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Pat R. 2007-01-09 09:54 PM

So who else watched the much-hyped special about meth tonight? Do you know someone whose life has been affected by it?

Of the people I know who have tried it more than once, every one of them is either missing teeth, unemplyable, or in jail.

MattR 2007-01-09 10:19 PM

Yeah, most meth heads stand out like a sore thumb. I didn't get to see the special, but I can imagine what it was like. My neighbors are way into meth, they say their moving soon, not soon enough....yuck....

Nick Koan 2007-01-09 11:02 PM

I had a friend who was way into Meth back in college. As far as I know, he's doing alright (huge safety net from his folks) and got back on his feet. I haven't talked to him in ages though.

Including him, the rest of the methheads I knew were the pseudo-intellectual artist types. Which usually turn into the burnout types, but have a few good years to maybe put out that great opus. Again, most I haven't talked to any of them in 4 years or so. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the ones that didn't kick the habit were turning down the burnout road.

MPREZIV 2007-01-10 07:16 AM

That stuff's absolutely disgusting. I saw the show last night, (i don't have cable, so if I wanted to watch tv at 7:30, that's all there was! :lol: ) and pretty much every person they had on there was a duplicate of some moron I've known who got strung out on that crap. Call me an asshole, but I can't bring myself to feel too bad for people who still decide to try it, when you can CLEARLY see how it ruins people... The ones I DO feel bad for are children who have meth addict parents, and parents who have meth addict children; The ones who didn't put THEMSELVES in contact with it.

JonnydaJibba 2007-01-10 08:44 AM

Meth is the worst drug ever.

I got a DUI when I was 19 (don't talk shit, I've heard it all, and it was a lesson well learned), and was ordered to attended counseling classes every Saturday for 9 months. I would say about 80% of the people in my classes were ex meth-heads. I've never seen the stuff. I don't ever want to. But from what I heard and saw from them firsthand, I can say that I will NEVER touch that shit. It destroys lives. It sucks that it is such a problem in our area.

100_Percent_Juice 2007-01-10 12:52 PM

My friend with the blue bugeye Cody and his bro made that video. They both work for global studios.

dknv 2007-01-11 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Pat R.
..Of the people I know who have tried it more than once, every one of them is either missing teeth, unemplyable, or in jail.

Do you know anybody who only tried it once?

I only got to see a few minutes of it, I saw a few minutes of the sheriff's (? or was it the police dept. head?) daughter, yikes, it can happen to anyone. It looked like it was a good quality production. Rachel watched most of it (since the teachers were offering extra credit for doing so), and said the format was different than what she thought it was going to be. She didn't realize so much of it was going to be testimonials and people talking.

I asked John (my son) whether he thought the message was a good one, and whether the program might help. He didn't think so; in his opinion, the only intervention once you're hooked, is incarceration. And even that doesn't always turn the person around.

It is pretty scary that it's such a big problem here. I'm wondering if it isn't a big problem everywhere; or is there something about NNV that amplifies the problem?

MPREZIV 2007-01-11 12:21 PM

I can say that of the few places I've spent any amount of time, it's pretty prevalent across the left side of the country at least! In Phoenix 4 years ago when I lived there, meth was absolutely RAMPANT. For lack of a better expression, it had really become a plauge on the city. Every where you looked there was some poor bastard on a street corner with no teeth, sores on their skin, and what seemed like nothing at all going on behind their eyes...

MPREZIV 2007-01-11 12:31 PM

Wow... coincidence. My mom just called me and told me that one of my dad's old drinkin' buddies was just found dead this morning from an overdose... Don't know what he had in him when they found him, but I DO know that Meth was his drug of choice.

Suxors, but I still can't bring myself to feel that bad. He did it to himself.

Tahoe C5 2007-01-11 12:53 PM


Not just Nevada but as MPREZIV indicated, it's much of the left coast and probably nationwide soon. I couldn't buy cold medicine in Lewiston Idaho because the OTC drugs for a cold (and are used to make meth) were all locked up in the local Albertson's store and the pharmacist was gone for the evening!


cody 2007-01-11 12:57 PM

I knew a girl that called it "Crystal", but then again, that was her name. I did her. True story.

