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MattR 2003-04-12 11:50 PM

Anyone Up for a PM meet his week?
To celebrate my return to working norman human hours, I wonder if you guys want to meet up for a night time meet this week. I was thinking Wed Night around 7...Anyone up? anyday is fine if wed doesn't work.

ArthurS 2003-04-13 10:18 AM

I am always game.

ShawnS 2003-04-13 11:45 AM

Werd da big bird! With the temps rising, I think a night meet is a great idea.

BOO 2003-04-13 12:51 PM

3 Attachment(s)
That would be awesome .... let me know where ok you guys.. Ohhhh and I was wondering.WHERE IN THE HELL CAN YOU GUYS(AND ME, WHEN I GET MINE..LOL) GET SOME OF THESE MADE??? THESE LOOK SWEET... To me anyways .. lol

BOO 2003-04-13 01:11 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Hey Dudes!! Check out this Subaru WRX that my Bro-in-law made on the internet....

dknv 2003-04-13 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by BOO

I've seen this on some vendor's link off NASIOC, I'm going to get mine done one of these days....

tysonK 2003-04-13 03:47 PM

yah i'm good for a wed night.BTW: what the hell this weather sucked this weekend, i was going to slap my wheels on, but fuck that, if we meet wed night i should try to do it mon or tues, so at least i'll have something to show for myself. i'm begining to think i'm lazy :roll: . this attachment thing is starting to get out of hand, please post smaller pictures, i can't tell what the hell i'm looking at :wink: . but it does solve the problem of pic hosting so that is really cool. :!:

ps: BOO the name of your picture abrahams'creation kinda sounds like a biblical chilling thiller novel

BOO 2003-04-13 04:31 PM

Yeah I need to find smaller pics... Until then I guess Patience is a Virtue :P
Ohh and by the way..LOL.. That isn't the end of it dude.. His Real Name is "Abraham Lincoln" hahahahah !!!! shh!! Don't tell him I am making fun of him .. lol

khail19 2003-04-13 11:19 PM

Wednesday night is perfect for me. Just tell me where to be and what time to be there. I'll bring my homemade light bar to show you guys. And then I'll make you all blind for an hour or so.


sperry 2003-04-14 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by khail19
Wednesday night is perfect for me. Just tell me where to be and what time to be there. I'll bring my homemade light bar to show you guys. And then I'll make you all blind for an hour or so.

Khail hour or so? 500w in my head sounds like permanent blindness!!

I'm down for a Wed night deal... drop some details on me!

dayofpain 2003-04-14 08:52 AM

sorry dudes i would love to come and meet all you peeps however weds is bike night at pj's. so i will be there (pj's). i would be down for a thursday meet but dont rearrange yourselves for me.

soulcrusher500 2003-04-14 02:34 PM

I'd be down with Wed. How 'bout if we do one tonight (Monday), too. It's really short notice but I'm looking to go to the Soulfly show at the New Oasis. Just wondering if anyone else is into hardcore music. It's 3:30 now. Call me if you are interested. 852-7040. I will start another thread on this so more people will see, so don't get pissed Scott.


MattR 2003-04-14 07:36 PM

Sorry Ryan, i didn;t see the thread until it was too late, and I got off work too late. Later.

MattR 2003-04-14 07:39 PM


Doink (SNIC(sierra nevada impreza club)) Meet...Wed, April 16th, 7:00 PM. We need to decide on a place. I'm good for pizza, Coffee whatever. I was thinking if everyone isn't into pizza, lets just meet at Starbucks by Circuit City on Keitzke. We all talk too much to eat anyway, haha. Suggestions please. we should decide tomorrow.



tysonK 2003-04-14 07:59 PM

YAH nice big parking lot. easy to find.

BOO 2003-04-14 11:06 PM

Ohh Hey Dudes !!! I met Lennon today(4/14) He is the driver/Owner of a Black WRX w/18's and a Roll Call with some awesome MODS 8) ...
We talked for a bit and he said He liked the website(DOINK) but couldnt remember the name so I gave it to him again and he said he might Join.. He also was excited about the Next Meet(Wed. 16th)and wanted to know if it was ok to tag along??
I gave him my Cell # and told him to call me when you guys decided where and When :)

Ps: So, Do we get a bonus for RECRUITING???? :lol: 8) ...LOL J/K

ArthurS 2003-04-15 12:00 AM

Starbucks is cool with me. I get to have three fillings done that morning, so I won't eat much anyway. :?

MattR 2003-04-15 06:14 AM

yeah, sounds like a plan, Starbucks it is. See everyone there at 7.

BOO 2003-04-15 07:30 AM

Sounds like a plan !!! See everyone there W/ my big a@@ wing ;)

khail19 2003-04-15 11:16 PM

I'll be there guys. See ya tomorrow.


sperry 2003-04-16 07:58 AM

Werd... Starbucks/Circuit City parking lot... 7 pm... I'm there!

ArthurS 2003-04-16 11:32 AM

Gawd I hate dentists. Just had 3 fillings done. Have to go back in 2 weeks to get 3 more done, then a week after that for wisdom extraction. :x

Anywho, Ill be there at 7 tonight. Sore jaw and all.

sperry 2003-04-16 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by ArthurS
Gawd I hate dentists. Just had 3 fillings done. Have to go back in 2 weeks to get 3 more done, then a week after that for wisdom extraction. :x

Anywho, Ill be there at 7 tonight. Sore jaw and all.

Holy crap! Did the dentist cram a golf ball in there too just for kicks?

The day after I got my wisdom teeth out, I went to Laguna Seca to check out Austin's Skip Barber weekend. I felt really good the day after... turns out the swelling and pain doesn't really start till 2 days after the procedure... :shock: Nothing like hanging around the Seca Paddock all drugged out on Vicoden. :lol:

tysonK 2003-04-16 04:44 PM

i got your two-way scott, it's in my car so i wont for get it...werd much WRX talk so little time.

tysonK 2003-04-16 04:50 PM

hmm i tired changing my username

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