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MattR 2004-01-29 03:58 PM Autocross challenge.
Looks as if the Subydude challenge has been extended to more than just the San Fran Region. We should DEFINATELY sign up as a region.

Between the Reno regulars, and the SAC guys, we should have a pretty interesting challenge.

Read the link about Autocross challenge

Then if you are interested, reply in this post and we will sign up as a region.
I already requested that sunydude add our region, we will link up th edetail to our schedule and participants as soon as we get em.

I'm in.
6. Kevin

dknv 2004-01-29 04:25 PM


ArthurS 2004-01-29 04:27 PM

I am in of course. Just need that last rim for the season.

Dean 2004-01-29 05:04 PM

I'm in... Guess I just commited to running STX...

sperry 2004-01-29 05:05 PM

I'm there.

I'm like 90% sure I'm in NSM tho, which will make it pretty hard to compete with you STX people PAX-wise.

Kevin M 2004-01-29 05:14 PM

I'm in too... probably from SU though... this better be a DAMN fast car if I'm gonna out-PAX any of you. :P

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-01-29 06:29 PM

Blatant Subaru-only discrimination going on in this contest... :P

MattR 2004-01-29 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey
Blatant Subaru-only discrimination going on in this contest... :P

Isn't it wonderful.... 8)

MattR 2004-01-29 06:34 PM

Okay guys, if you're really in , register at and post up your info in this link.

Subydude has added our region.

STIwish 2004-01-29 07:25 PM

I wish.

Kevin M 2004-01-29 09:38 PM

registered. Surprise, surprise; I was already registered to post at What are the odds. :P

ArthurS 2004-01-30 09:21 AM

Registered. :D

Dean 2004-01-30 09:40 AM

I think we need to convince Scott to stay in STX...

Beleive me as a former SM person, there are just to many high HP lightweight cars out there. That last event last year was an eye opener. Yes, I was on crappy tires, but the BMW and Mustang owned me, and I don't think they were that much better of drivers.

I would guess that you would need approximately 400HP to make a WRX competitive in (N)SM

Also, you are already close to being fully prepared for STX. I think it would be a great season with everybody helping each other dial in their cars, and maybe just maybe giving some of the old timers a run for their money in PAX...

You and Mat were way up there at the last couple events... Don't know if we can catch the carts, but will be fun to try...

I think we need to have a Subaru Solo II strategy meeting for the '04 season. Crew for each other, etc... I think as a team, we can kick some corvette butt.

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-01-30 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Dean
Beleive me as a former SM person, there are just to many high HP lightweight cars out there. That last event last year was an eye opener. Yes, I was on crappy tires, but the BMW and Mustang owned me, and I don't think they were that much better of drivers.

Actually I don't think the Mustang is particularly high HP or lightweight yet. :lol:

1995 Mustang curb weight: 3280 lbs

2002 WRX curb weight: 3085 lbs

Scott's car puts out more power than mine does, and I think especially now that he increased the roll stiffness with the new C/O's he'd be right there at the front in SM if he was running on DOT-R's instead of Azenis.

MattR 2004-01-30 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Dean
I think we need to have a Subaru Solo II strategy meeting for the '04 season. Crew for each other, etc... I think as a team, we can kick some corvette butt.

Yes! great idea.

tysonK 2004-01-30 01:48 PM

I see you added me Matt, but my name is not capitalized like everyone else. :cry:

ZER026D 2004-01-30 01:54 PM

I am signed up ready for the season. :D

MikeSTI 2004-01-30 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK
I see you added me Matt, but my name is not capitalized like everyone else. :cry:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Maybe you should have capitalized it on your screen name so we don't hurt your feelings :lol: :lol: :lol: :P

MattR 2004-02-11 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
I'm in... Guess I just commited to running STX...

Don't forget to register here. So that Subydude has you in the running.

Kevin M 2004-02-11 09:36 PM

Anybody hear anything back from Subydude yet? I haven't, not via email anyway.

MattR 2004-02-11 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Anybody hear anything back from Subydude yet? I haven't, not via email anyway.

no not yet. Hopefully soon.

Also, Has everone whose going to Buttonwillow been confirmed? my payment went thru, so I guess I'm in.

dknv 2004-04-05 07:50 AM

I guess I won't be able to be in the SD challenge after all ...

Dean 2004-04-05 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by dknv
I guess I won't be able to be in the SD challenge after all ...

Bummer.. We will miss you.

Hey, has anybody gotten their T-Shirts etc yet?

They asked for addresses a while back...

sperry 2004-04-05 09:12 AM

I haven't heard or received anything yet... 'course I haven't checked the mail in like a week, and aparently I'm the only one that bothers to check, which sucks because one of my roommates gets like 10 magazine subscriptions so our mailbox is full in 2 days. :roll:

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