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DARKSTI 2005-11-14 12:42 PM

Polished the STI :)
This was over this last weekend. I traded in my '01 Cobra for a Obisdan Black Pearl 2006 Subaru WRX STI. Of course it came with dealer installed swirls, and some bad water spots. It also had a weird haze on the paint.

Clay w/Spray and Wipe
On areas with bad Water Spots/Swirls they got Optimum Compound via PC on a light cutting pad speed 6. It left some hazing.
Optimum Polish on a polishing pad speed 6, all around, and on areas that had hazing left over from OC.
FMJ x 2 (Planning on 1/2 more coats then 1-2 coats of Pink Wax)
Exhaust Tip got DACP
Tires - Black Onyx Tire Gell
Windows/Mirrors/Plastic - AIO

There are still some swirls left in the smaller areas, and they will come out once I get my smaller spot pads, mainly on the front and the sides of the roof.

There is a little bit of dust from taking pics last night, ill try and wash it today and get pics with no dust. The paint on this car is MUCH easier to work with, if it wasnt for the water spots, all it would have taken would be OP all around on a cutting pad. I still need to seal the rims and do the wheelwells, so ignore those :) ;)

On to the pics [Full Gallery]:

MikeK 2005-11-14 12:50 PM

Looks good. How much to do the same to my car? :)

DARKSTI 2005-11-14 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK
Looks good. How much to do the same to my car? :)

i really just do it as a hobby, but let me think about it :D :)

tysonK 2005-11-14 02:27 PM

I give that a 9.5

DARKSTI 2005-11-14 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK
I give that a 9.5

:P just becuase, what do you think i could have done better? :)

Dean 2005-11-14 02:53 PM


I do beleive I just heard the detailing Gauntlet being thrown down...

Let the Black on Black detail to the death begin...

Clay Bars at 10 paces.

MikeK 2005-11-14 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by DARKSTI
:P just becuase, what do you think i could have done better? :)

You should be warned, Tyson is a little strange in the head ... he actually enjoys cleaning his car. When it starts raining or someone sprays mud while he is driving, he starts foaming at the mouth in anticipation.

tysonK 2005-11-14 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by DARKSTI
:P just becuase, what do you think i could have done better? :)

I want to see you do that with only water, 1z of soap, 1 cotton towel, and wax of your choosing, all by hand.

I like to get the optimum shine with minimal cash. I used to buy some expensive stuff but I find enough elbow grease and the right technique will get you there.

I gotta hand it to you for now though. I too busy at work to give my car the attention I want to.

tysonK 2005-11-14 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK
You should be warned, Tyson is a little strange in the head ... he actually enjoys cleaning his car. When it starts raining or someone sprays mud while he is driving, he starts foaming at the mouth in anticipation.

Actually while driving through the construction zone today I felt my car picking up lots of crap off the road, I thought about taking a long lunch to get some of it off at the car wash across the street.

DARKSTI 2005-11-14 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by MikeK
You should be warned, Tyson is a little strange in the head ... he actually enjoys cleaning his car. When it starts raining or someone sprays mud while he is driving, he starts foaming at the mouth in anticipation.

Im the same way :devil: :twisted: :) I love taking care mine and my parents cares, its kind of a stress release for me. ;)

DARKSTI 2005-11-14 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK
I want to see you do that with only water, 1z of soap, 1 cotton towel, and wax of your choosing, all by hand.

I like to get the optimum shine with minimal cash. I used to buy some expensive stuff but I find enough elbow grease and the right technique will get you there.

I gotta hand it to you for now though. I too busy at work to give my car the attention I want to.

I dont think i would do that well, and as for cotton, im a Microfiber guy, cotton always leaves swirls :(

tysonK 2005-11-14 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by DARKSTI
I dont think i would do that well, and as for cotton, im a Microfiber guy, cotton always leaves swirls :(

used washed cotton t-shirt. Here is my car when it's dirty. Pictures hide dirt well unless you really zoom in.

DARKSTI 2005-11-14 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK
used washed cotton t-shirt. Here is my car when it's dirty. Pictures hide dirt well unless you really zoom in.

Looks sick :)

M3n2c3 2005-11-15 08:04 AM

I like to keep my RS looking nice and shiny (although, since it's an Impreza, I don't mind the odd mud splashes :P) but I don't think I could drop that much work into detailing. I don't expect my car to ever hit a show floor. :D

MikeSTI 2005-11-15 10:23 AM

all I have is chiped paint, washing is only for visability at this point.....:lol:

Dean 2005-11-15 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by MikeSTI
all I have is chiped paint, washing is only for visability at this point.....:lol:

Ditto, only I think I win the Paint Chip war... My hood is more chip than paint.

MPREZIV 2005-11-15 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
Ditto, only I think I win the Paint Chip war... My hood is more chip than paint.

I'll take that challenge! No hood chips, due to a relatively new cf, but aside from that, the only straight panel on my car is the f'ing sunroof!!

M3n2c3 2005-11-16 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by MPREZIV
I'll take that challenge! No hood chips, due to a relatively new cf, but aside from that, the only straight panel on my car is the f'ing sunroof!!

Well, if you could stop running into rocks. . . :D

Kevin M 2005-11-16 03:40 AM

Rocks?!? Did someone say rocks?

qksubi 2005-11-16 04:25 AM

Man nice work! No offense but Im glad I didnt buy black it looks good but Im too lazy that car would look like crap if I owned it!

Evo Mike 2005-11-16 10:52 AM

hmm i hear a challenge.. i'll step to that sometime during the thanksgiving break.

i give it a 9.5 as well.. unless you actually claybarred the whole car.. but that would mean you're craaazy!


Evo Mike 2005-11-16 10:54 AM

oh yeah.. how much to do that to my car?

DARKSTI 2005-11-16 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Evo Mike
hmm i hear a challenge.. i'll step to that sometime during the thanksgiving break.

i give it a 9.5 as well.. unless you actually claybarred the whole car.. but that would mean you're craaazy!


I clayed everything :)

Thanks for the compliment(s)! :)
However, im focusing on my photo business right now and have to take care of my familys 3 other cars. I can always give help and answer questions :)

JC 2005-11-16 12:15 PM

How come all you clean crazies drive black cars?

DARKSTI 2005-11-16 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by JC
How come all you clean crazies drive black cars?

becuase black is the fastest color. Also, for me, becuase it shows a lot better when you put hard work into it. :cool:

Evo Mike 2005-11-16 02:23 PM

black = teh win

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