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IheartSTI 2004-08-25 07:51 PM

sport hous
if u are iterested in an is300 go to the sport hous. they let me test drive it. it is turbo charged running 2 bars(about 28 pounds) i am not going to say how fast i went bc the seccs does not support that shit(neither do i, but i could not resist). i am prety sure there is not any imports around here that can beet it top end. not only does it look bad ass, rev out at nine grand, run 2 bars, but it does 180 mph in 5th gear(6 speed). someone shoudl check it out ASAP

tysonK 2004-08-25 07:54 PM


tysonK 2004-08-25 07:56 PM

in case you people don't know what sam is referring to:

tysonK 2004-08-25 07:57 PM

I guess this is the car you are talking about?

red is nice.

IheartSTI 2004-08-25 08:02 PM

yea, that car is so amazing. i did not believe it was a 200mph car....untill, nevermind but it does what they say it does.

tysonK 2004-08-25 08:04 PM

doubleurx 2004-08-25 08:10 PM

Did anyone stop by there this weekend. They had a small event there that was a blast. They had all their cars on display, complimentary wine and beer + food. It was very cool. I have known one of the oringinal owners for several years (John McClure). They do some amazing work - building race cars, modifications etc. I didn't see this car on Saturday? But they did have quite a few dream cars on display - GT3, Several turbos all years, gt40 kit car, Diablo VT, lotus E/T, several old 356's in amazing shape.........sorry, blah blah blah.....

Oh yeah the car looks cool.

tysonK 2004-08-25 08:26 PM

Yah John needs to sign up on the board and tell us about these events!!ONE11!

Kevin M 2004-08-25 08:30 PM

They say if you have to ask, you can't afford... but I already knew that. :P So how much was that IS300 going for?

tysonK 2004-08-25 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
They say if you have to ask, you can't afford... but I already knew that. :P So how much was that IS300 going for?

but how else are you going to write out the check?

Kevin M 2004-08-25 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by tysonK

Originally Posted by BAN SUVS
They say if you have to ask, you can't afford... but I already knew that. :P So how much was that IS300 going for?

but how else are you going to write out the check?

I always thought that in those situations, you were suppose to whip out the briefcase full of $1000 bills and just stop laying them down when they tell you. ;)

JC 2004-08-25 08:53 PM

Speaking of dealers, my friend's has a widebody BMW 2002 on the lot right now. It's sweet.

MattR 2004-08-25 09:40 PM

That's frickin' sick...I wish more people tuned IS300'sm, they are really nice to drive, look sweet, and looks like they can be made into a 4 dorr supra...sweetness

tysonK 2004-08-25 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by MattR
That's frickin' sick...I wish more people tuned IS300'sm, they are really nice to drive, look sweet, and looks like they can be made into a 4 dorr supra...sweetness

I guess we can wait till there are more used ones available.

Libila 2004-08-26 12:44 AM

Eric told me about the little 180mph dash on the freeway. That car is a sweety. For those wondering, its going for around $50,000 or so I was told.

AtomicLabMonkey 2004-08-26 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Libila
Eric told me about the little 180mph dash on the freeway.

Glad he didn't splatter himself all over the public road...

IheartSTI 2004-08-26 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Libila
Eric told me about the little 180mph dash on the freeway. That car is a sweety. For those wondering, its going for around $50,000 or so I was told.

i know the seccs does not support that so i tried to to have in late. but it was 5th gear(6speed) car is amazing.

MattR 2004-08-26 03:42 PM

It's nice and all, but still no SRT 4!

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