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juananguianoc 2015-04-17 08:39 AM

KSpeed Closed?!?! Now What?
I took my 03 Impreza to the guys at KSpeed and they did all the seals, timing belt and water pump. Now I'm looking to do the same with my 00 Outback sedan but KSpeed is closed. Anyone have any suggestions on where to take my car now?


k-dogg39 2015-04-17 10:23 AM

Andy is still at Independent auto in Sparks. I would probably go there personally right now.

juananguianoc 2015-04-18 09:09 PM

Thanks i will have to check them out.

juananguianoc 2015-05-06 03:00 PM

So I called Independent Auto and they quoted me $3k -$4k :eek: I got all of the engine seals, water pump and timing belt for half that at KSpeed, $4k sounds ridiculous, any other suggestions?

Nick Koan 2015-05-06 03:14 PM

After KSpeed closed, I took my car to Infinite Velocity Motorsports. Seemed like good work, but I think their prices will be close to what Indy Auto is charging. Not sure who else is out there.

sperry 2015-05-06 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Nick Koan (Post 166055)
After KSpeed closed, I took my car to Infinite Velocity Motorsports. Seemed like good work, but I think their prices will be close to what Indy Auto is charging. Not sure who else is out there.

+1 Jay at IVM is a solid guy, and friendly to the local motorheads. Tell him you're an ex-KSpeed customer and are in the Subaru Club and he will probably do what he can on prices.

I've been to Indy Auto too and never got the impression they were specifically friendly to enthusiasts. Not that they're a bad shop or anything, they're just a shop where customers are just customers, and routine maintenance work is their bread and butter. IVM feels a lot more like KSpeed did, where they're apt to be more friendly to customers that are "car guys". That said, IVM has never been a budget oriented shop... they do lots of big projects and stuff, not just oil changes.

Maybe Andy can chime in about Indy Auto since he used to (or still does?) work there regarding pricing.

renosubby 2015-05-08 01:21 AM

I know I haven't always been big here on actual car maintenance etc. just tuning. But I now have a licensed shop and fair rates and have always offered 15% off to seccs members. Just an option I thought I'd throw out.
75 bank st
Ste 18
Sparks nv 89431

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