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Jcjentz 2009-03-25 09:53 PM

Best Buy parkinglot
anyone ever go to the sparks best buy on fri. and sat. nights to watch the guys that haven't learned their lesson street racing? i'm told they meet up. just wondered cuz i was thinking on going by there.. i guess there's upwards of 60 cars sometimes.. any subees?
not promoting illegal racing just was gonna check out some cars

sperry 2009-03-25 09:57 PM

Well posting about it here is a great first step in making sure you get busted by the cops the next time you're out there! (psst, there are cops that read the board)

Also, if there are any members going out to the street races, please feel free to scrape your seccs stickers off the car before you head out. (not that anyone has stickers these days)

Jcjentz 2009-03-25 10:02 PM

i heard the cops are there all the time so won't make much diff>>

Kevin M 2009-03-25 10:08 PM

If you want to check out cars, come to autocrosses and track days. The cars are faster and our fun isn't illegal, so no worries there!

sedonabugeye 2009-03-25 11:04 PM

Jon, its the best buy out in reno and everyone usually shows up around 11 or so. and i go out there to bullshit and talk cars with friends. not to go street race. we dont do that stuff at all. its just a place to go and talk with other car guys.

sedonabugeye 2009-03-25 11:05 PM

and as far as the cops. were on their good side, at least the cops that i talk to, and if youre not out there street racing your fine!

Jcjentz 2009-03-26 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by sedonabugeye (Post 130568)
and as far as the cops. were on their good side, at least the cops that i talk to, and if youre not out there street racing your fine!

ya im not into street racing nor getting my car impounded.. want to keep my good image.. so reno best buy huh, thanx for the heads up Andy! see ya there

100_Percent_Juice 2009-03-26 08:22 AM

Try not to catch a stray bullet.

Dean 2009-03-26 08:38 AM

Anything that starts at 11PM in a parking lot does not sound like a good or safe place to be.

6PM, sure, 11PM, not so much. :)

MattR 2009-03-26 09:08 AM

Safe is a state of mind. Man.

JonnydaJibba 2009-03-26 09:15 AM

They do the same thing we do, only a few hours later and afterwards they street race instead of eat. People don't have to eat at Tamarack, people don't have to street race down there. BESIDES, they meet up at Best Buy, and go race somewhere else. Since when do we frown upon loitering? I'll get off your lawn old man.

It is kind of a guilt by association thing though. But if you aren't doing anything illegal (besides bullshitting cars in a parking lot...) fuck it.

Also, anyone who has been around here long enough to have a SECCS sticker, knows how we all feel about street racing.

sperry 2009-03-26 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by JonnydaJibba (Post 130601)
They do the same thing we do, only a few hours later and afterwards they street race instead of eat. People don't have to eat at Tamarack, people don't have to street race down there. BESIDES, they meet up at Best Buy, and go race somewhere else. Since when do we frown upon loitering? I'll get off your lawn old man.

It is kind of a guilt by association thing though. But if you aren't doing anything illegal (besides bullshitting cars in a parking lot...) fuck it.

Also, anyone who has been around here long enough to have a SECCS sticker, knows how we all feel about street racing.

I just get the feeling that if you've got 60 street racer cars in a parking lot at 11pm, you're going to be risking trouble with the law regardless of whether or not you go off to the street races afterwords. Never mind the BS that can go down w/ that set between the different "crews" and their egos.

It's significantly different than the 5 or 10 folks that show up at 6pm for friendly bullshitting and dinner at our meets.

SoCal LS-L 2009-03-26 11:12 AM

I can say firsthand that people race around there (Meadowwood area) every fri and sat night..... especially in the summer with the windows open at night. Anyone around the area of the old Home Gardens and the new Moana leg can attest that after 12am people are out there redlining their hondas. Yay them and their eventual impound and license suspension.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-03-26 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 130610)
It's significantly different than the 5 or 10 folks that show up at 6pm for friendly bullshitting and dinner at our meets.

