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ArthurS 2004-03-08 01:34 PM

Hydrogen Peroxide Turbine Powered Gokart!!!!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

BADBORA 2004-03-08 01:47 PM

I've seen that before. It's pretty cool. What happens at the end, does the kart blow up or something? :twisted:

ArthurS 2004-03-08 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by BADBORA
I've seen that before. It's pretty cool. What happens at the end, does the kart blow up or something? :twisted:

Still D/L the friggin video. 650 bytes/per second...what a crappy server.

ArthurS 2004-03-08 02:18 PM

Wow. That thing takes off like a damn jet. At the end of the video, it does blow up. :shock:

MikeSTI 2004-03-08 02:23 PM

I let you know what I think.......

........once its done downloading :?

Kevin M 2004-03-08 02:24 PM

Slowest. Download. EVAR.

BADBORA 2004-03-08 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Slowest. Download. EVAR.

Ah, doesn't that suck. :cry:

Kevin M 2004-03-08 05:54 PM

I didn't even let it finish after it dropped to 250 bytes/sec. Somebody host it here, it's smaller than the limit I think.

ArthurS 2004-03-08 06:08 PM

I'll host it in one sec once it d/l's again

Link below....should be much faster now.

ArthurS 2004-03-08 06:21 PM

BADBORA 2004-03-08 06:27 PM

It is a lot faster, thanks. :wink:

sperry 2004-03-08 06:57 PM

When that thing explodes at the end.... :shock: HOLY CRAP! It sounds fucking cool, but I can't imagin being the guy on the kart when that thing pops.

LVSUBARU 2004-03-08 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by ArthurS
Wow. That thing takes off like a damn jet. At the end of the video, it does blow up. :shock:

That was a jet! It looks like they modded a big ass turbo into a jet. I've seen people do that before, but never on a go cart!!! :shock:

STIwish 2004-03-08 07:43 PM

I wonder if they would let me out at Fernley with that......

BADBORA 2004-03-08 07:47 PM

I wonder if they'd let me take my kart out to Fernley :twisted:

STIwish 2004-03-08 07:50 PM

Im a drag junky, so i mean the 1/8th mile track out there.

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