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sperry 2003-08-10 10:37 PM

Scott, Matt and Tyson are cool. Proof inside.
Okay, maybe we're not cool.. but our cars sure are:
Too bad Gary's car is all banged up from the wreck :( Hopefully Subaru will send him the '04 skins now!

...wait a minute, maybe Scott, Matt and Tyson are cool after all:

Nope, still decidedly not cooler than your average joe... but we did get to hang with Gary a bit after the race. As I've mentioned in other threads, Gary's a cool guy, and Sue's the bomb too!

I'd like to thank them for putting up with us loitering around while they were packing up the trailer (we wanted to help more, but Gary's got a one man system that can't be disturbed!). Boh Gary and Sue were friendly and accomidating, especially considering the outcome of the race included yellow flag disputes, two rolled cars, and a destroyed Subaru bumper. :(

Gary and Sue, if you guys ever need some people to help ya crew a future event, SECCS can easily scare up a few able-bodies in a heartbeat! I know I'd be willing to pack it up for a weekend to help out at Sonoma or Seca, no problem! Autocross is fun, but it's still not door to door racing!

Okay, here's the coolness:

That's *not* a photochop, Gary actually tossed a SECCS sticker on the USTCC WRX! 8) The only problem is that it's on the wrong side of the car! :lol: They're supposed to lean *forward*! Sheesh... some people. ;)

I've got a few more pictures (including a few shots of Neil Vanni's poor Honda being removed from the track :() that I'll post later.

BOO 2003-08-10 10:46 PM

SECCS Rules !!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys are Awesome !!!
Thanks for the pics :)
Ps: Anyone get his Autograph ???

ArthurS 2003-08-11 08:44 AM

Thats cool as hell that he put it on his car. Looks like way to fun of a time.

So what cars wrecked? How did it happen?

sperry 2003-08-11 09:01 AM

Well, i guess before we got there somone rolled down near turn 1. We didn't see that one.

Gary's incident was with the #49 Civic driven by Neil Vanni. Neil was leading the race (and there's some controversy about that too... something about passing under a full course yellow).

Gary was right on Neil's tail when they ran up on a lapper Miata that was running slow. Neil had to check up and Gary went to pass on the inside of a left hander. Neil moved left, either to block or to avoid the miata, or because he didn't see Gary, or who knows why, but he came over and they made contact, Gary's RF fender into Neil's LF fender.

Neil went sideways and the both went off course. When Neil hit the dirt sideways the car rolled.. bad.... I'd guess like 9 times, one hell of a ride. Gary was able to get back on course after only losing his bumper to the dirt.

Gary was able to finish out the race and take 2nd. Neil was able to get out of the car under his own power, and seemed not to worse for wear considing the severity of the wreck.... his car is pretty much done now tho. :x

dknv 2003-08-11 09:50 AM

Alright, Scott & Matt & Tyson & Theo! Way to come thru for our wrx racing hero Gary.

And Gary, thanks for sporting the sticker! It looks great on your racecar!

MattR 2003-08-11 06:31 PM

Seriuosly, that was the best weekend I've had in a while...Auto cross was a blast, the track was awesome, we got to see Gary's USTCC WRX inside and out, and SubyDude's hooked up WRX, and met some great people. Good times. I think I was more tired Monday morning than I've been in a while, the sun really took it out of me...Oh well, I can;t wait for Seca :twisted:

GarySheehan 2003-08-11 08:23 PM


You guys are definitely cool!

Thanks very much for all your efforts to get the stock tophats for us!!! It always amazes me how much Subaru folks are willing to go out of their way for one of their own. Even though we didn't need to use them (whew), I seriously appreciate the effort you guys put in to help us out!

I'm working on putting the video together. I should have something ready soon. I'll keep you all posted.

Again, it was great to meet Matt, Scott, Tyson and Debbie. I'm not sure if I'm going to Laguna yet, but if I do, we should get together.

Sheehan Motor Racing

MattR 2003-08-11 08:43 PM

Awesome Job Gary, thanks for a great weekend, and welcome to the board.

BOO 2003-08-11 09:08 PM

How Cool is that to have the "SECCS" DECAL on an actual RACE WRX !!!!!
not to say that you guys in auto-x arent "Real"
Man , you guys should feel special and priviledged you got to meet and see the Gary S. :)

Kostamojen 2003-08-12 12:15 AM

Thats not the first time a Civic has found Gary out on the track :p :(

Looks like you guys had fun, I cant wait for my first track day on the 27th :D

sperry 2003-08-12 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Kostamojen
Thats not the first time a Civic has found Gary out on the track :p :(

Looks like you guys had fun, I cant wait for my first track day on the 27th :D

I saw Gary's video of the Honda passing him at California Speedway... I've never seen someone litterally throw their hands up in disgust... it sucks the cars were so unbalanced, but it's actually quite funny to see Gary's reaction.

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