It's totally different than 10 guys standing around asking each other "I thought you were bringing the girls?" :lol:

Just kidding.


Jcjentz 2009-03-26 12:17 PM

i hate those turds! maybe i will stay away.. u know someone would make bank if they opened a legal drag strip in town! i heard something about that but it's been years

sperry 2009-03-26 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jcjentz (Post 130625)
i hate those turds! maybe i will stay away.. u know someone would make bank if they opened a legal drag strip in town! i heard something about that but it's been years

RFR is only 30 minutes away... and they do grudge-match drags like every weekend, don't they?

JonnydaJibba 2009-03-26 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by sperry (Post 130610)
It's significantly different than the 5 or 10 folks that show up at 6pm for friendly bullshitting and dinner at our meets.

Yeah I didn't see it that way! Quite a bit different in fact. Also, I left out the fact that only 10% of those guys are cool. Maybe 10...

GusGus91 2009-03-26 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by SoCal LS-L (Post 130613)
I can say firsthand that people race around there (Meadowwood area) every fri and sat night..... especially in the summer with the windows open at night. Anyone around the area of the old Home Gardens and the new Moana leg can attest that after 12am people are out there redlining their hondas. Yay them and their eventual impound and license suspension.

Yup, when i go to my dad's over on rio poco off of mcceran, i can hear them EVERY god damn weekend while im laying in bed or watching tv. God damn honda's keeping me awake. They're loud as hell, but i have no clue where they are. But it's funny to hear them doing a race, then hearing sirens. haha :lol: It make's me laugh a little.

no offense to honda's. haha. only cuz i know andy has one.

Jcjentz 2009-03-26 01:57 PM

ha i will hear one sound like its gonna break the land speed record and look over only to see a turd going at a snails pace:P

moose 2009-03-26 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by GusGus91 (Post 130640)
Yup, when i go to my dad's over on rio poco off of mcceran, i can hear them EVERY god damn weekend while im laying in bed or watching tv. God damn honda's keeping me awake. They're loud as hell, but i have no clue where they are. But it's funny to hear them doing a race, then hearing sirens. haha :lol: It make's me laugh a little.

no offense to honda's. haha. only cuz i know andy has one.

I hate it when they race down McCarran. I do like hearing the sirens that follow though.

Jcjentz 2009-03-26 02:59 PM

they need to be yanked outa there car and shook!

100_Percent_Juice 2009-03-26 03:16 PM

I did go one night with my friend when I guess everyone used to meet at Circuit City. I met a few decent people there and then a group of us left to watch some people race I guess. Right as we left I guess someone pulled a gun and then the story was blurred from there. A group of people mainly consisting of civics went over on some side street from Double R and did started doing races. I watched one or two drags and decided to GTFO because they were so freaking loud there would be cops raining down instantly. We left and followed a few subies way the hell out in the sticks, almost to pyramid lake. There was a bunch of cars down a dark side road doing drags. It was OK but I was nervous the entire time.

GusGus91 2009-03-26 04:15 PM

^ for shame... :picard:

SoCal LS-L 2009-03-26 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Jcjentz (Post 130625)
i hate those turds! maybe i will stay away.. u know someone would make bank if they opened a legal drag strip in town! i heard something about that but it's been years

Wouldnt it be awesome if some bureaucrat would realize my dream of opening an American Autobahn between Reno and Vegas??? I would live somewhere in between, selling lizard jerky and bootleg starbucks coffee. I think mine gets up to 154mph..... but where the hell am I ever going to find out?

Jcjentz 2009-03-26 07:25 PM

haha like 10 yrs ago when i had a 5.0 during hot aug. nights i went just off longley where there was like a hundred ricer's.. they didnt like me i guess an felt threated cuz a boulder came crashing through my rear hatch and some gutsy 90 pound jap dude came trying to smack me so i grabbed onto him as i drove off an gave him a little ride... i attribute it to guys that were from outa town for the car show but i guess it could be as bad on a normal night

100_Percent_Juice 2009-03-26 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by Jcjentz (Post 130686)
haha like 10 yrs ago when i had a 5.0 during hot aug. nights i went just off longley where there was like a hundred ricer's.. they didnt like me i guess an felt threated cuz a boulder came crashing through my rear hatch and some gutsy 90 pound jap dude came trying to smack me so i grabbed onto him as i drove off an gave him a little ride... i attribute it to guys that were from outa town for the car show but i guess it could be as bad on a normal night

I'm sorry, I have been drinking and could have misread this. A boulder came through your back window? And you called someone a jap?