JonnydaJibba 2007-01-11 01:23 PM

ew you did a meth head.

cody 2007-01-11 01:24 PM

By trasnitive law, I did meth, but not for reals.

JonnydaJibba 2007-01-11 01:28 PM

And if you want to use that same principal we are all gay. Except for the people who are literally gay, they would just be extra gay.

cody 2007-01-11 01:31 PM

Not exactly...unless there was a drug called gay and you did it. :?:

JonnydaJibba 2007-01-11 01:41 PM

So then... are gay!?

cody 2007-01-11 01:42 PM

Logic isn't your strong suit Jonny. Don't make me use the fail gif.

JonnydaJibba 2007-01-11 01:45 PM

Shut up alright! I'm sure I could continue this whatever it is we are having but I don't feel like looking up transitive law right now.

Which in turn means you are gay.

Back on topic... and so is meth.

cody 2007-01-11 01:46 PM


Ezdno 2007-01-11 03:11 PM

Well after getting 4 phone calls from the Washoe County School District regarding this special presentation, I decided not to watch it or force my kids to watch it. Living the experience of sex, drugs and rock and roll of the 70's thru 90's gives me a bit of insight into the forum. Not bragging or proud of, but I am OLD...experimenting with Pot, Krank, Shrooms, Acid, Coke, and even Free Base is in my history, no needles, thats just creepy. I have people that are close to me that have been impacted by Meth as well, my Hells Angel Step father was into everything and anything and paid the price with half of his adult life being in prison, and then a sudden death due to messing with the neighbors wife.

Since I didnt watch the show, I dont know the details, but I will say that we are very open with our kids, about education, not just drugs, but alcohol and sex. Education and openess are probably the best weapon against things like meth. Peer pressure is certainly going to have a certain influence, but we like to think our kids might use peer pressure to keep some of their friends from trying meth. Naive, perhaps.

We run a youth baseball and softball league in Sun Valley, meth heaven as some might say. We spend MANY days and hours helping kids learn the game, which sometimes become life lessons. Some get lost in reality, I would like to think we influence more in the right direction.

I heard on the media aftermath that Nevada ranks #1 in the Meth war, I would like to see hard stats or where they come up with this info, we have such a transient base how could you determine that. I would also like to know how many other States watched that feature. Just my curiosity. Before anyone gets on the Sun Valley rant,
I believe the national stats indicate that above middle class has the highest amount of cases.

As far as the appearance of the meth head, everyone I have known has had massive acne, pock marks, rotting teeth, and sunkin features. However as in my case, a Steel metal pole to the face can have a serious impact on tooth health as well.

Back in the day, Freebase was the most addictive drug available, and I am happy to say all of the people I know that "experimented" with the long list of drugs mentioned above all have families and to my knowledge are living productive healthy lives.

I could tell you stories! Real life stories.

dknv 2007-01-11 04:19 PM

Ezdno, so, have you told your kids of your past history with the illegal substances? Is that what you are saying in your post, about being open with them about it? Or are you saying you talk about the issue with them, freely?

I do think family communication is a key factor in helping children learn what the right course is -- but then, to follow through with that, I would assume you would have to freely tell them there might be a problem, if or when they bring home a friend who you would suspect is using. Some kids are open to hearing that, others not, and can get to a point where they consider these friends more important than their family. I think peer pressure can be a very large influence for certain kids.

I too, know a few people who experimented, and while I would say they are living productive and hopefully healthy lives with families and careers et al, they are also not as well-off (i.e. homes, careers, possessions, kids in college) as some of my other friends who never experimented. (It's an interesting question to ponder - whether the 'more well-off' friends are as happy with how their life turned out, compared to those who experimented while traveling the road of life.)

Ezdno 2007-01-13 04:20 PM

Both, I have told them about my history and talk openly and freely with them both, as well as their friends that come over. We are also very active in their school and extra curricular activities, both with attendance, encouragement, re-inforcement, and financial.

There is an old saying my father used to use...Life is a series of decisions...your goal is to make as many right ones as possible. We try and instill that in all the kids we come in contact with, both in our family and our youth league.

We spend as much time with our kids as they can possibly stand LOL.

Why just the other day I gave my son his first lesson in Brake Pad replacement on one Subaru WRX....funny thing is he says..Thats all it is? I like changing brake pads.

He might have been sniffin brake fluid!

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