oh and its no secret :p

MattR 2005-05-04 02:13 PM

Ecutek > Accessport, everone knows that....

doubleurx 2005-05-04 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
Ecutek > Accessport, everone knows that....

Ya, duh..................less salt!

MikeSTI 2005-05-04 02:20 PM

Matt & Nick - You really shouldn't drink in the afternoon:P :lol:

Forgotten 2005-05-04 08:06 PM

Count me in, for both wrenching and some parts.
I've got some springs sitting in my room although we had trouble taking off my camber bolts last time I tried to do those. My downpipe should be here before the 21st.

MikeSTI 2005-05-05 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by Forgotten
Count me in, for both wrenching and some parts.
I've got some springs sitting in my room although we had trouble taking off my camber bolts last time I tried to do those. My downpipe should be here before the 21st.

sounds good, but from what I heard you might need a spring compresser (?) to put the new ones on

MattR 2005-05-05 08:02 AM

Spring compressor are for sissies! hahaha.

Forgotten 2005-05-05 11:01 AM

They do need a spring compressor to be put on. I'll bring it with me.

Kevin M 2005-05-05 11:39 AM

I've done springs without them more than once, but it's better to have it than not. Glad someone can supply them. :)

Dean 2005-05-05 12:13 PM

A couple of those nylon rachet tie down things are all you need for a little as the WRX springs are preloaded as I recall. Or have I lost my mind?

bruspeed 2005-05-05 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
I've done springs without them more than once, but it's better to have it than not. Glad someone can supply them. :)

Last time I did springs, I rented one from Kragen's.

Kevin M 2005-05-05 01:11 PM

With two people, you just have one lean on the strut top (compress the spring) while the other loosens or installs the strut nut. :P

khail19 2005-05-06 03:51 PM

I've done springs by myself a couple of times now. It's definitely easier with a third hand, but not necessary at all. And you really don't need a spring compressor, it just makes the job take longer.

MikeSTI 2005-05-09 08:34 AM

Update - It looks like the 21st is going to be the day :D

I hope this works for people, let me know. (I don't mean the people that can't attend)

Libila 2005-05-09 12:29 PM

I'll come hang/help out. I'll be done with finals then, so it works out great for me.

bruspeed 2005-05-09 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by MikeSTI
Update - It looks like the 21st is going to be the day :D

I hope this works for people, let me know. (I don't mean the people that can't attend)

Good day!! Oh God!! I can't wait! :devil:

Kevin M 2005-05-09 02:43 PM

That's the same day as the one that was already set up down in Sac.

Nick Koan 2005-05-09 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
That's the same day as the one that was already set up down in Sac.

Sac is 2 hours away, and I can understand if many locals don't feel like going down just for an 'installfest' :rolleyes:

BOO 2005-05-09 03:21 PM

Does anyone know If I will need a seperate/different Gasket? I think the evo DP is
2 1/2 inches and the Helix is 3 inches, Mike(evomike) told me it should be fine, any other suggestions before this day comes and I am found with a gasket problem?

Thanks :)

Kevin M 2005-05-09 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by nKoan
Sac is 2 hours away, and I can understand if many locals don't feel like going down just for an 'installfest' :rolleyes:

Yeah, it probably only matters to me, and only because I already committed.

cody 2005-05-09 06:46 PM

Hey Guys. I'd really like to help...especially if anyone is doing up/downpipe installs since I have those on the way and would love to learn how it's done. Do you guys let noobs join in the fun? :D

BOO 2005-05-09 07:57 PM

hey Cody... I dont see why not .. I mean everyone knows I am a NOOB when it comes to installs.. lol

MikeSTI 2005-05-10 09:18 AM


That's the same day as the one that was already set up down in Sac.
Sorry Kevin..........I guess if the club that is doing an install that same day would include SECCS members and post information about said day here then this would not conflict.

to everyone else that might want to attend.
Any member is welcome to stop by to watch, wrench, take pictures of the install, ect......... but be carefull you might get caught going on a milk shake run :lol:

I will sit down and edit the first post to include details this week!!!!

If you have any ideas lets hear them.

- I know we might want more chairs. So if you have some fold outs that you can bring.
- I only have 4 car stands (we might want 8) if anyone that is coming that has a few extra bring um'

anyways this is the date and plans are being made :D

cody 2005-05-10 09:23 AM

I have two jack stands and a floor jack I'll bring along with miscelaneous tools. I'll even bring some parts to install if there's time ;) , but I'm in no hurry and I don't mind just helping and watching this time. :D

MikeSTI 2005-05-10 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by cody
I have two jack stands and a floor jack I'll bring along with miscelaneous tools. I'll even bring some parts to install if there's time ;) , but I'm in no hurry and I don't mind just helping and watching this time. :D

That works.:) The hope is that at this point I can turn my 3 car garage into a 2 car shop and with the amount of support and people we can get a lot done in 1 day.

