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sperry 2004-02-17 06:58 PM

SECCS in SportsCar Magazine!!
1 Attachment(s)
I just got this month's SportsCar, and we're in the NORPAC Divisional Report!

Of course they didn't quite get our name right... I knew we shoulda came up with a better name! :lol: It's too bad they didn't print a picture of all the cars.

Congrats none-the-less! More national exposure == good! :)

ArthurS 2004-02-17 07:01 PM

WHOA! Nice article.

Way to impress some people everyone!

BOO 2004-02-17 07:04 PM

Nice!!! Way to go peeps :)
SECCS is definately Growing :)

Dean 2004-02-17 07:10 PM

Very cool, and they almost got the name right. :lol: :lol:

tysonK 2004-02-17 07:13 PM


AtomicLabMonkey 2004-02-17 07:16 PM

I knew you when, man!! :lol: You guys are famous now.

JC 2004-02-17 08:12 PM

At least you guys picked the name I liked. My group wouldn't name our spaceship ISP (InterStellar Penetrater) OR Deep Thrust. :(

sperry 2004-02-17 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by JC
At least you guys picked the name I liked. My group wouldn't name our spaceship ISP (InterStellar Penetrater) OR Deep Thrust. :(


MattR 2004-02-17 08:50 PM

Sweet! I didn;t get my magazine yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing it. Cool beans!

JC= Haha at ISP , good name,

Nick Koan 2004-02-17 10:05 PM



MikeSTI 2004-02-18 09:00 AM

its just keeps getting better :D

sperry 2004-02-18 10:07 AM

More acclaim in the Reno Road & Tach!

dknv 2004-02-18 10:28 AM

In SportsCar, that is COOL!
I heard this from Tom right after the convention - so I think it's doubly cool that he included seccs, and Scott and Matt in these acknowledgements!

"My first column on the convention didn't thank
all the people it needed to so I will try to
cover some of that in following columns. With
only 800 words to work in, I can never say all
that I would like. Words are never a problem,
space is..."

tysonK 2004-02-18 06:08 PM

when I scroll the Reno Road and Tach all I see is:

WRX...........................WRX................. ..WRX..


BOO 2004-02-18 09:04 PM

Umm Tyson, I think thats called tunnel Vision .. I think you need to see your Eye Dr. :lol: :wink:

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