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MattR 2004-02-08 09:49 PM

Matt and Scott take on Reno Fernley Raceway!
Today we (Scott and I) met with the owner of Reno Fernley Raceway, Rich, to scout some land for a rally-cross, and while we were there, we ran a few hot laps in the subies.

The STi felt great on the track, we were reaching speed near 100, but nothing too extreme...I can say one thing, those JIC's on Scott's car REALLY perform well, his car is right at home on the track. we only ran a hand full of laps, but I feel like I can run much harder out there with some more track time, I'm sure Scott feels the same.

Anyway, it looks very promising as far as our rally cross planning goes, there is actually a potential for a rally track for us to use, so if all goes according to plan, we will have a rally-cross program in the fall of 04. Keep your fingers crossed, I'll keep you guys posted as news becomes available.

Anyway, here are a few pics of Scott's car, since we ran at the same time, there are no pictures of my car, and these are of Scott on the last lap,,,doesn't that thing look great on the track?

tysonK 2004-02-08 10:13 PM

What the HELL, I should have ditched my parents and went with you guys, holy crap.

MattR 2004-02-08 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK
What the HELL, I should have ditched my parents and went with you guys, holy crap.

Holy Crap indeed! Best day ev4r! Sorry you missed it Tyson. However, you can run a full day of tracak testing for $125 per vehicle at Reno-Fernley, so I will be going back out soon to get some more seat time.

BOO 2004-02-08 10:22 PM

YEAH !!! sounds to me like a perfect setting for a Meet ;)

MattR 2004-02-08 10:24 PM

It was pretty cool having the ENTIRE track to ourselves, just the two subies tearing it up. The people there watching told me my car was fast going by, but too quiet :lol: they said it sounded like a lot of air moving though. :lol:

tysonK 2004-02-08 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
It was pretty cool having the ENTIRE track to ourselves, just the two subies tearing it up. The people there watching told me my car was fast going by, but too quiet :lol: they said it sounded like a lot of air moving though. :lol:


MattR 2004-02-08 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK

Originally Posted by MattR
It was pretty cool having the ENTIRE track to ourselves, just the two subies tearing it up. The people there watching told me my car was fast going by, but too quiet :lol: they said it sounded like a lot of air moving though. :lol:


Not really owned, they did liken the sound to that of a fighter-jet! 8)

tysonK 2004-02-08 10:32 PM

Not to quote myself BUT:


Originally Posted by tysonK

With people sliding into curbs and getting hit it seems like our group is having a bit of bad luck, but I will give karma a chance.

Hopefully Only good things will happen to us now, on the road.

And we also won the Subaru Incentive Program!!!11!

And now you and Scott on the track sweet.

MattR 2004-02-08 10:39 PM

Good point Tyson, things are looking good.

sperry 2004-02-08 11:53 PM

Yeah everything's going well...

'cept I need wheel bearings ASAP. And I found out my brakes are woefully inadequate for the track. :lol:

...there's always something else to spend money on. :roll:

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-02-09 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by sperry
And I found out my brakes are woefully inadequate for the track.

There's a surprise... :lol:

Even those 13" pie plates on the front of my car are supposedly barely adequate for real track use.

sperry 2004-02-09 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by AtomicLabMonkey

Originally Posted by sperry
And I found out my brakes are woefully inadequate for the track.

There's a surprise... :lol:

Even those 13" pie plates on the front of my car are supposedly barely adequate for real track use.

Well, I went through the esses at like 80mph, and braking at the end, I'd push the pedal about halfway down taking it easy into the closing radius left hander.... then as I trail braked (very gently mind you), I'd apply more brakes and get zero additional braking force. :lol:

I'd really like some StopTechs, considering they're the ones Gary runs on the USTCC car, but I don't know where I'm gonna get the $1700 for 'em! :shock: You think StopTech would want to sponsor an STX car in addition to a Touring Car? :lol:

Other options look like the Willwoods (Dean, how do you like yours on the Stealth?) or even the Baers, but I don't know personally of anyone running the Baers on a WRX.

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-02-09 09:37 AM

I'll take four, please. :lol:

Wilwoods can be pretty heavy duty, lots of short oval track guys use them... do they have an application for the metric WRX?

MattR 2004-02-09 09:40 AM

Those would do the trick...nice

ZER026D 2004-02-09 09:49 AM

The Baer Brakes are bad ass they work with Alcon to make there stuff. :D

MattR 2004-02-09 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by ZER026D
The Baer Brakes are bad ass they work with Alcon to make there stuff. :D

Yeah, Scott, last night I found a few threads on Nasioc about these Baer kits and I guess they are really a good fit on the car...Sorry I lost the links, but definately take a look at them..I'm not sure who sells them,

MattR 2004-02-09 08:53 PM

Check out this cool video Gary Sheehan put together...right Click, save for a good perspective on a lap at Reno Fernley.

Scott, you were only 3 seconds off of Subydudes time!!!! And we weren't even pushing that hard....Hmmm. JIC's outdated huh? Bet me.

Enjoy the video...Gary Sheehan's USTCC WRX vs. Subydude's WRX.

STIwish 2004-02-09 11:03 PM

Very nice guys, so when is the track open? and when can you run for $125 for a full day of hot lapping?

ArthurS 2004-02-09 11:04 PM

Bad-ass video. Damn that car is loud.

MattR 2004-02-09 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by STIwish
Very nice guys, so when is the track open? and when can you run for $125 for a full day of hot lapping?

Most every Sat and Sun, and then days during the week when the track is open, you have to call before, but usually, you can get on track any day.

STIwish 2004-02-10 01:10 AM

Safety requirements? will they allow street bikes out there?

MattR 2004-02-10 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by STIwish
Safety requirements? will they allow street bikes out there?

Yes, there were two out there sunday, and someone said there are frequently 20-30 bikes at the track once the weather warms up.

MikeSTI 2004-02-10 08:21 AM

bitchs :x i wanted to go for free like you guys :P

sperry 2004-02-10 09:41 AM

You know... I think if I stop eating fast food, I could spend that money every other weekend on track time at Fernley. :lol:

I'd be healthier and faster! It's a shame I have no will power. Cheeseburgers control my mind. :(

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-02-10 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by sperry
Cheeseburgers control my mind.

And your arteries... I can hear the clogging sounds all the way over here... :lol:

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