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mpeyton 2004-07-22 01:06 PM

Noise on an STI with 12,000 miles
There is a consistent thud at low speeds and it sounds like it is coming from the rear suspension. The dealer said they fixed it and it still makes the noise. It just started in the last 1,000 miles. After an attempt to brush me away they are ordering new struts. Is this going to happen every 12,000 miles. any one else out there with a similar experience?

Kevin M 2004-07-22 01:44 PM

It's a TSB fix. PM Egan on for a full description of the problem and fix. He's going through the same thing on his STi right now.

mpeyton 2004-07-22 01:49 PM

What is a TSB?

Kevin M 2004-07-22 01:52 PM

Technical Service Bulletin

mpeyton 2004-07-22 01:58 PM

rear noise
I couldn't find a bulletin on the noise. what is the issue with the struts?

Kevin M 2004-07-22 02:02 PM

Re: rear noise

Originally Posted by mpeyton
I couldn't find a bulletin on the noise. what is the issue with the struts?

Unless you're a Subaru service department employee, you won't have access to the TSB until someone comes along and posts it on the interweb. :P I don't know the exact issue, since I don't own an STi, but Mike Egan can explain it to you if you PM him on i-club.

sperry 2004-07-22 02:09 PM

Re: rear noise

Originally Posted by BAN SUVS

Originally Posted by mpeyton
I couldn't find a bulletin on the noise. what is the issue with the struts?

Unless you're a Subaru service department employee, you won't have access to the TSB until someone comes along and posts it on the interweb. :P I don't know the exact issue, since I don't own an STi, but Mike Egan can explain it to you if you PM him on i-club.

mpeyton's new to the online Subaru community, I just talked with him on the phone to set up his SECCS account.

Mike: I-Club is another Subaru website: It's mostly Bay Area / Sac people. The other big online Subaru community is NASIOC ( ). You'll see them referenced all over the place around here.

Mike Egan is also on this board, his user name is "Egan" and you can PM him here directly, but he just doesn't check his messages here quite as often as on I-Club.

See you at the meet tonight!

MattR 2004-07-22 02:35 PM

Mine has just started to do the thud thing, along with my whiney rear end...I think I'll have it checked out...I need to talk to Egan...I want that TSB reference when I go in there.

oh yeah, just turned 16,000

sperry 2004-07-22 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
Mine has just started to do the thud thing, along with my whiney rear end...I think I'll have it checked out...I need to talk to Egan...I want that TSB reference when I go in there.

oh yeah, just turned 16,000

Post that TSB here for everyone! I'm not an STi driver, but I'm interested in finding out what's wrong!

MattR 2004-07-22 04:38 PM

Found this thread on Nazioc...

MattR 2004-07-22 04:53 PM

Okay, upon further reading, it looks as if there is a definate solution for this problem, It involves taking each strut apart and lubing the components. The Nazioc thread has all the details, starting with post 170 or so, on page 7.

Since I am a couple weeks away from changing my springs, I will do it then. No problem.

What's really funny is, the dealers are swapping out tons of struts, when all they really need is some lube...too bad we can;t get a hold of that surplus...

Egan 2004-07-22 05:01 PM

Have fun reading:

I am going to try tightening the nut at the bottom of the struts this weekend, but I doubt it is that simple. A lot of STi's have been going in for warranty work on this. I don't know if it's a TSB yet, but I would expect it to be soon.

MikeSTI 2004-07-23 08:22 AM

mine's not doing it? ohh ya I have Tein's :lol: :lol:

U53D 2004-07-23 08:48 AM

Almost 1000 post mike :D

mpeyton 2004-07-23 11:08 PM

Noise in the Struts
IT sounds as if the inverted struts aren't able to stay lubricated. I have heard and read all kinds of posts and I don't like what I am hearing. It sounds as though everyone is having this problem and no one has a solution. Some of the dealerships are handling it by replacing the struts. It sounds like some aren't dealing with it at all. I think it sucks that subaru is ignoring this issue. I don't know how long they will be able to with this many people having problems. It sounds like regular WRX's are having the same problem also.

MikeSTI 2004-07-24 08:56 AM

I still have my take-offs :shock: maybe I should take them in to be replaced then sell on e-bay! mahahaha :lol:

Kevin M 2004-07-24 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by MikeSTI
I still have my take-offs :shock: maybe I should take them in to be replaced then sell on e-bay! mahahaha :lol:

Actually, if you put them on, get them to clunk, and get them to be replaced, SonicSuby in Sac might be interested in buying them from you.

sybir 2004-07-24 03:58 PM

Yeah, or my happy ass, since my WRX struts are blown, too :|

Anybody what wants to sell STi takeoff struts, let me know ;)

MikeSTI 2004-07-25 08:55 AM

I might just sell them.........let me think about it :wink:

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