Jcjentz 2009-03-26 07:46 PM

yesir correct a jap that deserved a good slap

Bob Danger 2009-03-26 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by Jcjentz (Post 130686)
haha like 10 yrs ago when i had a 5.0 during hot aug. nights i went just off longley where there was like a hundred ricer's.. they didnt like me i guess an felt threated cuz a boulder came crashing through my rear hatch and some gutsy 90 pound jap dude came trying to smack me so i grabbed onto him as i drove off an gave him a little ride... i attribute it to guys that were from outa town for the car show but i guess it could be as bad on a normal night

I know this is english, but my mind has chosen to not comprehend it.

GusGus91 2009-03-26 08:10 PM

hmm... jap slap.. I think you should have dragged him a little longer just to get the point across.

Bob Danger 2009-03-26 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by GusGus91 (Post 130697)
hmm... jap slap.. I think you should have dragged him a little longer just to get the point across.

vehicular manslaughter is awesome.

bigrobwoot 2009-03-26 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Jcjentz (Post 130686)
haha like 10 yrs ago when i had a 5.0 during hot aug. nights i went just off longley where there was like a hundred ricer's.. they didnt like me i guess an felt threated cuz a boulder came crashing through my rear hatch and some gutsy 90 pound jap dude came trying to smack me so i grabbed onto him as i drove off an gave him a little ride... i attribute it to guys that were from outa town for the car show but i guess it could be as bad on a normal night

That story reminded me of Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino haha.

sedonabugeye 2009-03-26 11:26 PM

im not going to lie.. my honda is loud as hell! but it is a gulit by association type of thing. and yes sometimes people get into fights out there. its entertaining. cause everyone out there knows i dont streetrace, and neither does my crew. i mean.. why waste our time racing hondas. i have one, i know how slow they are! and we dont have an ego on my crew.. thats why were unrivaled ;)

GusGus91 2009-03-26 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Danger (Post 130706)
vehicular manslaughter is awesome.

Yea, it's pretty much what all the cool kids are doing these days. :cool:

cody 2009-03-27 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Jcjentz (Post 130694)
yesir correct a jap that deserved a good slap

You should write a rap.

100_Percent_Juice 2009-03-27 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by cody (Post 130720)
You should write a rap.

or a kids book.

pike 2009-03-28 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Jcjentz (Post 130686)
haha like 10 yrs ago when i had a 5.0 during hot aug. nights i went just off longley where there was like a hundred ricer's.. they didnt like me i guess an felt threated cuz a boulder came crashing through my rear hatch and some gutsy 90 pound jap dude came trying to smack me so i grabbed onto him as i drove off an gave him a little ride... i attribute it to guys that were from outa town for the car show but i guess it could be as bad on a normal night

I was prolly a 90 pound jap 10 years ago...... i was 9 yaaaayy! your old.... jk but seriously best buy is kind of fun to go hang out and watch people do dumb stuff.. for ex. a few weeks ago there was a 4 honda car pile up.... I guess its not that funny but when a million hondas go full rice to a red light something funny is bound to happen....

Jcjentz 2009-03-28 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by pike (Post 130791)
I was prolly a 90 pound jap 10 years ago...... i was 9 yaaaayy! your old.... jk but seriously best buy is kind of fun to go hang out and watch people do dumb stuff.. for ex. a few weeks ago there was a 4 honda car pile up.... I guess its not that funny but when a million hondas go full rice to a red light something funny is bound to happen....

huh didnt see that in the paper, you would think they'd make a big deal about it?.. and no pun intended on the jap comment just to clear that up.. lol i drive a jap car for goodness sake..

