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Kevin M 2004-07-05 02:44 PM

brake dust relief
Okay, so I thought I was going to be selling my P1s (seems to have fallen through though... que sera and all that) and I decided to get them actually clean, since I try to be a nice guy and all. Plus, I have a public reputation to protect. :P Anyways, I'm having a hell of a time getting the last of the dust. I know it's from the Thunder Hill track day, having lots of superheated brake dust from brand-new pads and rotors flung at the wheels at high speed. It's stuck on their pretty good and I can't figure out how to get it off without damaging the paint. It's almost like it's rust, but I don't think it's gotten through the paint on the wheels. Any suggestions? Simple Green, Windex, Amaze, and CLR have all failed. Now what do I try? :?:

Dean 2004-07-05 05:59 PM

Brake cleaner maybe? Make sure you read the can first, and try a very small amount on the inside lip first to be safe...

khail19 2004-07-05 11:07 PM

You might try paint thinner or acetone. The brake cleaner might do the trick too, but it's pretty toxic stuff so be careful with it. If you use acetone you might want to dilute it first. Before you go crazy with the industrial stuff, have you tried just a regular wheel cleaner? Sometimes they work pretty good if you let them soak on for a couple of minutes.

Kevin M 2004-07-06 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Dean
Brake cleaner maybe? Make sure you read the can first, and try a very small amount on the inside lip first to be safe...

I'm all out. But, isn't it a bit sketchy using it on painted surfaces?

Kevin M 2004-07-06 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by khail19
You might try paint thinner or acetone. The brake cleaner might do the trick too, but it's pretty toxic stuff so be careful with it. If you use acetone you might want to dilute it first. Before you go crazy with the industrial stuff, have you tried just a regular wheel cleaner? Sometimes they work pretty good if you let them soak on for a couple of minutes.

Ran out of that too. I'm kinda hoping that some sort of household solvent like vinegar or something is the answer. I guess I'll just go invest in another bottle of wheel cleaner first.

Thanks for the help guys.

sperry 2004-07-06 08:02 AM

Don't forget, good ol' elbow grease works too.... I used wheel cleaner, simple green and a *ton* of rubbing to clean up all the Axxis Utimate dust from my SubZeros before tI sold them. It took a lot of work, but they came out clean as new!

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