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Skidogg 2013-05-22 11:58 AM

Continental Extreme Contact DWS (and more) for sale
4 Attachment(s)
The tires are 215/45/17, and only have 750 miles on them. They are brand new and are mounted on a set of 17" "sport edition" steel wheels. The lug pattern is 5x114, I'm not sure of the offset but I bought them from Subaru for my 06 STi so it's probably +48.

This is a $1,000 set up and I am asking $750.

I also have a Thule 602 Ascent 1100 cargo box, excellent condition (used 2 seasons w/key) for $275, a Ping G 10 "Pro Launch Red" stiff shaft slightly used driver $50 and an old school Miller Genuine Draft neon bar sign (working) $200.

If you are interested in any of these items PM or call my cell 775.223.9229 with your offer.

Thanks for looking.


sperry 2013-05-22 12:16 PM

Those wheels are clearly aluminum alloys, not steel wheels. Don't sell yourself short!

Skidogg 2013-05-22 12:41 PM

Thank you for the correction sperry!

A1337STI 2013-05-22 04:02 PM

I like those rims, i have 5 of them. i think they are made by some division of bbs .. but i don't know why i think that (could be wrong)

100_Percent_Juice 2013-05-22 06:53 PM

I remember when you had those on the STI. Have you done anything to your new subaru yet?

A1337STI 2013-05-23 08:59 AM

oh those rims are made by ASA, which has some sorta technical partnership with BBS..

I got the motor and turbo rebuilt after a cracked oil pick up did a lot of damage. :( and fixed several exhaust leaks (still have a tear on the muffler)

but nope, car is same as it was in 07 .. just uglier

Skidogg 2013-05-23 03:59 PM

Hey Joel if you're asking me I haven’t done anything other than some cosmetics. I had a clear bra installed by Dexter at Sierra Invisible Shield. They of course did a great job. Also I installed a low lip trunk spoiler.

I really do like the car but it needs a little more on the low to mid range. Nothing that the guys at K Speed can’t remedy.

Skidogg 2013-08-28 08:03 AM

Bump for winter approaching, someoone needs a winter set up and a roof box to haul their gear... Make offer!

Skidogg 2013-10-23 08:10 AM

Price drop on the tires - $650 OBO. Thule box is sold.

Skidogg 2014-01-30 10:44 AM

I still have this set up and it needs to go! Priced reduced to $400 firm.

100_Percent_Juice 2014-01-31 08:27 AM

Casey, like I've said before. Simply change the bolt pattern and ill buy them from you.

Skidogg 2014-02-01 02:21 PM

Buy an STi Joel and we're good.

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