GusGus91 2009-03-28 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by pike (Post 130791)
I was prolly a 90 pound jap 10 years ago...... i was 9 yaaaayy! your old.... jk but seriously best buy is kind of fun to go hang out and watch people do dumb stuff.. for ex. a few weeks ago there was a 4 honda car pile up.... I guess its not that funny but when a million hondas go full rice to a red light something funny is bound to happen....

Oh that does sound fun. I love wrecked hondas. :)

sedonabugeye 2009-03-29 11:08 AM

ya it was pretty entertaining to say the least. hondas.. they make me laugh.... ;)

Bob Danger 2009-03-29 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by sedonabugeye (Post 130821)
ya it was pretty entertaining to say the least. hondas.. they make me laugh.... ;)

Why do Honda's make you laugh? Honda makes some great cars. In fact there are many Honda cars I would take over say an STI.

van 2009-03-29 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Bob Danger (Post 130827)
Why do Honda's make you laugh? Honda makes some great cars. In fact there are many Honda cars I would take over say an STI.

I don't think there are too many hondas that I could take over and STI, maybe a Ridgeline...I don't think the Element has the ground clearance.

GusGus91 2009-03-29 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by van (Post 130828)
I don't think there are too many hondas that I could take over and STI, maybe a Ridgeline...I don't think the Element has the ground clearance.

My best friend has an Element. He's getting rid of it for a wrx this year. They're horrible. They're only good for carrying stuff. They're slow, not that good in snow, not as good on gas as you think, and they cost more than what you get. And no, they don't have the ground clearance. They are kind of comfortable though. Especially if you're over 6 ft.

Ridgeline i probably would take, though. When my uncle had one, it seemed like a pretty solid car.

GusGus91 2009-03-29 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by sedonabugeye (Post 130821)
ya it was pretty entertaining to say the least. hondas.. they make me laugh.... ;)

Andy, don't you own a Honda... hahaha with a rocket opening trunk, and you can hear it from a mile away?

Jcjentz 2009-03-29 03:06 PM

went down to best buy for a few an saw some nice wrx's with some serious hp.. talked with the cops for a minute.. they are crackin down and warning about front plates . passed my 10oclock bedtime! hey Andy anything happen interesting after i left? bitch fights or what have u? lol! any cops in there r/t's get side ways

van 2009-03-29 03:11 PM

Gusgus, do you have custom plates?

sedonabugeye 2009-03-29 03:43 PM

i sure do have a honda, and you can prolly hear it from a little more than a mile away. and ya the trunk springs.. how do you know that? so i can talk shit about hondas cause i have one. and i would never take a honda over an sti.. and i wouldnt take an sti over a bugeye. Jon, nothing else happened. it was kinda lame, the cops pretty much had everything on lock down last night. they will ease up in the next couple of weeks, until someother asshole goes and ruins everything for us again.

GusGus91 2009-03-29 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by van (Post 130832)
Gusgus, do you have custom plates?

no I don't why?

sedonabugeye 2009-03-29 03:54 PM

gus, are you chris's friend?

GusGus91 2009-03-29 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by sedonabugeye (Post 130834)
i sure do have a honda, and you can prolly hear it from a little more than a mile away. and ya the trunk springs.. how do you know that? so i can talk shit about hondas cause i have one. and i would never take a honda over an sti.. and i wouldnt take an sti over a bugeye. Jon, nothing else happened. it was kinda lame, the cops pretty much had everything on lock down last night. they will ease up in the next couple of weeks, until someother asshole goes and ruins everything for us again.

Because I've seen it. I'm that kid that followed chris to your house in the blue 06, when he went and bought all those parts from that guy that wrecked his sti. I have the purple cast on my arm.

sedonabugeye 2009-03-29 03:57 PM

oh yes.. i was just making sure that was you. yup that honda of mine is badass... i would say its a solid 17second car.. no doubt in my mind..haha!

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