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Dean 2004-03-04 05:37 PM

4GB Microdrive/CF card $200 or less
Edit 3/16/04

ONLY CAMERAS THAT SUPPORT FAT32 CAN USE THIS DRIVE! Only the very high end cameras like the rebel etc. do. Even the Fuji S7000 DOES NOT! For FAT16 cameras, you are limited to the 1Gb or 2Gb drives!

If you have a digital camera that supports CF, this is a killer deal! I just spent $164 for a 2.2Gb before I found this.
Oh, and you get a MP3 player to go with it, or you can dump on ebay for $40 bringing it down to $160... This drive is currently retailing for about $400-500

From either amazon, pricegrabber, or pricewatch, find the best deal on a Muvo^2 4GB player.

Amazon link:

Basically, you buy it and take it apart and there is a brand new 4GB Hitachi Microdrive. Take that out, and either sell the shell, or throw another CF card in and use it as a MP3 players.

For more info, check out these threads..

Hey Scott, can we have a computers & electronics forum?

Dean 2004-03-04 05:43 PM

Did I mention I also got a killer deal on a Fuji FinePix S7000 12/6 megapixel 6X optical camera for $400 after rebate? It also does 640x480x30fps video! 60 minutes should fit on that card as 33 minutes fit on the 2.2Gb. Say helo to my new in car camera!

Scott, I need to buld one of those mounts! Where did you get the square tube & the gimble?

tysonK 2004-03-04 06:04 PM

holy shit Dean that is a mindnumbing deal, too bad i dont need to take that many pictures!

i'll wait a little longer until it's real cheap.

sperry 2004-03-05 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
Did I mention I also got a killer deal on a Fuji FinePix S7000 12/6 megapixel 6X optical camera for $400 after rebate? It also does 640x480x30fps video! 60 minutes should fit on that card as 33 minutes fit on the 2.2Gb. Say helo to my new in car camera!

Scott, I need to buld one of those mounts! Where did you get the square tube & the gimble?

All the hardware came from Lowes, and the gimbal came from Gordon's Photo (it's over by Woochon's).

more pics here

Dean 2004-03-05 06:20 PM

Interesting. When I mounted it in my car, I mounted it tight to the seat top. I thought it would be more stable and less bounced if a passenger's helmet hit the headrest. Have you tried it both ways?

sperry 2004-03-05 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
Interesting. When I mounted it in my car, I mounted it tight to the seat top. I thought it would be more stable and less bounced if a passenger's helmet hit the headrest. Have you tried it both ways?

I mount it as high as possible just so the camera can see as much off the front of the car as possible... gotta see them cones! I also use a strap between the headrest and the child saftey mount in the rear to reduce vibration. If you watch my Fernely footage, you'll see how much vibration there is w/o the strap, while my autoX footage was taken with the strap.

MikeSTI 2004-03-16 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
Did I mention I also got a killer deal on a Fuji FinePix S7000 12/6 megapixel 6X optical camera for $400 after rebate? It also does 640x480x30fps video! 60 minutes should fit on that card as 33 minutes fit on the 2.2Gb. Say helo to my new in car camera!

Thanks for pointing this out!!!! I really needed a new camera so after lots of searching this really is the one that has it all for the best price!!!

and I have another rebate for $100 so my price might be down to $280 :shock: after rebate depending how the reciept is spelled out?

Thanks Dean it looks like a really nice camera cant wait to get mine :D

Dean 2004-03-16 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by MikeSTI
I have another rebate for $100 so my price might be down to $280 :shock: after rebate depending how the reciept is spelled out?

Where did you find the additional $100?

And it looks like the company you found is down to $350 after rebate! Damn...

P.S. The 4GB flash card will not work on these. The 2.2 will format out to 1.99 and that is as big as it supportts sine it is FAT16...

Stiick to the 2.2s for $160 something on pricewatch.

MikeSTI 2004-03-16 03:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
yah i kinda figured the 4g wouldn't work in it but 2.2 isnt that bad either i have a camcorder if i need lots of video heres that rebate

so i'm hopeing to use this once i get my camera but like i said above dont know if it will work so far i only been charged for 380 so if i can use this =)

Dean 2004-03-16 03:31 PM

Good luck, but I don't think you will get the additional $100... Don't be surprised if the box arrives without a UPC, or you really got charged $480...

Still, not a bad deal!

It is a great camera!

MikeSTI 2004-03-16 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dean
Good luck, but I don't think you will get the additional $100... Don't be surprised if the box arrives without a UPC, or you really got charged $480...

Still, not a bad deal!

It is a great camera!

I'm thinking the UPC might be voided or takin but as far as charges go I've still only been charged the $350 plus shiping so far will see :D

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