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turbo3rotor 2004-04-12 02:24 PM

Quarter Mile Times
What is a good Quarter Mile Time for this elevation? i ran my stock 02 WRX out at Fallon about a month after i got it, my fastest time was a 15.423 with a 7.02 reaction time at around 89mhp, with a good launch. I've read that the WRX is a 14.4 at sea level and i know there is a difference in times given the higher elevation but i don't know how much it is. Let me know.

ryan4601 2004-04-12 06:36 PM

it really just depends on your car and how you drive. is your car a 5 speed or auto. about a second slower seems pretty reasonable.....most say that you loose .5-.75 seconds up here in reno. i mean im sure youve reaized the power difference from reno to when you are in the bay is a pretty noticeable diffence......but all in all your time is pretty good.

on a personal note, i think the 14.4 that subaru claims is a bit fast for a stock wrx...i think that they actually run about a 14.7 or so but thats just me.

Evo Mike 2004-04-12 06:58 PM

well, the quartermile time that subaru claims for their wrx was done with a professional driver and also under optimal conditions. (as you said elevation, temperature, humidity, etc.) The mid 15s quarter mile you ran is pretty reasonable considering the elevation we're at, and the condition of the fallon track...

on another note... you launched your stock wrx?!?! how old was it and how high did you launch from?

Above 5000- 5500 rpm's, and you're crazyyyy :lol:

turbo3rotor 2004-04-12 08:34 PM

I launched mine from 4500 to 5000 somewhere in that area, is that bad? i have a freind who launches his bouncing off the rev-limiter (yeah he's an idiot), and his car is thrashed from the way he drives it, and he is giving subarus a bad name.

tysonK 2004-04-12 08:37 PM

he won't be driving his subaru much longer cause it won't be shifting.

Evo Mike 2004-04-12 08:46 PM

yeah, like tyson said... he wont be shifting much longer if he is launching bouncing off redline. His tranny will be royally sh*TTed as well. As far as 4500 goes, thats about right. although a little high for the wrx... remember, the wrx supposedly has a "questionable" tranny. I'm suprised your friend hasn't left his on the ground yet. Anyway, 4500 rpms is about the optimal launching rpm for the wrx... (i could be wrong)

A solution to the launching problem could be an RA geared tranny, and an excedy twin plate clutch w/the lightened flywheel. :lol: [/quote]

STIwish 2004-04-12 11:34 PM

I was able to launch a lot higher on the tach at elevation than near sea level... the elevations effected it alot

turbo3rotor 2004-04-13 08:34 AM

4500 is the highest i've ever launched, i'd never take it higher than that

sperry 2004-04-13 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by STIwish
I was able to launch a lot higher on the tach at elevation than near sea level... the elevations effected it alot

Huh? How does elevation change the rotational enertia of the motor? At high elevation you're still dropping a stopped clutch on a flywheel w/ all the motor's rotational mass behind it that's spinning at 5000+ rpms. That's not good for the drivetrain at any elevation.

Granted once you get going, your not as likely to continue smoking the clutch due to the lower amount of torque, but I wouldn't change my launch rpms base on altitude... just realize that you're going to be slower up here than down at sea level, and trying to launch around it will only damage your clutch and tranny just as it would down lower.

STIwish 2004-04-13 12:46 PM

*shrugs* Im simply saying that I could launch from a higher RPM due to the decrease in power at elevation without a violent reaction from the car (which i often got when drag racing in SD if i revved it too high)... take it however you want.

sonicsuby 2004-04-14 02:55 AM

I usually launch between 4500 and 5000 rpm. I suck at launching though and have only been able to get a 2.2 60 ft. My best run is 14.4 @ 93.5mph with a 2.2 60 ft. If I could launch better and bring down the 60ft time, I should be close to 13s..

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