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STIwish 2004-04-20 11:04 PM

Initial D: Fourth Stage
I know there are a lot of Initial D fans here... would like to say the first 2 eps of Fourth Stage are TEH COOL.. but there hasnt been a decent fan sub released yet (as they came out last weekend), i have both the raw versions and the only fan sub so far. ... ill keep you guys updated when a group releases a good one that they dont turn into 2F2F

tysonK 2004-04-20 11:08 PM

I think I'll just wait for teh DVD.

STIwish 2004-04-20 11:16 PM

You'll have a very long wait :)

sperry 2004-04-21 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by STIwish
You'll have a very long wait :)

Well, you gave to wait for the series to finish airing on Japanese TV, so that's like 15 weeks. Once that's over with, I'll bet you'll be able to buy 'em on DVD out of Hong Kong with subtitles on eBay a few weeks after that. So figure 6 or 7 months?

STIwish 2004-04-21 03:32 PM

Yup.. that sounds about right.

STIwish 2004-04-22 04:31 PM

Found a killer fan sub for the first ep.. still waiting on the second, but with this quality.. its worth the wait.

kamenrider 2004-04-23 06:26 AM

ooo where did u find the episode? That anime is da shitznit! I wanna see it

MikeSTI 2004-04-23 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by STIwish
Found a killer fan sub for the first ep.. still waiting on the second, but with this quality.. its worth the wait.

let me know when you get the complete box set :shock: :lol:

STIwish 2004-04-23 11:47 AM < live-evil fan sub.. very bottom of the page... for those who actually care (at least someone does) :roll:

ArthurS 2004-04-23 11:57 AM

I don't :P

sperry 2004-04-23 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by ArthurS
I don't :P

I care, I just don't want to see each episode in a half-assed, bad sub'd version 40 times while looking for a good version. So I'm just planning on waiting for the DVDs which should look as the authors intended.

Kostamojen 2004-04-23 05:19 PM

Scott, the liv-evil dub is of very good quality.

tysonK 2004-04-23 08:27 PM

in 5 years it won't matter if you saw it 8 months earlier then you could have.

Kostamojen 2004-04-23 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK
in 5 years it won't matter if you saw it 8 months earlier then you could have.

If I saw the origninal Matrix any later than I saw it (first showing, first day) I wouldnt have been as in awe as I was at that time, as completely overwhelmed as I was, because someone would have spoiled it for me somehow :p

tysonK 2004-04-23 09:16 PM

Can't you block those people from telling you things?

I have never had anyone ruin a movie for me and see A LOT of stuff.

Even films with special effetcs(dime a dozen nowadays) or innovative sequences are never ruined for me by "movie talk".

kamenrider 2004-04-24 03:29 PM

goddammit... they ended it with Takumi just about to kick the other car's ass... I hate it when they leave me hanging like this...

btw, thanx again for the link, I just cant wait for the dvd hehe, I wanna see it and I wanna see it now :D

STIwish 2004-04-24 07:48 PM

The next one was released when he DOES kick its ass :)

kamenrider 2004-04-24 09:21 PM

I was hoping the picture quality is better... but hey, beggers cant be choosers right...

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