Sergio - The gasket goes around the edge of the DP and all DP's that would be considerd bolt-on would match that gasket. It might not be a bad idea to get a new gasket as they are a wear item and need to be replaced about every 40k from what I have heard and they dont cost much so its cheap piece of mind

BOO 2005-05-10 04:15 PM

thanks for the heads up Mike.. Even though I just hit 19k on the EVO (which is a long ways from 40k) I wouldnt mind getting a new one like you say as a precaution/peace of mind.. :)

I just thought that because the stock DP is 2.5" and the Helix is 3" wouldnt the hole be bigger on a 3" DP??? but then again what do I know??

bruspeed 2005-05-10 04:34 PM

I'll bring my toolys and maybe some other stuffs????? :~:

Kevin M 2005-05-10 04:47 PM

I dunno about replacement intervals for gaskets, but you definitely want to replace any gasket with a new part.

Sergio, the downpipe "mouth" has a 5 bolt flange, and the gasket doesn't change no matter what downpipe you get. The one at the other end of the downpipe is probably a 3" 2-bolt gasket, but it could also be designed to work with the stock 2.5" donut gasket, which doesn't need to be replaced.

Reno 911 2005-05-10 05:52 PM

I bought Nick's old Invidia catback and intake and just ordered a downpipe, so if you guys think we can install them, I'll be there.

BOO 2005-05-10 06:23 PM

sweet thanks again..

doubleurx 2005-05-10 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Reno 911
I bought Nick's old Invidia catback and intake and just ordered a downpipe, so if you guys think we can install them, I'll be there.

James those items are still in Sacramento - FYI. I need to get down there soon, unless there are any Sacramentans coming up this way? Anyone? In fact, Mike! are you going to Sac this or next week. I can call Nate in advance to have those two items ready for pick up if you don't mind. Certainly a beer for your troubles would be in order.

Sorry for the inconveinance James if they are not here in time. Tuning will get you the most out of those changes along with the downpipe. Which downpipe did you get?.

I will try to stop by to this event as well and will happily lend a wrenching hand. I also have a pair of jackstands that I can bring as well as a brand new 3.5 ton jack.

doubleurx 2005-05-10 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by Reno 911
I bought Nick's old Invidia catback and intake and just ordered a downpipe, so if you guys think we can install them, I'll be there.

I will also ask Nate for a fresh set of gaskets for the catback.

Kevin M 2005-05-10 09:45 PM

I should be headed down that way and back before next week, if nobody else is. I can pick that stuff up for you Nick.

MattR 2005-05-11 07:26 AM

I'll be down at SS on Monday or Tuesday with the Titan, dropping off sperry's car. So if anyone needs some oversized stuff moved back, let me know.

doubleurx 2005-05-11 08:24 AM

Thanks to both of you. I'll call Nate to get that stuff together. If either one of you can pick that stuff up that would be great.


MattR 2005-05-11 08:31 AM

I'll be there, so I will plan on it. Let me know for sure before Monday and we'll be all set.

doubleurx 2005-05-11 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by MattR
I'll be there, so I will plan on it. Let me know for sure before Monday and we'll be all set.

I just got off the phone with Joe. He'll have it all ready for you.

Thanks Matt.

MattR 2005-05-11 08:50 AM

Got it..assuming everything goes as planned, we should be down there Monday night.

doubleurx 2005-05-11 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by MattR
Got it..assuming everything goes as planned, we should be down there Monday night.

Great, Now James can be one of the loud crowd!

BOO 2005-05-11 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
I dunno about replacement intervals for gaskets, but you definitely want to replace any gasket with a new part.

Sergio, the downpipe "mouth" has a 5 bolt flange, and the gasket doesn't change no matter what downpipe you get. The one at the other end of the downpipe is probably a 3" 2-bolt gasket, but it could also be designed to work with the stock 2.5" donut gasket, which doesn't need to be replaced.

I just stopped off at mitsubishi and they said there are two gaskets one that is FLAT which is the one that is closest to the CAT, and a RING type of gasket(Goes between the Turbo and DownPipe). about 30 dollars for both which is very cheap.. but should I invest? or keep the old ones? any suggestions ??

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