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zrallyman 2004-03-09 11:15 AM

Friend wants to up the hp in his subaru
My friend has a 2000 outback 2.5L. He would like a little more power out of it but keep it daily drivable. He dosen't want it breaking down or needing major tweaks. So, something like a chip. Also what kind of gas milage changes might he see? Power gains? and cost?

sperry 2004-03-09 11:50 AM

Re: Friend wants to up the hp in his subaru

Originally Posted by zrallyman
My friend has a 2000 outback 2.5L. He would like a little more power out of it but keep it daily drivable. He dosen't want it breaking down or needing major tweaks. So, something like a chip. Also what kind of gas milage changes might he see? Power gains? and cost?

Well, I don't have a N/A 2.5, so I'm not sure I know what I'm talking about, but I would guess that "chipping" the car, i.e. an ECU reflash or a piggyback won't really gain much without other mods. However, the 2.5L motor responds well to intake and exhaust mods. If your friend can stand the louder noise, a cold air intake and header or cat-back exhaust should boost the output and "fun" factor quite a bit, w/o costing too much or losing driveability, unless you consider a louder exhaust undriveable.

Hey RS guys, chime in here!

Dean 2004-03-09 12:32 PM

SECCS stickers are good for 5 HP a piece! :lol:

Seriously, on NA, all you can do without affecting reliability much is intake and exhaust. In a way, that is true for turbos as well. All the boost bumping etc. is not great for reliability.

A decent filter may be worth a couple HP. A cat back a couple more, and manifold back and a high flow cat a couple more. I'm not even sure a CAI will buy you much over the above.

After that, you get into higher compression by thinner gaskets shaving heads or new rods/pistons, porting or replacing intake and exhaust manifolds etc.

Chiping NAs is seldom worht more than a couple HP, and may afect engine life depending on how far they push the knock envelope.

zrallyman 2004-03-09 12:40 PM

that's kind of what i was thinking, he just wanted to hear it from a subaru driver.

Dean 2004-03-09 01:15 PM

Anything can be made to go faster, it all depends on how much money you want to throw at it...

zrallyman 2004-03-09 01:49 PM

yeah, he didn't want to spend much, he just wanted a little more power. I told him that a chip alone would give him a little more power and wouldn't really reflect in his gas milage or reliablity unless he is always flooring it. I know he dosen't want a louder exhaust nor want to spend the money on getting a good cat back system. I told him I would ask you guys incase there was something about subarus that I wasn't acountting for.

Kevin M 2004-03-09 02:20 PM

Is the 2000 Outback the twin cam or single cam EJ25? If he really wants more power that actually makes a difference, all he needs are cams and a full exhaust. He can crack 200 flywheel hp for around $1200 pretty easily.

BADBORA 2004-03-09 02:21 PM

Yeah, but that's also pretty expensive, don't you think?

Kevin M 2004-03-09 02:23 PM

No, I don't think so, but my perceptions of what a performance budget is are a bit warped. ;) That includees cams, headers, highflow cat, and a custom catback though. Worth 35-45 horsepower. I think $1200 is a bargain for that.

BADBORA 2004-03-09 04:05 PM

I guess you have a point there. :)

JC 2004-03-09 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
Is the 2000 Outback the twin cam or single cam EJ25? If he really wants more power that actually makes a difference, all he needs are cams and a full exhaust. He can crack 200 flywheel hp for around $1200 pretty easily.

Single cam. Same as the MY00+ RS motors IIRC.


LVSUBARU 2004-03-10 09:15 AM

There aren't really any decent "chips" out there for the EJ25. On my wife's Forester we just did the intake and exhaust. Probally freed up 10-20HP

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